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Everything posted by Net66

  1. You are looking for a couple of HTML tags. <script type="text/javascript"> // various script here </script> But just use Buddy's test bot if you want to know if a page has javascript or not. This may not be necessary for long since in another thread on here Seth has mentioned a possible solution that he might put in. I hope he does since at the moment if you are manipulating data on a page that doesn't have javascript and you need to do some basic maths you have to navigate away to a page that does, do your evaluation and then navigate back! Andy
  2. At the end of the loop put in an if statement that checks if the current list position is equal to the list total. If it is then set the current list position to 0 Andy
  3. Just pop in an if node to detect and deal with it? if list item 0(%yourlist)=$nothing remove from list (%yourlist) 0 Andy
  4. Go through the tutorial on the site about how he built it so you understand the code. To do what you are asking you will need to use an "if searchpage" and when its true process the warning page accordingly so the bot can continue. Once you do that you won't get the error message popping up. This is really fundamental ubot stuff and a good little project to use for learning. If you get stuck feel free to come back for some advice or pointers. Andy P.S. If you really are set on getting someone to do this for you then drop me a PM and I'll give you a quote for the work.
  5. You will probably get this resolved quicker if you submit a support ticket. Ubots support guys are fast in my experience. By posting here you are relying on a staff member/moderator spotting the post and then passing it on. May as well cut out the middle man! Andy
  6. OK Gogetta! Although yours was not working it pointed me the right way and on route I fixed yours. Just took a different approach to the javascript... regex-sample-fixed.ubot Thanks for the pointer. Andy
  7. OK Regex is not my thing! I want to process the following regex; ^[-\w`~!@#$%^&*\(\)+={}|\[\]\\:";'<>?,.\/ ]*$ So let's say I have a bunch of text in a variable called #test, can someone give me a screen shot of what the $eval will look like to run the above regex on it? Andy
  8. Worse than that... it won't process any $eval (even {1}+{2})! Thanks for the share Buddy - a useful test for those who don't know what to look for in html code. Andy
  9. It wouldn't help in this case, but yes you can "send keys chosen" and send the constant $newline for enter. Andy
  10. Are the team aware that it's not just javascript calls? The $eval function does not work at all unless a javascript page has been loaded so even doing something like {1}+{2} won't return anything? Seems this should be mentioned in the documentation at least. Also seems a bit weak that the ubot script writer has to be sure that they load a page AND it has some javascript in it before they can do anything with $eval. Are ubot users all expected to know how to identify if a web page uses javascript or not? I guess it depends on the market ubot is going for, but if it is really going for th
  11. Welcome Infinity! Don't be put off by the tutorials being for the old user interface, the scripting is still basically the same except you now drag and drop commands in and don't need to insert blank lines. Andy
  12. When you've filled in the form you need to run javascript: validateForm(this); It is this script in their page that checks all the fields are filled and then makes the button active. They run the event based on keyboard events which we cannot emulate. But as long as the function is triggered and the form is filled in the button will become active. Andy
  13. I'll grovel too if it will help!
  14. Nice share Buddy! Andy
  15. You use While INSTEAD of loop... Andy
  16. OK. It is quite possible I am mistaken. I know Seth took out the default load page for political reasons, maybe we could have this back but just have it open a blank page with some javascript in it so a page has always been loaded? Might reduce future support issues with javascript? Andy
  17. Hmmmm real odd because I had a script that was running fine before the latest stable release and the page that was going to didn't have any javascript. I had to modify it so it goes to a page that does, but I am positive it was working before! Oh well the easy fix is to make your bot go to a blank page on your own server that has something simple like this in it... <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("Initializing..."); </script> Andy
  18. Set #isfound=0 -Loop While #isfound=0 if searchpage "object you are looking for" then #isfound=1 any other code you might want. -(end of loop) You might want to cater for the possibility the object is never found (to prevent getting stuck in an endless loop), in which case... Set #isfound=0 Set #temp=0 -Loop While #isfound=0 if searchpage "object you are looking for" then #isfound=1 any other code you might want. inc #temp if #temp >1000 then #isfound=2 -(end of loop) if #isfound = 2 then code for object not being found at all. else... continue. Andy
  19. If I were approaching this I'd write a sub that convert the numeric month to the full word and and another that returned the abbreviated month name. In your script you'd just have to scrape the attribute into a list and read the first one (January), then pop in if conditions based on if its January, if its Jan or else it must be numeric. In either of the two word cases call the appropriate sub to get the data to fill in into a variable and then fill the value with the contents of that variable. Andy
  20. I'd be happy to quote you but am pretty booked up with work at the moment and wouldn't be in a position to start anything for 3-5 weeks. What is your time scale on this? Do any of the forums use capatcha and if so how do you want it handled? You say you want a bot to go back and fill in some profile detail later, where would this information be pulled from? You want to export results to excel, ubot can only do csv which excel can then import - is that acceptable? Andy
  21. A curious discovery here... We know a web page must be loaded before we use javascript in an $eval, up until this release it could literally be any page. Now it MUST be a page that has some javascript in it. Make a bot that navigates to http://www.blank.org/ and then evaluates something using javascript and watch the variable. It fails. Now change the same bot to navigate to google.co.uk or bing.com and then run it... it works. I don't know if that also makes a difference to a normal javascript run as I've not tried it yet. Andy
  22. I'm having problems with javascript in $eval with the latest version. Things just returning empty. Doing some more investigation at the moment. Andy
  23. Sadly not. I know this has been requested. The ability to preload these with data would be great. My approach when doing a bot is to code in an if statement that checks if the ui entry is $nothing and if it is then assume a default value. Andy
  24. That is excellent advice. Andy
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