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Everything posted by kev123

  1. what was the api dan i could use that myself.
  2. ui stat monitor("Status",#status) ui button("start") { sched() set(#status,"scheduler started","Global") } ui button("stop") { set(#status,"scheduler stopping","Global") set(#runbot,$false,"Global") } ui drop down("Time mins","1,3,5,10,15,20,25,30,60,90",#time) define sched { set(#runattime,$multiply(#time,60),"Global") set(#currentime,0,"Global") set(#nextruntime,$subtract(#runattime,#currentime),"Global") thread { set(#runbot,$true,"Global") loop while($comparison(#runbot,"= Equals",$true)) { set(#status,"Next run in {#nextruntime}
  3. Are you looking for you application to be closed and then opened and run and then closed again or are you looking for a task within your application to be scheduled after x amount of time
  4. great share I was thinking of setting up snapshots and install some of the worst AV's to test some of my .net stuff after each update this will do nicely thank you.
  5. typically for custom work i'll price the following: just software- quote based on hourly rate/time to complete +rights to source - depending on complexity usually +50%, sometimes I can't go through with these jobs as providing the source and rights to the source isn't viable. Note Developer to Developer I don't include any additional for source as generally these jobs are for specific functions and not a full piece of software. I guess my criteria for additional cost of source is a commercially saleable product. excusive rights only rarely comes up and generally means a non-compete clau
  6. can someone please supply a list of AV that cause the biggest problem with locker.dll going to run some test. if you have a download for a trial much the better. thanks kev123
  7. You will get the benefits of a EV cert(instant windows smart trust) not long after with a normal cert has aged not worth apart from to look more professional. Most people ignore the smart screen any how it will only be a small number of support calls. I would follow some of the tips to make your site more trusted with chrome as this what people are more likely to complain about. thanks 9to5
  8. As your application grows older it will build trust and stop triggering windows smart screen. Compile an new version thou and back at start and that being the whole point of certificates. First things first Jason/seth need to confirm to yourself if a ubot exe can be signed otherwise wasted money. All of below i'm talking about is based on .net/mainstream languages executables. -don't expect that annoying windows smartscreen message to go away straight away unless you get a EV cert but does after a while. -get three year cert if you can afford. -don't ever sign someone's software as a favou
  9. for the price of signing I would just do your own. It would only take one issue with app to kill the reputation of the cert with windows smart. What I mean if one user was to get the private key hacked/stolen
  10. question for people having a lot of issues does your final outputted license.dll show problem in virustotal. i'm not able to test against one of mine as I mod each one for project.
  11. I've done a fair bit of work getting rid of false positives in .net and c++ apps. Let me know and I can take a look as well. thanks kev123
  12. @meter thanks seems easy fix. thinking about it you could force http to https at server side never done it but I would think it would just be a htaccess simple mod @Dan not for the security of license, mainly to work straight out the box with https sites and also keep the server backend login etc more secure when logging in while on public wiki etc
  13. @frank its on one of the previous pages I would compile a bot first thou without protection to compare start times to see if its actually a ubot problem/number of plugins. meter what's needed to get running on https, is it just mods to the license.dll or backend. If you know exactly what needs doing this would save me some investigation time. thanks kev123
  14. nice looks good I've modded my license system a lot. Is this just purely a style alteration or do any of the of the php files get altered just trying to understand if it will work with how my current system is setup
  15. check that your using all the plugins if not untick them before compile
  16. you could mode the license.dll which meter has provided the source code for
  17. for ubot variables to be local they need to be in a define try adding each thread part of your code into a define.
  18. completely depends on market if you can replace something that would cost $XXXX in manual work and yours cost $XXX then its a no brainer for most business. Also different markets a tech savvy IM guy will expect to pay a lot cheaper than say a business who will likely have different support needs such as phone support with same point of contact.
  19. this was from a misconfigured VPS that I looked at so might not be the issue with shared hosting
  20. @frank are you on shared hosting or vps and with what hosting provider. If its Vps Its likely that the wordpress email is being sent from an assigned IP for your site and the ulock one from default server ip. hence the difference
  21. surprised no vote for scraper its one of the most profitable type of bot you can make. Sure if your scraping FB user id its not big money but build a scraper that gets data people want who actually run a business and its good money. You even have the possibility of running it as a service by populating a DB on the backend for a website. kev123
  22. http://ubotdev.com/free-plugin-command-line-arguments command line from c#/vb to control not done it myself but seems pretty simple.
  23. can't remember but I think its called lock or system wide lock ages since I've used it.
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