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cүвεя_נυηкιε last won the day on September 29 2018

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68 Excellent

About cүвεя_נυηкιε

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/13/1978

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    Right behind you !
  • Interests
    Wife, Computers, Guitar and Music, ...
    Not necessarily in that order :p

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    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Hi, Really am glad you like it, Easy Crypt is grossly under-rated (maybe its the low price, i don't know) as it can even be used for silent updates and a wide array of possibilities. Ok regarding the issue, ... I'll be honest I haven't tried to use it for anything related to SSH so I am unsure. I can say that when testing with various different files when it was being developed that some files would not work (image files, folders, etc..) However some it was possible to trick some files by changing the extension to ".txt" before encryption and changing it back to whatever it was after de-cryp
  2. Thank you for the kind words Xochipelli, I'm glad you like it and even better find it useful In regards to the TinyMCE plugin, if you ever need it again in the future (for whatever reason) the link in the first post of this thread is still working Also, Thanks for taking the time to come back here and write that, very much appreciated! Enjoy Cheers CJ
  3. Hey there, Unfortunately I will not be any help here :/ I still to this day have no idea what caused it, ... I refused to replace any files specifically based on the fact that it was working fine for a couple of years (bar 1 similar issue a while back which i think was SSL/https related). I did contact my host and they basically gave me my mail settings which were indeed the exact same as the details that were present from day 1, but for some mysterious reason it started working as quick as it stopped. I'm not one to 'rock the boat' so to speak so I just chalked it up to gremlins ... On a
  4. Just waiting for my host to get back to me now, ... And yes, i think this happened before (exact same time i locked myself out of the lic admin), but for the life of me i cant remember how i resolved it :/ In the mean time, any chance you could possibly shoot me a link to the original Unleashed locker files ? (I seem to have misplaced them) Cheers CJ EDIT : Figured I would let you know the situation, ... The auto mailing is now working again. Couldn't tell you what the issue was or how it was resolved but none the less glad its working again. It's a strange old existence sometimes
  5. Thanks for the reply mate, I am still at a complete loss and as a result now waking up to a torrent of unhappy customers not receiving their licenses. I think i will have to pester my host, they MUST have changed/modified something. Damn it! Cheers CJ
  6. Hey, Wondering if anyone can help. As of yesterday afternoon when a license is added no email is sent. I have not changed/altered or modified anything in quite some time so I am at a complete loss :/ The email account used to send the emails is up and working, no issues sending mail. @Meter @Macster (UBotter Labs) Can you help ? I am not really sure where to start looking. Perhaps there is an alternate method to sending the automated license emails ? ANY help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers CJ
  7. Thanks dude, I was going to install on a different PC yesterday but when i realized i needed to install all the plugins again i brushed it off. That would be moderately funny if i overlooked the one thing that would have helped lol. I hadn't even contemplated the icon causing problems, I'll definitely check that out too. Cheers man! .. appreciated CJ
  8. Hey Brutal, Had to walk away from my PC yesterday, maximum stress levels reached. That's the funny part, it doesn't matter if its a bot with 100,000 lines or a bot with 50 lines, ... however I could probably disable a few more plugins that aren't being used, i tend to have a few active by default and to be honest plugins are usually the last thing i'd check before headbutting my monitor. I will definitely have a play around with disabling more plugins, it certainly not going to make it any worse lmao. Hey Pash, Yep, that is typically what i do but even that will not work in any V6
  9. Hello folks, Can someone please tell me why the Ubot compiler works the way that it does ? Or more to the point why it only works "sometimes" ? Or, .. more specifically why 99% of the time when the "Compile" button is clicked nothing happens and the tiny little green progress bar just sits there ? (not trying to be funny, a legitimate question) Ive been using UBot for a few years now and to my knowledge compiling has always been a royal pain the @$$ to a degree, but it seem that every new version of UBot the compiler gets worse. It has entered into the realm of ridiculous in that it actually
  10. Hey, Are they using a VPN or Kaspersky by any chance ? Only asking as i had a very similar problem a couple of weeks back were all my bots using ExBrowser started to "play up". I see they already mentioned they disabled all av/firewalls but if they are using a VPN it could be causing mischief. Ive had well over 1000 past customers have various odd little issues like this so if i stumble across anything else similar ill give you a shout. Cheers CJ
  11. Hey, Ah, that's a shame, .. looks like you have to put up with the browser resizing im afraid :/ To my knowledge there is no way to prevent the browser resizing when downloading an image using exbrowser (i could be wrong, often am lol). Im sure there will be a way to achieve this with cookies and such but that's a whole bunch of complication. Unless of course someone else has any pearls of wisdom ? Cheers CJ
  12. Hey, On some occasions you can do the following : Scrape the image "src" Load it into the internal browser using a "Load HTML" Download it from there. Cant say for sure without knowing the page your trying to download from but it works in most cases. Cheers CJ
  13. Hey, Understood and apologies! What is the average support reply time ? Cheers CJ
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