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Everything posted by gavind

  1. Hi rodvaN. It would also speed up things if you can post an estimated budget for this.
  2. From what I know, this has always been the standard on Forum sites. Since some members will tend to PM people selling stuff thinking that they can be discrete.
  3. That makes a lot of sense. I think that will work with maybe some minor adjustments since it's on a different site.
  4. This is because email providers like hotmail or yahoo has a limit set. I think it's like three accoutns per day per IP. You can actually try to test it out yourself my creating accounts manually.
  5. Great and thanks! I'm trying to start wtih Java. But I'm still trying to make things work on my end though.
  6. Hi Jpizzo, if ever you got this completed already, hopefully, would be nice if you can post a sample here for reference.
  7. You can also try to disable User Account Control on Windows 8. Just a hunch here that I have.
  8. Hi Pash, how much discount will users get? 10% perhaps?
  9. Hi. How about the change logs? Or is the version update all bug fixes?
  10. I think that this is not a feature yet. But one work around that I can think off is using a security firewall to prevent data from coming out if it's coming out from Ubot. We can probably add it and use a rule to block all data coming from Ubot from any firewall software and take it out once we want to get it connected again. I still have to test this myself though.
  11. Hi, have you got this resolved yet? You might want to try "choose by position" if it makes a difference.
  12. Good one so far, I'm still checking all the details though if this is what I'm looking for.
  13. Thanks Edward. Does it matter by the way on what version of a Wordpress site is used?
  14. I think Bit.ly has tons of traffic going to their servers daily. Could that be a factor for the delay?
  15. Fantastic, especially on HTML converter.
  16. Good one, I never knew it was this easy to fix this. I think deleting appdata entries also work on any application in general too.
  17. If adding a wait worked out for you rkink, can you also please how long you have set it?
  18. 3k records is a bit too large to handle I think. In the future, I guess this will be made possible.
  19. Hi Jpeter, how was this resolved for you if I may ask.
  20. Possibly, there were just updates on the page itself. have you tried checking using a regular browser?
  21. Looks like a tough one and good luck with that.
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