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Code Docta (Nick C.)

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Everything posted by Code Docta (Nick C.)

  1. STATUS("may status", "true", "") define STATUS(#STATUS, #ALERT, #LOGGING) { set(#C_status,#STATUS,"Global") if(#ALERT) { then { alert(#STATUS) } } if(#LOGGING) { then { append to file("{$special folder("Application")}\\logging.txt","{#STATUS}{$new line}","Beginning") } } } ui stat monitor("Status: {#C_status}","") Put this anywhere in your code as many times as you wish. Put true if you want an alert popup or leave blank if you don't. Put true if you want to log to file, other wise leave blank. Put the #C_status in
  2. You can just use Chrome dev. tools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du2Jnm-TzJc You can copy the JavaScript path in the same manner and use the run jabascript command with it. Like if you need to click a checkbox just add .click() to the js path. The video above shows how to get and verify XPath.
  3. There is also a free xpath plugin as well. https://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19449-free-xpath-plugin/
  4. 5-9-37 and 5-9-55 setup links.txt can try one of these versions too
  5. What version of ubot are you using? It seems to be working in 5.9.55.
  6. However, just navigating to an url should NOT open a new browser by itself. That would be a bug somewhere in your code or ubot code.
  7. Show some code, maybe we can see something. I know using ExBrowser plugin/Python Selenium we can switch to window/frame. But would need a list of open windows/browsers. Each have a unique ID. Regards, Nick
  8. alert($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Browser Alive")) That will probably do it. Regards, Nick
  9. and here is this https://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/On_Load
  10. You can type "on load" in the search bar CTRL + e
  11. yes, exBrowser has been stable for yrs. Most have been using it for a few years now.
  12. maybe this can provide some instie http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/22568-ask-find-callback-function-for-recaptcha-v2-invisible/?do=findComment&comment=138529
  13. Why do you need the two? when you're done with the second you can navigate back to the first. with JS back()
  14. you can try: the free - filemangement plugin - it has a function to select multiple files from a file dialog. available in the ubot store the free - advanced shell plugin - "$shell batch hidden function" cd into the directory and use the "dir" command then parse the filenames somehow, I have an idea. you cant get the plugin now his site is down the free - execute python plugin - do a ton of stuff with that, need to install python tho pm me on skype or here of you need more help regards, CD
  15. You mean you cant use $get files in Standard version?
  16. Try this solution, https://captchaforum.com/threads/problem-with-invisible-recaptcha-v2-callback-function-at-mail-com-sign-up-page.56/post-97
  17. Please do let us know so we might help you if you have any issues.
  18. I dont thinks so, the UI browser is older so not sure. possibly in ubot 6. have you looked at this? Ultimate Ui - Create Beautiful Uis With Xaml, Datagrid, Metro & More! - Plugins - UBot Underground
  19. Best I've seen with out recording is 54 with average 51 cps. When I started is was like 31 cps then I kept reseting it as it kept running. my internet is crappy too with recording Best I seen with out recording it is 54 with avrg 51 cps. code I used set(#cb true,"true","Global") navigate("https://www.clickspeedtest.info/kohi-click-test","Wait") wait for element(<innertext="Click Here">,20,"Appear") loop while(#cb true) { click(<innertext="Click Here">,"Left Click","No") } stop script ui check box("check",#cb true) The clicks counter does not reset it self if you leave i
  20. Yes, the easiest way would be the Ultimate UI plugin http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/22562-ultimate-ui-create-beautiful-uis-with-xaml-datagrid-metro-more/
  21. There maybe a captcha service to do this or you can make the user choose manually.
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