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Jaro last won the day on September 24 2017

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6 Neutral

About Jaro

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • OS
    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. I just don't like the attitude that this is normal - the right answer should be that, OK it's the current problem but we are working on it. From what you said I have a feeling like nobody really plans on working to remove this crucial problem asap. I actually have a similar feeling on the overall development of Ubot.
  2. I have been a programmer in tens of programming languages for over 20 years and when somebody told me something is impossible, that's where I mostly enjoyed creating those impossible programs.
  3. The correct attitude is to remove this virus alert even if it meant to write the code from scratch.
  4. You know but the thing is that the reason doesn't matter at all. The owner of the software decides if he has a limited mind and wants to belong to the low class or wants to go to the at least normal class - there is nothing normal about having a software showing a virus alert on all computers and even Gmail block
  5. It may be common for some low quality software, is this where Ubot wants to belong now? - the trash - low level softwares that cannot solve the most important thing when it comes to app - the trust? Can you imagine that you would get this on a well known software you buy, let's say Photoshop, or anything?
  6. Thank you but what kind of solution is this? How can I sell my compiled bots to customers if they are getting a virus alert and it's also not possible to send in a gmail as it is blocked as being a virus.. This is like the worst marketing ever.
  7. My Windows 10 Defender and also Gmail attachment scan says that there is a avirus on my compiled bot. The virus is: Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml My computer is super clean and new and I have no viruses and also did the whole recommended procedure already which is remove the whole Ubot and also from the appdata folder and reinstal and open in the administrator mode, etc... the problem is not that I cannot open Ubot, but that my compiled bots are scanned as containing a virus.....Please advise.
  8. I created a ticket here. Their reply first was this: Please try the following 1. Uninstall your current version of UBot Studio 2. Open Windows Explorer (the main file browser for Windows) 3. In the address bar, type "%appdata%" and the Roaming folder 4. Locate the UBot Studio folder 5. Delete it If you have any 3rd party plugins make sure that you have those backed up. I would also reboot your computer after doing the uninstall to ensure that there are no residual UBot files running in memory. Important: Disable any AV, Anti-Malware software, Firewall, Proxies as wel
  9. The problem was solved by itself - it's a server problem that was probably down for some time, etc... also the support replied that it usually happens on Mondays when the servers get restarted.
  10. Is anybody experiencing the same problem too?
  11. Actually, no, the real problem was not a mistake in my code but that it actually really doesn't work in the 6.7 version - but once I installed Ubot 6.3.1 - the "add test to image" suddenly works ok... Can you please tell me if somebody can use that function in later versions? I have Winwdows 8.1, could that be a problem too?
  12. Ok, I found the problem, it was in my script
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