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Everything posted by stanf

  1. anyone know an easy way to convert "04 oct 2016 20:20" to "04 10 2016 20:20" my best thought is to regex the thing apart run thru a bunch of ifthen guest to find the month and assign that to the corresponding month number then piece it back together. anyone got a better idea?
  2. one more thing dan. can you please pm me the link for the exbrowser user manuel, i need to brush up on something
  3. i was hopping this could be a command line thing, i wanted to see if i could game craigslist with anonymous proxies and a fake geo location. pashes windows automation is a clunky fix
  4. How to Fake your Location in Google Chrome http://www.labnol.org/internet/geo-location/27878/
  5. dan, is it possible to inject a spoofed geo location into exbrowser chrome?
  6. help any one know how to chrome (exbrowser) into incognito mode? normally this done by pressing control+Shift+N solved send keys ^+N
  7. pash can you give an example. ive been asked to to check domain and valid email
  8. just purchased, but i have a question. how many machines can i install this on? the things that automate i install on my production machine and map out the automation in ubot or winauto then load everything on to one of my other laptops
  9. if your not into regex set(#list od data,"safiullin.romochka@inbox.ru:password miss.tararushkina@list.ru:password nice.skorokhodko@bk.ru:password khvoevskayaa@bk.ru:password","Global") add list to list(%list od emails,$list from text(#list od data,$new line),"Delete","Global") loop(1) { add list to list(%email on one line pass on next,$list from text($list item(%list od emails,1),":"),"Delete","Global") }
  10. solved,, some how the proxy server settings were changed in chrome
  11. still can not connect to server uninstalled appdat folder uninstalled ubot reinstalled turned off the firewall
  12. is the license server down?
  13. anyone ever install the tor browser in exbrowser?
  14. anybody know how to list all open browser windows?
  15. thanx, i thought since it was a new system that you may have changed and included new procedures, one more thing did you ever release the bundle upgrade?
  16. hey yall got a small problem, logging in to facebook and its asking me to OK notifications, normally this can be coded out in the xpath parse, but in the parser the box doesn't show up. i tried sending the enter key and that just clears the overlay but the promt is still there. any thoughts?
  17. hi gang, i've had this for a while but never used it, but now life has pushed me to a point where i need to start selling things for real. my first problem is how do i set up the paypal integration, i don't seem to see the settings for this
  18. I don't believe that you can. I suggest either two separate bots or call the other bot by running a define command with a if/then test That's just my opinion
  19. don't think it can be done it seems that your app has to be white listed by twitter https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/account/verify_credentials
  20. What u want is the function url it grabs the current irk that is open in the browser
  21. pash id like to make a suggestion please could you type out a small manual if you have the time giving a brief over view of the commands. on my screen he videos are small and hard to follow
  22. i second chris comments when i first saw this i was hoping to find a work around to the clunky marrage between ubot and winautomation. but this going to need better documention on its use. but i see the possibilities keep cranikng them out pash .
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