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Everything posted by stanf

  1. loop(1) { set(#number1, $rand(10, 99), "Global") set(#number2, $rand(1, 9), "Global") set(#number3, $rand(1111, 9900), "Global") set(#number4, $rand(1, 9), "Global") add item to list(%final number, "{#number1}{#number2}{#number3}{#number4}", "Delete", "Global") }
  2. any movement on the remove item from large list?
  3. thanx fellas but i decided to spend a couple bucks and purchased a php script to source the raw proxies
  4. I got hma and i use it for my personal stuff, but i am building something i think i might want to distribute and i want to add a list of free proxies , like i would scrape from scrapebox
  5. can someone help me out with a list of free proxie sites to scrape?
  6. how do you guys handle large email accounts, I have an account with over 27000 emails (most of it spam) and I want to clean it up. But it takes forever for the table to fill (15 minutes of waiting), If i have to download the table to loop thru every time i delete an email i'll never get the job done
  7. for some reason this happens. I recommend finding the folder a C:\Users\who ever the user is\AppData\ubot back up the plugins folder remove the ubot folder from appdata then go to the installation folder of ubot backup any license info that your plugins need then uninstal/reinstall ubot then replace the plugins folder ad the license files and you should be good
  8. Aug 14, 2014 17:13:53 PDT Transaction ID: 8KN04704RR000874X how LONG do i have to wait to get the license?
  9. the clear cookies command wasn't doing the job for me, I would close the page run the clear cookies,lear flash clear mem,open a n listother browser and still be logged into facebook. So what i did was loggin in on chrome and grab the cookies that were shown in the edit cookies plugin {chrome} 1-logged in with ubot using the http cookies {cookie name_$nothing} for each cookie listed 2-navigated to facebook with $http get and i was complietly logged out
  10. if($both($contains("the runner wins", "wins"), $contains("the runner wins", "the"))) { then { alert("") } else { } }
  11. any one know how to effectively clear facebook cookies.
  12. thanks kev, it seems that option is not available in the update, so i had to install the original first then install the update
  13. i just reinstalled ubot 4 and did not back up the plugin folder, the plugin i am missing has a paramiter for "$open file", I am not referring to apichia's dialog function plugin. This pluginn simply opens windows open file dialog box. please, can someone id this plugin?
  14. i can only see the browser while in code view, when i switch to node i loose my browser window. anybody know what the problem is? http://support.ubotstudio.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/73/3/ubot-4-error-the-browser-isnt-loading
  15. can some one show my while this does not work with windows 8 example ; C:\Windows\System32\rasdial.exe "HMAVPN" user pass /phone: I have used the above line on windows xp, but it does not seem to work on windows 8. I have tj's hma plugin and its great for starting,stopping, and random i.p change, but i want to tie email addresses to certain geo area ie: certain parts of america ,uk, austriaila
  16. Please tj, can I have a macro recorder? It bridge the gap between Igor and video conversion.i can just turn the bot loose ( scrape a video site, down load the video convert to desired codac ,password zip and spam, oops I mean promote), and I can find time to sleep. Most of this can be accomplshed with current plugins but there is lack of flexability having to rely on x,y cowardanets
  17. Yes both are possible. Both can be accomplished wit list from text . Just choose character you want to use as the delimiter
  18. Hi media,, did you see the payment transaction?
  19. is this still available and how do i pay?
  20. this is the url of a file share site "http://www.filesnack.com/#login" when you click on tthe signe up by email link the register button is covered by a survey form loop(1) { set user agent("Internet Explorer 6") navigate("http://www.filesnack.com/#login", "Wait") wait for element($element offset(<login link>, 2), "", "Appear") click($element offset(<login link>, 2), "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<id="UAsignuptab">, "", "Appear") click(<id="UAsignuptab">, "Left Click", "No") stop script }
  21. i havent used by bypasscaptcha since my harddrive crash, and i want to start useing them again. the problem is i cant remember the fix for the negative balance issue, and i cant get a reponce from them. any one know the line to add to the host file to fix the issue?
  22. this maybe premature, but i did not get the email
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