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Everything posted by stanf

  1. thats what i wanted,but i think i am getting it now. i am able to get the list of available numbers from my test account from the test data by http get. my next job is to send the chosen number back by post
  2. lets tart here . where do you want it in the browser erea or the ui panel erea
  3. i think i might understand what you want is a sort of splash page with a banner or something like that?
  4. I may not be the best source of info , as i dont use ubot 5, i use 4. and for building ui panels i own several of the ui builders ovailable in the for sale section
  5. is this what you want ------------------------------------------------------- ui html panel(" <iframe src=\"http://disney.com/\"width =750 height =750></iframe> ", 600)
  6. can somebody show me how to connect to twillio to find available phone numbers? i am not familiar with curl this is the data they give for connecting ----------------------------------------------------------------- curl -X GET 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACcd49138b6f8218a7482d99c624b79e95/AvailablePhoneNumbers/US/Local.json?' \ -u ACcd49138b6f8218a7482d99c624b79e95:9b8554d0f81f7c78e28cacd0149ea022 or --------------------- curl -X GET 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACcd49138b6f8218a7482d99c624b79e95/AvailablePhoneNumbers/US/Local.xml?' \ -u ACcd49138b6f8218a7482d99
  7. TJ, can you point me in the rite direction. I am having trouble making the call to check on the available phone numbers. set(#frty, $plugin function("Advanced Shell.dll", "$shell batch hidden", "H:\\curl\\curl-7.38.0-win64.zip\\curl-7.38.0-win64\\bin\\curl.exe --request GET https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACcd49138b6f8218a7482d99c624b79e95/AvailablePhoneNumbers/US/Local.json? \\-u ACcd49138b6f8218a7482d99c624b79e95:9b8554d0f81f7c78e28cacd0149ea022"), "Global")
  8. TJ, if you ever find yourself on the run (the law ,mafia hit men,the IRS) you got a friens in philly :) thankyou
  9. forgive me,i am a little slow on some things, does this mean i can now 1) pva my own accounts
  10. hi mac, where does the plugin pull skype user id from? and will it allow contact from bot costomer to bot customer?
  11. thanx , but i might not need it this is not data that i will update more than once a day, so ill just make the bot down load a csv file on load and populate a sql data base on there machine
  12. this is what you are looking for http://www.ubotstudi...anced-datetime/ set(#aaa, $plugin function("Advanced DateTime.dll", "$date time current", "Short date"), "Global") set(#aaa1, $plugin function("Advanced DateTime.dll", "$decrement date/time", 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, #aaa, "Short date", "Short date"), "Global")
  13. does anyone know of a database host where i can draw data from that does not need me to white list every ip that is using my bot? they will not be writing to it just pulling data.
  14. loop(1) { clear list(%list of valid names) reset account("Any") set(#raw user name, "{$account data("Username")}{$account data("Zip Code")}", "Global") set(#maxlenth, $rand(5, 13), "Global") wait(1) set(#valid user1, $plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #raw user name, ".\{4,14\}"), "Global") add item to list(%list of valid names, #valid user1, "Delete", "Global") set(#valid user2, $plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #raw user name, ".\{4,11\}"), "Global") add item to list(%list of valid names, #valid user2, "
  15. loop(1) { reset account("Any") set(#raw user name, "{$account data("Username")}{$account data("Zip Code")}", "Global") set(#valid user, $find regular expression(#raw user name, ".\{4,14\}"), "Global") }
  16. has there been an update release, or is this just the sound of hungry folks licking their chops in anticipation ?
  17. can you post a couple lines of the data?
  18. im guessing that the line starts with info so that is a constant ( it isnt going to change) the [123] means that it wiil look for any thing that is found between the brackets the , is any character int this case its any character after info[123] the * after the . means that there is 0 or more characters in the string before it finds a blank space Keep in mind that this is not a perfect solution the [123] wil match 1,2,3 or 23.or 31 or any variation of 123 if what follows info[123] is a sentence that has letters numbers and spaces i would replace the [123] with this [d\w\s\'\"\.\-\,\;\:\&\!
  19. if i understand correctly this is what you got --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- info1 eferojeerjrmolwwkr info2 rwrjwjwje w ekhwb info3 kke nfiejrrjoeerkrkr info4 -i-don't-want info5 -i-don't-want info6 -i-don't-want info1 eferojeerjrmolwwkr info2 rwrjwjwje w ekhwb info3 kke nfiejrrjoeerkrkr info4 -i-don't-want info5 -i-don't-want info6 -i-don't-want info7 -i-don't-want555 info8 -i-don't-want4444 info5 -i-don't-wantyyy info6 -i-don't-want4444 info1 555 info2 rwrjwjwje w ekhwb6666 info3 kke nfiejrrjoeerkrkr88888 --
  20. sorry about that, try this. I removed that piece of code in the document write bracket navigate("http://nntime.com/", "Wait") add list to list(%dddd, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<td>*<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(*)</script>:*</td>">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global")
  21. the proxies navigate("http://nntime.com/ ", "Wait") add list to list(%dddd, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<td>*<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(\":\"+s+m)</script>:*</td>">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global") pull out the numbers ##.###.###.## and the periods leave what ever is in the middle ,leave the: and replace with the wildcard sign
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