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Everything posted by BeerNut

  1. Any chance you could update the download links? They return a AWS error.
  2. Can anyone post a sample code of a working http get request for a single page at Zomato? Something like this page https://www.zomato.com/sydney/koi-dessert-bar-chippendale I have been trying to access it with http get but no matter what it always times out. I have sniffed out the headers from Chrome and placed them in bot but it didn't help. Setting the cookie from Chrome also didn't result in getting a response back. I am able to access the site from normal browsers, exbrowser, and Scrapy in python. Only http get requests time out. Below is my sample code that doesn't seem to work. plugin
  3. I got got an email from a customer telling me that when they open the program they are getting this popup. "Warning - The following plugins have not been reviewed: HeopasCustom.dll support.ubotstudio.com" What the heck is this about? I absolutely hate crap that tells my customers to go to ubotstudio.com.
  4. Just needed to reinstall on a system. Can we get the download link for this updated?
  5. Yeah they pulled all old installers. Everything on portable apps just redirects to the newest chrome installer. All i found that worked was firefox since it has all of the old files. But even the portable firefox will auto update if you go to the about section to see the version. It auto downloads and then updates on restart.
  6. +1 for removing the realistic commands for now then adding them back in later. For my needs I basicly just need the send keys and mouse clicks. I have never hit site security that was so bad that it tracked my mouse or my scroll speed to tell if I was a bot. Of course I would rather have them than not just in case they are needed some day but that isn't right now for me. I have a ton of customers having browser issues and getting rid of those headaches and emails should be the top priority. Having them all install Firefox Portable is just a stop gap and an extra step that not many of them
  7. I have had quite a few users reporting WebDriver errors over the last month or so. I had never seen this error before until recently. Is it caused by the ChromeDriver? Attached is what the error looks like, I would just really like to know what it is so I know what to say when customers email me about the error. Here is the error image http://imgur.com/a/xjBWb
  8. Well Aymen sent me a screen cast of him using my exact code and everything worked fine. I can only assume at this point that I might have some sort of conflict with my setup in general that breaks it. So if anyone else wants working code to do this its in this topic.
  9. Still does not work. Nothing uploaded via $http upload gets accepted or has any data in the $_FILES array. I have sent Aymen a support ticket and sent him the link to this topic. Maybe he will be able to help. If I use a simple html page to post files to the php script everything works fine. Its just that any data sent via $http upload is just empty. Below is the simple html code to send files. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Select image to upload: <input type="file" name="rawData" id=
  10. Fiddler captures no data from the $http upload the log is always blank. And the Debugging info is always empty as seen below. <pre>Here is some more debugging info:Array ()
  11. Are you saying that with both of these companies (Smart Packer and BoxedApp) anything we package will not be able to be used with Meters license system?
  12. I am trying to get one of my posts to simply post cvs files to my server and then have my server save them. I am using HTTP Post and the $http upload command and php on my server to handle the saving. But no mater how much i simplify the code it never works. At this point I need a second pair of eyes on the problem so I can stop hitting my head into the wall. Here is the uBot Code set(#uploadFile,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http upload", "http://www.mysite.com/upload.php", "", $plugin function("File Management.dll", "$open file dialog"), "rawData", "file", "", "", "", ""),"Global
  13. Same here. Bought the program today and the files will not unzip. It hasn't been like this for 13 days right?
  14. Just purchased Ive been a lot time user of uBot but recently I have run into more and more anti scraper protections. Hopefully this series can help explain more about the headers and cookies stuff so I can get back to scraping.
  15. I had a customer today that told me both PhantomJS and the Chromedriver both were flagged by his antivirus when he updated my program. With uBots problems, meters license problems, and now this its surprising any of us are in business. Anti virus false positives are getting out of hand.
  16. Ah thank you! I was trying that but I was right clicking and trying to run each command in order and it always gave me a Null error. When I put them into a define and just ran the program it finally worked. I guess I just needed confirmation that this is how that actually worked. It looks like in my case the urls are followed without any problems or extra steps needed.
  17. Does anyone know a way to get the final URL from a http get with redirects? My url gets redirected like 5 times. What I need to know is that final URL so I can set it as a variable. Any ideas?
  18. I remember looking into code signing before Meter's system because uBot had issues before as well. Are you guys suggesting to only sign the License.dll file but nothing else? As I recall uBot said it was not possible to sign bot exes so I never did it. Like many others I have on my ReadMe page and setup email to disable antivirus and a how-to on making an excluded folder. I would love to not have to do this.
  19. Edit: Javascript works with this plugin. The browser is only hidden behind the data grid. But for Javascript to work you need to have the browser on a valid webpage. My problem was that I had a "Close Page" higher up in the script so the Browser was there but it was not at a webpage. I had it navigate to an empty page after the "Close Page" and its working fine. Also Aymen offers great support via his ticket system!
  20. For everyone that keeps asking for trials here is what I did. Have one uBotLocker install for your paid customers. Its own SQL its own folder. Then make a second install of uBotLocker. A different base folder and a different SQL database. Now what you do is add your trial users to the trial license server and then make a simple cron job that just deletes the license after your trail period. So my server issues licenses to the trail database, gives them 24 hours and then deletes the license. Since the license is now deleted as soon as the bot checks the license server and sees there is no
  21. Does anyone know from experience if the system requirements changed for the latest version of uBot? I recently (finally) updated one of my major products from 4.0 to 5.9.2. Nearly as soon as I did emails (of course) came in about it no longer working. They report that when you open the program nothing happens but it shows up in task manager. I have a hunch that these users are still using Windows XP and can not use anything higher than .Net 4.0. I am not sure now if I need to keep a 4.0 version for these users a well as a 5.0+ version for future updates.
  22. I would say its a pretty shit move on their part if that is the reason to refuse the refund. This guy is not some scammer on his 10th refund. Any time they have a major update of course people will want to try it out and see if this time it works for their needs. Forcing him to keep the program is just bad business. If you were my customer I would issue the refund, but you probably wouldn't be getting a 3rd refund if that ever happened.
  23. I am really retarded when it comes to adding new stuff and I usually go over the video tutorials over and over again until I get it down. This sadly doesn't have any it seems? So does anyone have a setup solution that is commented? I see the posts of code in here but as I don't get what each step is actually doing its hard to get going. My current setup using uBot lists/tables is to have one list full of urls, then in multi-thread I visit next list item of this list, I then get some data and place it into local variable, which gets added to a local list, which then gets added as a column
  24. When using Meters system how do you guys accept a one-time payment and then also have a subscription to updates? Thats two different payments, but 1 licnese. I am one of those guys with the one time payment systems and I've been doing it for 4 years. The money is still ok but its certainly not the $100 an hour Frank is talking about. My idea was always that in order to sell my software it needs to work and be updated. Since I have to update it to get new customers its wasn't a big issue to just have all my old customers get the update as well. I would like to expand my business and focus
  25. Similar issues mentioned before already. Here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18160-ubot-585-popup-error-for-users-outed-my-product/ In Here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18170-browser-crash/ and In Here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18162-well-they-have-definitely-been-working-on-the-browser-crash-issue/ So i am pretty sure this post won't be the thing that gets them to change it.
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