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Everything posted by maBOT

  1. Ah.. good.. So it's not due to latest Twitter updates.. I was afraid they followed the rest social media platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, even Google+/Youtube partially. It's good that you have it fixed.
  2. Set some money aside and buy yourself a legit version!
  3. Try not to use newer User Agent strings with Chrome 21 and it should work well. Google will display to you an older login page.. let us know if it works..
  4. Hello Zenos, I guess it's the same cause which made Pinterest and Youtube logins/buttons not to work anymore. Are you using Chrome 21? We need to find some workarounds, I don't believe a new Chromium versions will make their browsers stable any time soon...
  5. Not yet, unfortunately.. We're still awaiting a solution.
  6. Exactly. I scratch my head when I only see it running. The visual look of Chrome 49 tells you that's so unstable..you don't even need to test it.. I still hope we can find some workaround for Chrome 21, otherwise I'll also need to try out ExBrowser... but I don't really like an idea of remote controlling..
  7. Hello botters, I came across this morning that Pinterest no longer works with Chrome 21. Does anybody have experienced the same? This notification comes up upon logging in.. http://image.prntscr.com/image/1c2a10eb47814b929f13971ed16144a2.png I tried with each browser inbuilt, custom strings supporting newest browsers, Android/iPhone and crawler user agents, but to no avail.. In Chrome 49 with latest version of uBOT it works just fine. Is there any possible workaround, or I guess it's over and I need to switch to buggy Chrome 49? Thanks ahead!
  8. Hello uBotters, Earlier today I ran into the issue with clicking on Pinterest "Follow" button with Chrome 21. I tried every possible combination or things I could come up with, yet to no avail. Button simply blinks once and that's all, whether manually or via uBot's code. I also tried turning off/on javascript, flash, images, css, pop-ups. I'm using uBOT 5.9.19, although I'm subscribed to updates at this point of time new versions of uBot/Chrome 39/41 or whatever else didn't work for me quite well. I've found this version quite stable for over a year now and I'm sticking with it. Anybody ha
  9. PM sent! You're great due! :-) Thanks again for helping me out!
  10. Thanks bunch HelloInsomnia, Captcha Sniper looks like a nice solution. Have Dloaded their software and will give them a try. $57 lifetime is really nothing if it works. There aren't so much information on their website, excluding forum discussion but it seems that it's not hard to connect it with uBOT? Do you have any experience of the work flow?
  11. Hello botters. I came across some changes with the website I'm making a BOT for. They recently implemented a login captcha, which makes me headache. I'm looking around a possible internal solution since I'm needing many log ins/outs during the session, so paid captcha services would be my last solution. Here are 2 samples of how captcha looks like: http://sociallikes.net/imgs/captchalogin.php.jpghttp://sociallikes.net/imgs/captchalogin2.php.jpg I was thinking about OCR recognition methods with image processing prior.. Do you have any idea or at least point me out to a workable solution
  12. Yep, the server is down. I couldn't open uBOT studio today as well. Let us wait...
  13. Same here.. After several tries I haven't been able to compile my bot.. However, uBOT studio initializes w/o issues..
  14. Thanks, Pash for helping me out. All my login codes are being read and initiated via "Include" plugin, externally from .txt documents. Do you think "wait for element" variables (particularly "#segment") used stat monitor may cause the issues? I'm trying to put together one define for every actions that tend to repeat constantly. I'm also trying to use one list name for the similar stuff like social account login (&social Account login) which I clear once the action is finished to reduce the memory... One more question.. I read somewhere that "load html("(blank) (asset://asset)")" shoul
  15. Hello, Recently, I guess with the latest SoundCloud design upgrade I've noticed many times that my bot stuck with loading SoundCloud page, particularly on login. I've tried several workarounds for days, and now I'm really out of any any idea how to fix it. I'm pasting the script below for you to see and if anyone has something to add or advise me, I'd appreciate a lot.. Bot usually either stuck on re-login or when closing shared browser page to continue with main browser.. For the record: 1) I use Chrome 21, uBOT V5.9.19 2) tried w/ and w/o allowing CSS, images, when I turn off flash it
  16. Just my two cents.. I paid for the upgrade a few days ago and with exactly the same code from V5.9.19 (which worked with some smaller issues), I had re-compiled my bot with latest version and guess what - bot didn't want to even load.. I reverted back to 5.9.19 :-) I hope something particularly will change before my subscription runs out... @JackCrow Seconding the same, I don't believe the issues come from these settings..
  17. Hi, Mony3Maker Have you noticed my latest reply on this thread which did the trick? Pls see below: loop($rand(2,5)) { set(#youtube,$find regular expression($scrape attribute(<src=w"http://i.ytimg.com/vi/*/default.jpg">,"src"),"(?<=ytimg\\.com\\/vi\\/).*?(?=\\/default\\.jpg)"),"Global")Hope it helped.
  18. Thanks, Dan for detailed explanation. The plugin is very powerful itself. I will certainly consider getting ExBrowser for the future projects I have in plan. Regards,
  19. I tried several solutions inside thread in order to make BOT open a new instance and close old, and it seems I can get it to work. Generally, I need to restart my BOT and run again after certain time in order to free up resources... Is there any workable solution with these plugins. non-commercial ones that are mentioned here? I have them installed..
  20. @Dan ExBrowser, does it have anything to do with uBOT's browser.exe? Or to rephrase the question, does ExBrowser plugin solve Browser.exe stuck issues? I've been experiencing lots of problems with uBOT (browser.exe) and have tried many ways to make it work continuously. I didn't have success to accomplish more than 9 hours of work...
  21. I'm also experiencing difficulties to clear cache and cookies. Actually, sometimes it does work, sometimes it doesn't. It's not a reliable solution, no matter the solution I used including those written in the forum.
  22. I'm sorry for interrupting but is anybody willing to share this plugin, since all Dropbox links are dead..? I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  23. Thanks, CD a lot! I also found that it works perfectly if you convert image to Base64, like the example below: set(#yt_icon,"<img src=
  24. Thanks for helping me CD. My call for image is inside define command (on the separate tab from the main) and it looks exactly like this: set(#segment,"<span style=\"color:#FF8000;font:bold;\"><i><img src=\'http://sociallikes.net/icons/sc.png\'> Likes...</i></style>","Global") On the main tab, it's under the UI Stat Monitor in the shape of variable, since I need one image to show up after certain criteria, being active for some time and then replaced with another one: ui stat monitor("<b>Segment:</b>",#segment) Did I do anything wrong?
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