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Everything posted by tnhomestead

  1. Wait time and double check your conditions on the if -- I am real bad at getting them backwards at times!
  2. If your still worried, you can always open the bot in a virtual machine -- its not 100% foolproof, but it is a help. But to add to what was said, email or skype the developer or web site. Check for support pages, etc -- in other words does it look legit? Pay by Paypal if possible. But there are many programs out there that are written in Ubot, or C#, or VB that are legit.If possible see what license someone has -- make sure they are using a legit license. But we have a shiny new store here, check it out!
  3. I had to manually delete the files from appdata/roaming/ubotstudio after I uninstalled, then reinstalled and been fine since -- hope this helps
  4. The email I saw did not say anything about passing data, just compile and run the exe with the /hide option. But this was in the email, And that seems to imply you can pass data in some fashion!
  5. C and C++ are lower level languages -- and harder to learn. C# is a good choice to start with you want to make Windows apps, Ubot plugins and even on the web. The web runs on PHP, which is also a good language to learn. I was trained pre home computer days, and have used most of the languages you mentioned. The best thing to learn is how to program, and ubot will give you some of the basics. Once you learn one language you will find they are all the same. Every language has an IF statements, looping(while, do while and for loops), variables and constants. But Java is a language used on a se
  6. There is no alien life -- they all moved to Washington DC and became politicians! On a serious note, sounds like a interesting journey -- hope I learn from it! Thanks for giving back to the community.
  7. Had the same issue, closed ubot and restarted on 5.9 and now the ui editor is working. Never worked in Beta for me though.
  8. The server and site show up for me, we did some maintenance on the server in the am but it should have been up. If someone can check again I would appreciate it, it even shows as up on isup and I have the dashboard open currently. Wonder if there was/is an issue on the DNS side. We did have some problems getting the 2 of the vps's up, so if it doesnt show please pm me so it can be looked into further -- thanks
  9. Okay, i have 2 maybe 3 new bots to sell.These were just written as exercises, so not worried about the monthly fee/one off rate, just want to sell enough to fix my truck, pay some bills and get back to programming. But how/where/when/why(?)! LOL Talked to one person here about a possible j/v. They said they liked the bot idea and thought is wold sell.. But if they dont j/v with me, any suggestions on marketing? I dont have any email lists to use so was thinking of doing targeted facebook ads for people interested in interm=net marketing/etc. I know I can do that cheaply(since right now cash
  10. Hey saw a guy asking how to use a installer with Ubot, so did a short video on using Actual Installer step by step. Its up at http://ubottutorial.com/actual-installer-and-ubot-how-to-use-them/Hope this helps someone, it can be hard to figure out how to use an installer. The site was on the wrong server, that server only allowed us visitors. It has been moved and should be visible from anywhere in the world right now.Sorry about the problems.
  11. Appreciate that -- never even thought of changing the attribute!
  12. Trying to click a link in the yahoo search results. No problem with the big G or Bing Using href="url to click" in the click, but doesnt seem to work. any idea what i am missing?
  13. if it is always the first 5 or whatever, just loop through, save the ones you want to temporary list, then clear the first list and put the 5 you need to keep back in.
  14. Wish I could afford it! Good luck and best wishes!
  15. Another vote for Hesk -- its easy to theme and use.
  16. Problem on your site -- tried to buyu but got this message. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
  17. Probably not then, I usually see it with FTP. Never had a problem with Dropbox.
  18. Not sure if this will help, but how did they download the file? Wondering if it may be corrupted -- run into that at times when people dont use the expected download protocols.
  19. Doesnt work, trued run as admin. Appreciate the suggestion though!
  20. Hey when I create an installer, it requires the user to click ignore for multiple dll's. I have seen several other folks with the issue, has anyone solved it? If not whats the best script to make an installer with? I have removed all the dll's not needed, but the installer keeps trying to add them anyway, and then gives an error. ERROR opening file for writing, I get about 20+ of these.
  21. Godaddy offers an api access to their auctions, or you can use the ftp solution -- its updated nightly, but gives access to all auction listings. Thats in xml format. They also have a RSS feed as well you can grab data from. Here is the link to their options https://auctions.godaddy.com/trptools.aspx?ci=91828
  22. I actually got that error the other day running Win 7 ultimate, so its not just on Win10. And I agree, there should be NO BRANDING after them being paid to remove it! PS cant remeber what ui was doing, was testing code but made some changes and it went away, so not sure if it was a bug or not.
  23. Hey if your really really quite and look in the woods over there you can see the Ubot stealth -- its the robot looking thing next to the Sasquatch and across the table from the LochNess monster! But shhhhhh or they will all disappear into the inter dimensional time traveler machine!
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