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Is There A Way To Bypass This New Google Recaptcha?

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Just an update:

Message from deathbycaptcha




Hopefully, they will release the new api nextweek.

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Hi Kretus,Try this code,you will get only text captcha challenges

set user agent("Android")
wait for element(<innertext="Chose your favourite colour:">,10,"Appear")
click(<class="recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark">,"Left Click","No")
wait for element(<alt="reCAPTCHA challenge image">,5,"Appear")
type text(<id="default-response">,$solve captcha(<alt="reCAPTCHA challenge image">),"Standard")
click(<id="recaptcha-verify-button">,"Left Click","No")
click(<value="Submit">,"Left Click","No")

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Hi Sunny9495,


The old way of changing the user agent no longer works as 

G has made the necessary modifications to get up to speed 

on this.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I suggest reading this article



Will give you a new insight and way to deal with google recaptcha, cookies, saving, and recalling and using them to bypass recaptchas

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That article was written before the new Google captchas and doesn't address their new captcha. This just discusses the older recaptcha.


I suggest reading this article



Will give you a new insight and way to deal with google recaptcha, cookies, saving, and recalling and using them to bypass recaptchas

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Auto Bypass Google's reCaptcha.

Only 10$ for code or 15$ for setup any sites!

Payment: Paypal or Bitcoin.

Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZDhFn9lVx8


- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greengreenbanana (recommended)

- Email: emailmrtung@gmail.com

i got the code of imacros how will i implement in ubot?


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  • 3 months later...

I don't understand people. I mean spamming to try and get the bottom of the barrel

customers to buy your crap....seriously?


If you had a solution like this then you have something every spammer would want

and it wouldn't take much to get this software off the ground and selling.


The fact that you spam your message lets me know that you're not as smart as you

think you are. It also tells me that you're desperate and that you are not someone who

I can trust and put money in to.


How stupid can you be? You can't even check for a simple spelling error in your video.


Let alone you forgot the most important part of selling...




How the hell did you think someone who was interested in being scammed by you would

be able to do so? I spent 10 minutes all overy GITHub and Google looking for you and your





Step up your game. You aren't going to pull that crap around here.


Nice try.

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  • 1 month later...

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