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Ubotplugin.com End of Business

Good day Ubot community. Over the last 9 years I invested a lot of time in developing the plugins. I hope that it was of good use for all of you.

Only in the last months you did not hear much from me anymore. This has some reasons:

Because of inevitable personal and health reasons I am no longer able to sell and provide plugins or to work on the code anymore. The license servers run out of payment in the end. Sorry for the inconvenience.

My plugins (Ubotplugin.com) have reached the products end of life cycle with me now.

Ubotplugin.com will become Automaxed.com

Simon (PRO) from Automaxed.com is working to get the plugins online and working again in the next days and weeks. We made an agreement so that Ubotplugin will not have to go. They will do their best to get them going and maintained for the future.

The plugins should be available again through Automaxed, but I am no longer involved. I really need to care about my health now. I also can no longer answer support questions.

Further updates on the progress will be announced as soon as possible.

Thanks for your understanding.

Advanced Ubot 1


Add Talent to your program + allows you to control and debug programs easier.



  • splash screen: splash screen with the option to wait or not to wait. Support for base64 image.
  • exit this app: Force Quit Applications.
  • minimize to tray: Hide your programs from Taskbar to the System Tray.
  • minimize tray notification: Warning messages program your hidden System Tray.
  • minimize to tray cancel: (by name).
  • restart this app: restart your program.
  • run ubot code: Run a small ubot code.
  • threads counter: Increase or decrease or reset the counter .
  • threads control: Control threads (Run-Pause-Stop). Control of the main threads. Threads of a button. Threads of the order of Ubot.
  • threads set priority: (by name).
  • clear list/variable/table: (by name).
  • fixed window size this app: Sizing the window / and prevent resize the window. (Dev)
  • set window size min/max this app: Window control not to big or too small that you define. (Dev)
  • auto free memory: Clear the memory of the applications you automatically.
  • run as administrator: Forces you to open your program mode. "Administrator".
  • auto close browser crash: Close "browser.exe crash" dialog 
  • idle time monitor: (By name)
  • change app title: (By name)  (Dev)
  • menu box control: You can disable / enable (Minimize Box / Maximize Box / Close Box) (Dev)
  • splash screen close: close the "splash screen" before the deadline.
  • locked app: Lock move / click / or others. the app
  • window layer this app: You can manage your bot window. Such as "Top / Bottom / Top Most / And More." (Dev)
  • hide title bar: by name. (Dev)
  • hide  menu strip: by name. (Dev)
  • hide powered by: by name. (Dev)
  • hide border style (this app): by name [http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Cd88e9hW7r4]
  • hide from taskbar (this app): by name
  • taskbar progress: by name [http://www.youtube.c...h?v=F0UT7POC9x8]
  • main button click: by name [http://www.youtube.c...h?v=WY9QDbwJRbE]
  • main button click monitor: by name [http://www.youtube.c...h?v=WY9QDbwJRbE]
  • change title: by name (Dev)
  • menu item click: by name (Pro/Dev) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y4S8Ne5suA]
  • config ui html windows: (DEV) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah3y9VsqlSw]
  • config ui html panel: (DEV) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3G5rUQbF-U]
  • hide some menu item: (DEV) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82AEc_s-qQI]
  • menu item add (main): (DEV) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs7XLmUUO8o]
  • menu item add (sub): (DEV) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs7XLmUUO8o]
  • menu strip customize (this app): (DEV) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W36pGVZSsTk]
  • enable drag move (this app): [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJAkBqJ0nGY]
  • keyboard shortcuts: run define command by key press (sample F1 or Control+D or other)


  • $current app info: Information about your program
  • $math option: Additional calculations of Ubot such Modulus, Ceiling, Floor, Round, and more.
  • $html textarea: For the display of Html (I used to debug).
  • $on load: Load "Define" the ubot automatically (high performance when used in conjunction with my other plugins).
  • $comparison x1: Compare two operations (including AND and OR).
  • $comparison x2: Comparison operation four (including AND and OR).
  • $spin html: Spin Special a spin with Code HTML in particular.
  • $true/false return: Return value of true / false (use with the display or ui stat monitor).
  • $ui customize: Customize your UI without ui html panel (CSS).
  • $ui/ubot char: Special characters for display (ui stat monitor) or other applications. Prevent the calculation.
  • $threads counter monitor: (by name) + support (loop while) command.
  • $threads control monitor: (by name).
  • $minimize to system tray check: return true if ubot is minimized to tray and false if ubot is not minimized
  • $browser functions: Preliminary work with the browser Ubot command "run javascript".
  • $is debug mode: using debug mode it will return true and if the bot is open in compiled it will return false
  • $app restart check: http://youtu.be/dmTOK6otydo
  • $check windows status: Get app window (Minimize/Maximize/Normal) (Dev)
  • evaluate: Mathematical and comparative calculations
  • math map: Re-maps a number from one range to another. That is, a value of fromLow would get mapped to toLow, a value of fromHigh to toHigh, values in-between to values in-between, etc.

 Talent of the plugin (Only works Ubot Programming)

  • Special Program (Inside)
  • Hot key (Simulation)
    • Edit (double press key e)

Thread Control 1  

Thread Control 2  

Thread Control 3  

Spin html   

  • splash screen
  • exit this app
  • restart this app
  • minimize to tray
  • minimize tray notification
  • minimize to tray cancel


  • threads set priority
  • ui customize
  • ui/ubot char
  • true/fale return
  • spin html
  • comparison x1
  • comparison x2
  • current app info


  • html textarea
  • math option


  • clear list/variable/table


fixed window size : Sizing the window / and prevent resize the window.
Talent of the plugin   
fixed window size min/max: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPRsBDanvCM
 Make a backup of the configuration files Ubot.


  • idle time monitor
  • change app title

 menu box control

  • splash screen close
  • locked app
  • menu bar control

window layer this app

  • disable menu strip (change name to hide menu strip)
  • disable powered by (change name to hide powered by)
  • disable title bar (change name to hide title bar)
  • fixed window size this app
  • set window size min/max this app

Update V2.3.4.0
Add C/F:

Add Special Command (Run Background):

  • Auto Windows Split (Debug Windows|Main Windows)
  • Auto Collapse Top Level Nodes

Add Sample File:

  • config ui html windows
  • config ui html panel
  • hide some menu item
  • menu item add
  • menu strip customize

"Advanced Ubot Config.txt"  Move this file to the "Document" or "My Document".
Update V2.3.5.0

Remove C/F:

  • hot mouse config: move config to "Advanced Ubot Config.txt"

Add Option:

  • auto free memory: Add "Free Memory For Browser.exe"

Add Special Command To "Advanced Ubot Config.txt":

  • WindowsSplitEnable:True/False
  • DebugWindowsPosition:R/L
  • CollapseNodesEnable:True/False
  • CollapseNodesType:All/Top
  • AutoCheckUpdate:True/False
  • HotMouseEditX: defalt 40
  • HotMouseEditY:defalt 15
  • HotMouseRunNodeX:defalt 40
  • HotMouseRunNodeY:defalt 30
  • HotMouseDelayBetweenKeyPress:defalt 250

Require ".NET Framework 4.5.2"








*** I will send you a link to your email within 8 hours. If you do not receive, please let me know at support email poweredscript[at]gmail.com ***

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V2.3.1.0 Version of the test (I tested only preliminary. For people who want to try it). Add C/F: hide border style (this app): by name [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd88e9hW7r4] hide from taskbar

V2.3.0.0   Chang Name: fixed window size ==> fixed window size this app (Api new solution to "TeamViewer") fixed window size min/max ==> set window size min/max this app (Api new solution to "Te

You can download all versions of the URL that was sent to you via email. (beta version) is ideal for people who like to test the new command.

Posted Images

Advanced Ubot  Update
- Current App Info : Remove blank Arguments and add some Arguments more
- Hot key (Simulation) : fix non start and speed up

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great plugin do you think you could add so we can monitor hot keys with are code for example if the user presses ctr G return true or put a value in a variable?

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great plugin do you think you could add so we can monitor hot keys with are code for example if the user presses ctr G return true or put a value in a variable?

I'm not sure it has a little trouble in handling them running all the time. But I'll try

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Nice update.


Suggestion: Since you already have some windows command in the plugin maybe you can add a resize window feature? where it can resize our bot window height and width on onload..

I'm doing it

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Nice update.


Suggestion: Since you already have some windows command in the plugin maybe you can add a resize window feature? where it can resize our bot window height and width on onload..

this would be good if this could be done in anytime thus stopping resizing to some degree

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Advanced Ubot  Update



fixed window size : Sizing the window / and prevent resize the window.




Add "key press monitor" option monitor key (this app/global)

Move "key press monitor" to Application On-Load Commands (Category)

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Advanced Ubot  Update



fixed window size : Sizing the window / and prevent resize the window.




Add "key press monitor" option monitor key (this app/global)

Move "key press monitor" to Application On-Load Commands (Category)


Lightning fast! And it does the job. This is what ubot dev have been waiting for.

Another talented plugin maker on the rise. :)


Suggestion for the splashpage:

- Can you make an option for it to have a dismiss button for them to close the splash image instead of delay? So it will be like a popup ads that we can call anytime on our bot. We add this if we are giving away free version bots and add some advertisements.

- If the above is possible, have an option to add url link to your popup image.

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Lightning fast! And it does the job. This is what ubot dev have been waiting for.

Another talented plugin maker on the rise. :)


Suggestion for the splashpage:

- Can you make an option for it to have a dismiss button for them to close the splash image instead of delay? So it will be like a popup ads that we can call anytime on our bot. We add this if we are giving away free version bots and add some advertisements.

- If the above is possible, have an option to add url link to your popup image.



This is rocking :)


I wonder if its possible to add some styling to a popup box? so they look nicer, i dont mean the splash screen i mean like a custom alert with some nice css or something?

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Lightning fast! And it does the job. This is what ubot dev have been waiting for.

Another talented plugin maker on the rise. :)


Suggestion for the splashpage:

- Can you make an option for it to have a dismiss button for them to close the splash image instead of delay? So it will be like a popup ads that we can call anytime on our bot. We add this if we are giving away free version bots and add some advertisements.

- If the above is possible, have an option to add url link to your popup image.



This is rocking :)


I wonder if its possible to add some styling to a popup box? so they look nicer, i dont mean the splash screen i mean like a custom alert with some nice css or something?


What is recommended in the project "Advanced Dialog"

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Advanced Ubot  Update



fixed window size : Sizing the window / and prevent resize the window.




Add "key press monitor" option monitor key (this app/global)

Move "key press monitor" to Application On-Load Commands (Category)

Wow!  I'm so buying this

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Advanced Ubot  Update

$minimize to system tray check: return true if ubot is minimized to tray and false if ubot is not minimized

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does this works on v4 ?

It works well on Ubot4. Most Ubot 5'm not sure. because I have no Ubot 5.

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