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securing bots and having upgrades for instant download - ? 4 da pros!

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I am going to be selling software cheap, but I am having upsells with more features. So what I am wondering is when they purchase the upsell how to I make sure they get the updates? :blink:


Plus I have software locking to worry about - key gen codeor whatever :wacko: . I have seen a few posts about securing bots and that doesn't seem like to big of a deal.


What I really want to know is if they purchase the basic version and then take the upsell how can I make sure they get the bot with the upsell features. Just brainstorming right now. All suggestions welcome. And if you can't point me in the direction of post where this has allready been discussed then post away with those links.


So It might look like this 1) basic 2) upsell with more features 3) upsell with more features... and in the end I want everyone to have the version the paid for.


Sleepy. Been coding all damn day for two days straight and am looking at a 10 day coding marathon.... oh the joy! I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.


And once again thanks to everyone for their help so far. No matter what everyone says about you - your all right. You have all bee awesome and very helpful and I hope we all get together one day for a big event and get to know each other better.


Damn tired..... Sleep on issues and see what I come up with in the morning. Please hit me up with your suggestions.


:wub: :ph34r: :lol:

10 days till crazy launch. Hope I can pull this off. Could of never of come close with out my trusted UBot. Damn I love Ubot!

:wub: Keep up the good work everyone


:wub: Peace, love and granola..



Hit me up with your ideas and crazy brainstorms..... Automation Ninja has left the building....... :P

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One way to do it would to just exclude certain features from the bot.


i.e.- basic runs one thread.


Buy the upsell and get 5 threads.


Buy the super mega upsell and get 20 threads.


Then you just code each one seperately. In this case it would be as simple as changing the drop down menu in your ubot code and re-compiling your three different versions.


i.e. - one thread, 5 threads, and 20 threads.


Then on the download page of whatever version they buy, you give them the correct version.


But of course, you still have licensing issues and all that. But that is how I would handle it.


Love to hear others feedback and suggestions on this as well...

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I am very interested to hear from some of the pros on how to create a system to license your software. I know TJ is coming out with something, but that has been a year in the making and I will probably get it when it comes out, but meanwhile I would like to start selling a few bots. ProtectGold isn't for sale any more. Is there anything else that's as easy to use and secure? How can I do something with the new mysql features? I'm not a programmer, so most of this stuff is over my head, but it seems like you could just keep a database of your clients, their emails and IP addresses. Then on startup have the bot check that the person is there. But then how do you prevent a cracked version on a VPS? If you're doing the IP thing what if they have a dynamic ip from their isp? I don't know shit about how to do hardware locking. Could someone provide either a sample ubot file or code that could be pasted into the code view to demonstrate how this would work?

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set variable in ubot that states version


have it check a txt file on your server for version with read file to a variable


compare the 2 numbers.

if file on server is larger then var in bot, download zip or exe and prompt to replace the current version

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I have same problemn, I have few bots for sell but I can't because I can't protect.


TJ stop post and go to work, all are waiting you :rolleyes: .


In other post I ask for a code to check mac-adress. Whit this you can compile a unique bot for every client.

Or you can put mac-adress in txt file on your server and compare.Now, how you can do this?


I have a virtual server but I don't know how read a file, I am using dropbox to share files.

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