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Everything posted by deansoto

  1. Dan, bought this a while ago and forgot to say this but... This is some amazing training. I had been using Ubot for a long time and wanted to use Aymen's HTTP post plugin for a long time but had no clue where to start. I love the actual use cases for various sites that you use and your very easy to follow course flow. Thanks for putting this together.
  2. With all of your awesome HTTP Post source codes, wish you would do an HTTP Post/API training.
  3. Already a gold member (The training is amazing and worth way more). Willing to pay again for HTTP Post training.
  4. I left the bot running. It's very stable and I left it on for days. The new reinvest module is awesome, but that one looks like you have to manually start it (for now at least. It would be awesome if that could loop - @rich correct me if I'm wrong) so I'll probably run it once a day after the downward trending stocks are sold off..
  5. So... bought this bot and... it is freakin' awesome. I had an old EA account that had 177Eeaves on it and now after about a week and a half I'm at 2mil (1.8 mil to be exact). When you figure that 500K Eaves are $99, that's pretty dang cool. One request... remove the sales button? I'd like to not have my future competition using it. Can't wait to see how the bot evolves.
  6. Have the same issue with multi-threading.
  7. wording is "Accessto path 'index' is denied
  8. Hey all, Quick question. about every other run of my bot I get an error that says it is not able to access "/index". Not sure what this means. I am running as administrator. Thanks, Dean
  9. Looking to buy source code for translating Ebay links into Ebay affiliate links in a list. Not sure if this is possible since I believe you have to go through their API to do this. Already got my scraper going with Ebay but don't know how to change the links to my affiliate links in a list.
  10. You guys are awesome. Totally solved it. Thanks so much.
  11. I should add that in the threads are grabbing one URL per page on two respective sites (grabbing business URLS) and adding to lists.
  12. Hey guys, UBot newbie and first post. I actually bought BotBuddy's course, which is awesome and helped a ton (still going through it). I have one problem I keep running into. I have one tab that scraps URLs from one website into list A, and another tab that scrapes URLs off of another site into List B. I then use those URL's to compare various things. The thing is I need the list positions to be the same for both URL A and URL B. Everything works perfectly with single-threading, but with multi-threading some URLs in both lists will align and others won't. I have no random waits, but
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