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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Ahh sorry yeah! Blank page won't be much good in fairness! Idea: download the pdf then add it to google drive? Might be able to automate something from that perhaps?
  2. I've looked at a similar thing before. What I ended up doing was taking a screenshot of a page and uploading it to an OCR website. Then it would email me the content of the text that appeared in the screenshot. Would this work as a temporary workaround?
  3. INSERT INTO PesonalInfo (CustomerName, Age, Address, City, PostalCode, Country) VALUES ('Dave','30','100 Baker Street','London','SW1 9D2','United Kingdom'); ('Tom','32','101 Baker Street','London','SW1 5D2','United Kingdom'); Simple example of a query. Personalinfo is the name of the TABLE you are INSERTING the data into. Notice how the other stuff then matches up with it? The VALUES need to "fall in line" with the main columns (CustomerName, Age, Address, City, PostalCode, Country) YET VALUES are seperated out, also. Play around with it, you'll get the grip of it.
  4. Do you mean you want to INSERT into your database directly? If so then you need to connect to database and run your query, making sure you built it correctly. I use a loop to build my query. Also ensure you have "," commas in the right places and the last comma will need to be removed from your query depending on what way you build the query up.
  5. As Dan says there's a limit to how many entries you can have in one go. I found this out the hard way having spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I couldn't INSERT over 400 rows in one query But I built up my query as I went along... Set a variable to Insert Into then kept adding the query to the variable as I went. "Does this means i have to store the scrapped data to %urls list first Dan ?" Not really sure what you mean by that but as Dan mentions the limit is 250 so break your list into separate lists of no more than 250 in each one.
  6. Been looking at this today. Have someone who wants to scrape data from a site with Adobe Stage Video. What I did was "save browser image" and then ran the image through this OCR site: http://www.onlineocr.net Results are pretty accurate, some minor details would need cleaning up but nothing regex couldn't fix. Would much prefer an all in one OCR plugin though if it existed!
  7. Morning all, I found a Kindle book on Amazon this morning - it's currently free and entitled: Automated Marketing with Webbots. It looks quite good from the description. I'm yet to read it but thought I'd share it here as it's currently free but will turn to paid. So, if you've got a Kindle app on your device go grab it! Also, while we are on the topic of free Kindle books, I have a bot that runs once an hour and checks for the free ones (this list is updated regularly). If you want to see what's CURRENTLY free check them out here Please note these are Kindle books that would otherwise be
  8. Hi MJ great job! Ok, so here's what I want to be able to do and wonder can this plugin achieve it. Say I have 20 images, all photos from a birthday. Can I put these images together to create something like a slideshow video of the photos? I did watch your images videos but it looks more like converting images to a movie rather than a slide of images. Is this the case? Thanks, Kevin
  9. I use Task Scheduler for Windows to run my bots at specific times each day.
  10. I had a similar problem with Linkedin status update. So, I clicked the dropdown menu and in the option where you only see Random and Skip first etc just type in what you want it to click on, using the exact word and case sensitive.
  11. Eval did have problems in v5 and was added to the tracker. Not sure if it was resolved or not yet in the latest release.
  12. This is probably the issue right there...
  13. Hi Aymen, If you used this sample html code does it add the actual image to the pdf when it's generated? <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-ie"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>New Page 1</title> </head> <body> <p>Here is an image: <img src="https://www.google.ie/images/srpr/logo11w.png"></p> </body> </html>
  14. Don't bother with saving the file but why not start the bot then /auto and then stop your MySQL batch file. Have the bot do it's thing then just before you close the bot run your original batch file in a new thread and the. Close the main bot. Will that do it?
  15. Take a look at this, it might help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402765/batch-file-to-connect-mysql-and-run-commands To me it seems rather complex so I'd like to see how you get it going. If you don't get it going by the weekend I'll give it a try myself next week however you've got this far so I think you'll get it. I'm simply monitoring a folder for changes (Dropbox) using a free folder watching software.
  16. We did over 100k throughout our sales funnel based on a mobile marketing product that uses software I built on the back end. How much did I make from that? Nothing worth mentioning (more on this shortly). To sell big numbers you'll more than likely need JVs. Making the offer attractive to JVs is also important. Sometimes 50% just isn't as attractive on a 17-27$ product. You could, for example, offer 100% throughout your entire sales funnel for the first three hours of launch. This would get people pushing and promoting your product hard. Then, towards the end of your launch run another
  17. I looked at this a bit. MySQL TRIGGERS is what I found. In the end though I thought of the other method using Dropbox. If you do find a way that will run a batch file when a table is updated using a TRIGGER (I think) it might work real well. Do let me know how you go.
  18. But now you're bot has to be running 24/7 to check this, right?
  19. Started a thread on that very question here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15806-run-software-on-iphone-part-2/
  20. Each person will find their own unique way to use it (just like how I've done) and when you do I'd love for you to share it here so others can learn that method. However, if you're using Jotform then you'll know that there is an integration within the actual form you're using and this will allow you to create a new folder on your VPS or computer even though the jotform is hosted remotely. The local folder creation is important and a requirement. The integration is through Dropbox. If you've followed the steps I mentioned AND are using jotform with Dropbox integration then you'll know that wh
  21. 160 pages long gee whizz I'm used to reading 10 pagers... Got a cliff notes version mate?
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