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Everything posted by krazylary

  1. Is there anyone else I can contact about this issue?
  2. How often do those bugs get fixed? Seems to have some pretty old ones in there.
  3. change file field(<class=w"*coreSpriteAddPhoto">,"C:\\Users\\Jake\\Desktop\\10_bm_challenger_vlp_badge.jpg") Pretty simple stuff. Worked better on chrome 39, but had bugs as well, thought I would pay for the update and get fixes but it backfired since chrome 49 is worse
  4. Looks like I am not the only one, http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/20866-upload-picture-on-ig/?hl=instagram Really do not want to use exbrowser though :/
  5. Using the latest Ubot version on chrome 49 and been dealing with this issue for HOURS. Can't get ubot to properly upload a profile image. If you click the upload button, ubot browser crashes. If you use change file field, ubot browser crashes... Any suggestions on how I can go about approaching this?
  6. From my experience its always a code issue. Would be really hard to diagnose without code or more information.
  7. scrap my last post. Cant get it to work. Tried your suggestion and a bunch of different ways of posting and I cant seem to post a list of 4,000 proxies from a text file....ubot or the browser just stops responding.
  8. wow that would have made it simple. I just redid everything in exbrowser and it works fine. Guess I will leave it as it is. Good to know for the next time though. Thanks.
  9. Tried $ReadFile and add to list from text file and have crashes each time. It cant seam to read a 250kb txt file that has 10k of lines and paste it into a website. Any suggestions?
  10. Fixed it by using spin instead of the other way I was doing it. All good.
  11. add list to list(%watermarkcolors,$list from text("Black, White, Blue, Brown, Green, Orange",","),"Delete","Global") plugin command("Watermarking.dll", "watermark with text", "{$special folder("My Documents")}/resize1.jpg", "{$special folder("My Documents")}/1.jpg", #watermarktext, "Arial", 17, $random list item(%watermarkcolors), "Middle Center", "", "", $rand(220,255)) Thats what I got and it isnt working. Tried hex instead of colors with no luck.
  12. Yes it works well, I bought it this morning. Only issue I am having is no matter what I do I cant seem to specify a random color. It always comes out black.
  13. plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "*[contains(@href, 'category=2343')]")
  14. Yes I have looked, but no matter what I try I cant seem to get it to work. Any chance you can give me an example?
  15. Do you have any documentation on the wildcard option for exbrowser? Its nothing like the ubot wildcard option.
  16. Yes, this should be a must. Would it be easy to implement? Will purchase today if you implement. Let me know.
  17. Lets say I have 8 checkboxes with the same elements. If I just make ubot check one checkbox it will check ALL the checkboxes. Is there a way to make it only check the first 4? Like a loop or something. Help really appreciated.
  18. Almost $100 needs to get spent for me to try it. Definitely worth it, but it just doesn't fit into my budget at the moment. Will see what I can do though.
  19. Glad you posted it up for sale. The only issue that is keeping me from buying it is the requirements. I have the http post plugin, and server and thats where it ends. The advanced image is a paid plugin right?
  20. I hate doing my personal bill for my business and my home. So today I made a bot that pays all my bill for me just logs in give eather payment info or just clicks threw... The many uses of ubot!!
  21. I think I am going to start a powershell thread of some fun things you can do IF this does not work you have to download power shell 3.0. You need to go to powershell ISE $krazylary = New-Object System.Net.WebClient$krazylary.Headers.Add("User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0+") $krazylary.Proxy = [system.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy$krazylary.Proxy.Credentials = [system.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials$krazylary.DownloadString("http://youtube.com") So with a little help from ubot you could create a list of ip's that PS calls and changes the ip.. This is a very simple examp
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