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Everything posted by gavind

  1. Thanks. Do you also have a sample script for that loop please?
  2. Would that work already?
  3. I think that's the way how the pros do it. I guess we just need to follow their lead.
  4. Hi DA, this has been for a while now but any news yet if you were able to find a work around on this?
  5. Hi buddy, I hope this thread would help you out. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12730-browserexe-stopped-working/?p=69447
  6. Hi buddy, could also also share where you started with this process already?
  7. Probably just a glitch? I'm pretty sure it will be fixed to with a restart.
  8. Cool. If it's free I'll take it for future use.
  9. Also, do we need only one youtube account for this? Or multiple ones?
  10. Not a bad output I'd say, if that's the case, 80 per user agent should be a decent number.
  11. I think for this case, you also need to set up a proxy IP all over the US for this to work out. Anyways, good luck!
  12. Try to post on Warrior. I'm sure a lot will be interested there.
  13. Hi david, care to share what you are currently working on? Would be nice for a brain storm here.
  14. Thanks. By the way, whuch file is it that we're suppose to edit?
  15. Very nice. Great job! Customers usually look at the site for first impressions. So far you won't have a problem in that aspect.
  16. Thanks. Also, is there a GUI "version" of this command too?
  17. Has anyone tried this yet? I thought it was username:password:ip:port.
  18. Thanks. I'll give this a shot when I get home. Looks pretty good at first glance with the steps.
  19. How much do these accounts actually costs if I may ask?
  20. Sounds like a huge working on this. Any progress so far please?
  21. Quick question please. What would be the advantage on opening ubot on a new tab?
  22. Can you explain further on what issues your having? To know more about scalping, check here. http://support.ubotstudio.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/57/10/ubot-studio--scraping-items-to-a-list-from-a-webpage
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