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Everything posted by TheMentalist

  1. I am using HTML UI. I want to have the user be able to enter a list of proxies into a textbox, then allow the user to save the textbox and later load it. I'm just not sure how to do that. I'm assuming it can be saved as a list... and then reloaded as such. But... how to format it?
  2. Can you hardware lock with uBot?
  3. I'm currently creating a bot that I'm looking to market on a membership basis. To check membership, I'm thinking about having a membership created with a wordpress plugin. Then, they enter the credentials into the bot - which get saved. Then, when the bot starts, it goes out, logs into the membership site with the credentials. If the account is good, it will go to a page that I can scrape a value from to verify the account is good. Does that sound do-able? Any easy way around that? This allows me to use WordPress and automatically membership billing to do all the heavy lifting, as fa
  4. I used the HTML UI. You can basically use it like a webpage and even use javascript to flip between panels.
  5. This may not be related... I had something similar happen with Scrapebox. I found out that some enterprising "individuals" have been raging DDOS attacks on their authentication servers. Script kiddies with too much time. So, something similar could be happening here.
  6. Well.. new people can only post once per day until they upgrade you. Same thing happened to me. As far as downloading... nearly all of the downloads are gone when they move/upgraded/updated the forums. It's RARE that I find anything working.
  7. When you created your drop down... wouldn't you just do.... <select name="#uichoice" fillwith="value"> <option value="appliances">appliances</option> <option value="aps">all categories</option> <option value="mobile-phones">mobile phones</option> </select>
  8. How are you storing and loading all of the information? Are you doing it through javascript or through UI button called to ubot scripts?
  9. Quick question... I'm trying to solve the captcha from Hotmail and running into a weird problem. Whenever it gets to the captcha... it locks up the browser... That ever happen to anyone? Anyone know why that might be? set(#thestatus, "Solving Captcha", "Global") wait(2) type text(<id=w"wlspispSolutionElement*">, $solve captcha(<id=w"wlspispHIPBimg*">), "Standard") It does display the Solving Captcha status... but after that... it hangs up the browser. Even if I restart the script... the browser stays hung.
  10. Even though I am a noob to ubot, as a long time programmer, I know the benefit of libraries... which is what this is, in essence. I bought it and am just waiting for the license code.
  11. Step doesn't seem to do anything... is that because I launch the subroutine with a HTML UI button?
  12. I appreciate the help everyone has given me so far. I've been trying to re-create a bot that I saw, that I know was written in ubot. It basically logs into addmefast and starts watching videos. Everything works with the UI now (it was the / that was killing it). But... I broke everything up into subroutines to make it modularized. And now... it does the first routine (login) and then ends... I put an alert at the beginning of the login sub... it fires... it then runs the script and logs in... then it pops another alert at the end of the routine... but that's all. I've attached t
  13. Hi! I am from a programming and html background. I'm used to working with compiled langauges (.NET) or sequential languages (PHP). As such, I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to do what I want to do in uBot. Here's what I want to do and please tell me if this is possible. 1) I want to have a UI (HTML UI) that has fields that allow the user to enter username/password, random delay, proxy and repetitions. It will also have a START button, a Stop button, a Save button and a Load button. 2) The user should be enter the information the first time and hit save and that saves it
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