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Big Jay

Fellow UBotter
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Big Jay last won the day on April 5 2014

Big Jay had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

35 Excellent

About Big Jay

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • OS
    Windows 8
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Has anyone come across this in the wild: http://venturebeat.com/2014/12/03/google-boils-down-the-captcha-to-a-simple-checkbox-to-prove-youre-not-a-bot/ This is the new mouse trap... maybe?
  2. 15" MacBook Pro w/Retnia, i7 Intel Quad Core, 8GB DDR3 RAM, NVIDA GeForce GT 650m GPU, 256GB Flash Storage. I was on the fence about spending the money in order to double the RAM and flash storage, but opted to keep the $700 bucks in my pocket. 8GB of RAM is enough for what I do, and external drives/cloud storage come cheap so...
  3. That is next on my list! Been busting ass the last few weeks and have been seeing some results. So I took a bit of the extra cash and bought myself something I have wanted for a long while now. Feels good to reward myself too, lol I love my MacBook, my only regret is that I didn't purchase one sooner.
  4. Thanks guys for the recommendations, keep 'em coming! The OP has been updated to reflect the resources you shared here. This community is awesome!
  5. yeah... cuz trying to work with rails on my windows machine made me oh so 1337
  6. This has nothing to do with ubot. I just wanted to tell somebody, lol I have wanted a Mac for quite a while now. Mission accomplished! J
  7. http://uifaces.com/authorized This site is for Web designers/developers who need avatars of real people for use in their projects. All of the avatars on this site have been submitted by real people who have given their consent to have their face used in a project. While there are plenty of ways **cough** to get profile avatars I thought this site was interesting.
  8. After having gone through a ton of diffrent resources on regex, I have found the following to be my personal favorite. (it works well with my learning style. I favor something that is interactive, where I get to practice whatever I just learned on the spot.): http://regexone.com/ - this is the awesome sauce. I wished I had come across this site years ago. After you get the basics down by going through regexone.com, check out this fun regex resource: http://regexcrossword.com/ - while they offer a tutorial, you'd be better off to learn regex at the site I listed above, only then should you
  9. I think you'd have to copy and paste each node, one at a time... Unless you upgraded to pro so you could use code view. Then you could just copy and paste the entire tab in one go. I am also assuming that standard users don't have code view.
  10. You would simply drag in a loop node, and set it to loop 15 times, all your bot code would go inside the loop. That's all there is to it.
  11. Aymen has a niffty article spinner, but you'll be better off to find a good writer to write the content for you.
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