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About SSMonkey

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 8
  • Total Memory
    < 1Gb
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  • License
    Standard Edition

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  1. Just tried to log in to the old version 3.5 and it worked, but I need version 4 back!
  2. Hi I was one of the first customers of ubot, have had it since 09 and upgraded to pro version last year. Today I logged on to my server and tried to start up ubot for the first time in several weeks but I got the message "You are not eligible to use this version". So I went to the website at http://www.ubotstudio.com/customers/login to login and see if I could see what was up, but it wouldn't log in. When I tried to recover my username it said "No customer exists with that email.". Why has my account been disabled? The only thing I can think of is that I have installed ubot studio on my
  3. Doesn't work good for me I get about a 1/5 success rate and burn through captchas and proxies very fast. Waste of time...
  4. Im scraping data from a webpage that is seperated by both a comma and a space as in this example Item1, Item2, Item3 When I use '$list from text' to seperate the items into a new list it comes out like this: Item1 Item2 Item3 I tried using ", " ",$nothing" and ", " but it doesn't work to get rid of the spaces. Any ideas?
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