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Everything posted by BeerNut

  1. Yeah I am also geting anxious about the release date. I have some major updates to put out and and I am holding off until I can try this new browser out.
  2. Sorry for the silly questions but I wanted to get started with this finally and add it to an existing bot. So is there any 'better' choice for the program? I don't know much about PhantomJS other than its headless. In tests it seems to work out fine. This is slightly better since it will auto-install if the user doesn't have it. Though I have thought about including a version of chrome with my program in a resource folder since that was added. If I have a bot use Chrome the user will no longer be able to use their computer correct? What if I use the hide browser command? Will this affect t
  3. Where in the database is the exe name of your program stored? I didn't see anything like that. As far as i know when you open a bot called Hello.exe and there is an auto-update Locker grabs and unzips everything and then just runs Hello.exe again. Problem is I was stupid and made Hello1.exe and now I want my update to just be Hello.exe. The update will add Hello.exe but continue to open Hello1.exe. It then says there is an update and this loops forever until you notice it.
  4. I know the program does not have a Snap to Grid but how can I make sure things are spaced out right without trying to eyeball everything. I have several columns and I want them all 20px from the top menu bar. Right now I can not find anyway to actually do this. If I could space a single object 20px to the right and 20px from the top I could then use it as an anchor to move the other objects around. This system needs some way to space objects not just from each other but also the walls. Edit: Figure out a work around. I added a Custom Element that was a black background div container of
  5. Cheers, just bought it. Do you have a auto delivery system? I did't get an email. Also like many others here I own a lot of your plugins. Have you thought about making a autoupdate system so I won't need to check the drop boxes for each different plugin?
  6. I do exactly the same thing. uBot 5 opens crazy fast and allows me to get work done much faster and better. When it comes time to finally compile I just save and reopen in uBot 4 to compile. It just seems ridiculous that this is how its worked out.
  7. Birthday discount is the $67? Also on the save file > encoding does this mean I can save my output cvs files as UTF-8 inside of uBot?
  8. Can anyone recommend a way to rename the exe for the program? What I mean is that I foolishly put a version into the name of the exe like MyBotv1.exe but now I want to release a second major update to v2. Obviously the problem is that I could but the file name would still say v1 and confuse people. If I set the file name to v2 it would cause an update loop and go on like that forever. What would be the best way to get around this? I would need the program to rename/delete its self but in a way that won't effect Locker.
  9. I wish there was something I could say to this. But the problem is never re-creatable on my end either. Once you have enough customers or end users you start to get all kinds of emails from people with various problems. Some open the bot to a just a blank window with no UI or anything at all (having them manually install support files helps), one guy 2 days ago said it opened it to just a "ERROR" popup with noting else in it or anything at all. That was a new one for me. Some users say the program is just one giant crash screen where it won't run for more than 5 mins without coming up, some us
  10. I canceled my update subscription after 2 years yesterday and today they send out the email telling us about uBot Stealth and how it uses a new browser.
  11. wow thanks I was going to need this today!
  12. I don't know why i even bothered paying them for the updates this whole time. All of my bots are still using uBot 4 currently. I have tried several times now to upgrade thinking this version must finally work and be stable and every time I am disappointed. Since 5.8.5 came out and the log said "fixed browser crash" I figured what the heck and updated one of my main bots to it. The next morning I woke up to 40 emails from customers with problems. The bot won't load, program crashes to some error log, the browser crashed, the web client couldn't verify files. 3 of these errors all outed me
  13. Yes it can be used with all versions of Windows. Even Windows 10. I just made a new Support FIle installer for uBot Browser 5.8.5 for my customers.
  14. What are the list of acceptable Attributes for Scrape List Elements Attribute? There is a h3 tag on a page and I want all of the HTML code from inside of the tag. With scrape element it gets all the inner text but this is terrible since I can now not regex out what i needed. So i need the html contained within the tag. I tried innerhtml, outerhtml, and html but they return nothing. Edit: I read more about xPath and it seems I can only scrape a real attribute inside of the tag. So there is no innerhtml options.
  15. Maps updated today and they killed the last few working links to the classic version of Google Maps. The uBot browser can only support the 'lite' version of the new maps and this only provides 10 results and no next/previous page buttons. Has anyone been working on this?
  16. I have just incorporated this plugin into one of my more simple bots. But I am having a strange error where pressing the uBot stop button does not stop the bot anymore. The program will continue to go though the list and keeping going until it finishes the task. Its basically loading a list, then looping the list total and then doing a thing. I am not passing the list to the smart thread system just yet. So inside the thread its pulling next list item. But I am passing the loop (list total) directly to the smart thread. So it knows it needs to loop 1600 times and will continue to loop 1600
  17. One of my bots focuses on scraping details from google maps. I have always had a working google maps scraper for the last few years but the "new" google maps has me worried. Last week they disabled the "classic" option and forced users to use the new versions. I have found a temporary work around but it still depends on Google not forcing the change for good. Because the new version relies heavily on javascript I have found it difficult to find a good way to scrape it. If you just try to use the browser and navigate to the new maps you are forced into the lite version because the ubot browse
  18. I think all of my other programs all ignored case even though I never set up anything telling them to. I added case matching for the capitals and uBot picks up the match now. Seems I have been using EditPad++ with case matching off for like a year now. So don't mind me, just being an idiot over here.
  19. So I have this big regex for finding emails and its working in everything but uBot. Here is the regex as entered in uBot. ([a-z0-9][-a-z0-9_\+\.]*[a-z0-9])@([a-z0-9][-a-z0-9\.]*[a-z0-9]\.(arpa|root|aero|biz|cat|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|me|mil|mobi|museum|name|net|org|pro|tel|travel|ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|ax|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|ee|eg|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|i
  20. I just formatted and reinstalled everything and I don't have this plugin anymore. The link in the first post is dead. Can anyone reupload or share it again? Thanks.
  21. Was there ever a solution found for this problem? I rarely get a user with it but today one contacted me. Everytime they open the bot it just opens to a blank white screen with no UI or functionality. Other users in the past said they resolved it by opening and closing the bot or by just moving to a different computer. I would like to be able to tell a user how to resolve the problem if they contact me rather than giving them a big list of things to try that don't seem to help.
  22. Previously in this topic Meter was saying that VPNs can cause your MAC Address to change and can trigger another license to be used. I only allow 2 activations for my products so if someone opens the program before connecting to their VPN and then next time opens after connecting it could use both licenses. Since I only allow two I then get emailed about how they are only using it on one computer and how its broken. Since we have limited information about what the user is actually doing I have to guess that either they are lying to me or possible VPN problems. After I reset the license and t
  23. Is there anyway we could remove the Mac Address requirements? It wasn't an issue before but now I am getting like 4 emails a day from people locked out. I constantly tell them to connect to their vpn's after but they don't seem to listen. Instead I get angry emails from people..
  24. I have been using simple regex with uBot for awhile now, but mostly ones I have made my self. Now I need a complex regex that will match phone numbers of various types. I have found this RegEx below online. It works with EditPad, Rubular.com, and a few other regex checking programs I have. What it does not do is work with uBot Studio 4.0. ^(??:\+?1\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?(?:\(\s*([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9])\s*\)|([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9]))\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-9]1|[2-9][02-9]{2})\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?([0-9]{4})(?:\s*(?:#|x\.?|ext\.?|extension)\s*(\d+)
  25. I really don't like how quite this thread is. Either no one has bought this or it works perfectly so no one is talking about it. Not even reviews by other people.. I also use Meters system but I still have a ProtectGold version for the trial version of my software. Since it is not encrypted I would like a option to help protect that. Would this system work with ProtectGold? Does it still work at all?
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