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Everything posted by Brutal

  1. Hi guys, I hit a wall and need some help... I have a text area in my gui ... the associated variable is: #ShowMyText What I want to achieve is that every time I run a certain define, (the define is named: ReadySetGo) I want it to scroll that text area to the bottom. Any ideas/examples on how to do this?
  2. I have a few defines that I use in all of my bots, each define requires small modifications, like software name, version number, update url and so on. So I created a bot that allows me to input that information and run it and it returns a text file with all defines properly formatted for the new program that I can just paste into the code view. I compiled it and keep it on my desktop for easy access.
  3. Im going to guess that what is actually happening is that your browser eventually piles up on you and causes the issue - If I were you, on each loop (or each x-many loops) clear/reset the browser and it should solve the problem entirely.
  4. With the help of HelloInsomnia I was able to identify and overcome the issue. In my case, it was a simple matter of the computer time being set to a very different time than the actual time. Once I reset the time on the target vps, everything started working perfectly.
  5. Hey kev, - it just comes to a point where it should load a webpage, but then it doesn't load it and instead reports it as file not found (just an example, but a close one)
  6. Tried out: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19993-code-how-to-check-if-your-user-has-the-ms-visual-c-redistributable-2015-is-installed/ posted by code docta... still a no go.
  7. Here is one that I haven't run into before. I created/released a bot ... works fine for 90% of users, the other 10% have issues. So I decided to do some testing. I provide a vps service, so i created a couple of virtual desktops on my server. On one of the vps accounts the program works flawlessly. On another account (on same server) it continually fails at a certain point. There is zero firewall/antivirus or any other security on either machine. I have latest .Net version on both vps's Any ideas what I might be missing that is breaking the software on one of those?
  8. I sure hope someone answers this for you Nick - I really haven't been able to find much information/instruction on this topic either
  9. Frank, do an install on a fresh machine and even though you are packaging your ubot files, see if ubot is still doing a file download anyway.
  10. yes it is especially for list building
  11. I started with winautomation. Still use it... less and less with each passing day. uBot wins hands down is "ease of use"
  12. This was a great buy - You guys who are new to coding and want to learn more quickly, picking up source code for small programs like this will help you understand ubot, and expose you to new methods much more quickly than a regular simple tutorial will.
  13. It might be something as simple as your av/fw ... ii it updated it might be blocking some ubot files and causing your stuff not to work.
  14. Here is his site: http://ubotplugin.com/shop/ I have all of his plugins so I don't recall which one exactly is providing the button clicks.. I suspect it is either advance system or advance ubot2 ... but check his site - he gives full details on each plugin.
  15. John you really didn't give us (the community) much information to work from. Put in your existing code snippets and it will be easier for more advanced users to help you get on the right track. Without knowing more - I would say create a define for each of the different upload requirements, and then run those defines inline or in threads
  16. license server down right now - it will be back up a little later
  17. Pash has a plugin that does that... it will click main buttons... run, stop, pause for you thereby negating the need for defines if you do not want them. Additionally, you could always create a bot that uses advanced shell onload, and that advanced shell opens/starts your target bot... that is part of the stealth upgrades we have now.
  18. js - is there a reason you don't just have your combined files save somewhere else so that after each run you can just clear the old ones from the desktop?
  19. I'm with Stan... If you're running part of your program 24/7, then just use a define for the scrape portion and set it in a loop, then set a wait for however long you want it to wait between runs. You'll achieve your goal easily enough
  20. Hey Kev thanks for the reply. Yes, I use actualinstaller.... and I wasn't thinking about that when I made my post. I expect that the installer will cause the av to fire because, it checks the users .net version and will open a webpage if the user doesn't have the right version. So basically it will do the same as ubot does as far as causing av to trigger. I'll keep thinking on this and see if I come up with any other suitable methods to try.
  21. Lately I have been aggravated about false positives. Don't get me wrong, my buyer base is pretty solid so I don't get many complaints, but it is always a sore spot for new buyers who do not yet know me. So recently I have noticed that my av fires when I manually open my target exe file, but if the same file is opened using a shell command, it doesn't trigger the av. So, for the next program I release I plan to make an exe using winautomation that does nothing more than run a shell command to open my actual target ubot program. I don't pretend to understand why it is working this way for
  22. Proposed Class Action Suit Against anti-virus companies - We could include all major anti-virus providers. Something like this takes planning, action, and the right kind of lawyer. I am not saying that I have the skillset to put this together, but I am betting that someone here does possess the requisite skills. What does the suit attack? Pretty much every bot we make is flagged by various av programs. We constantly fight a battle in trying to educate people that our programs are clean and safe. This means that we spend time doing it, which means it costs us money to do (monetary los
  23. Separate your work into defines. This helps keep your work area manageable as your bots get larger and larger. *note: have a bit of code you wrote and think you may need later but right now it is in the way? Put it in a define and then just don't call that define. This way it is handy to access, still fully in tact, and mostly out of the way.
  24. Have you tried "change attribute" on the name field?
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