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Everything posted by HelloInsomnia

  1. IIRC this just happens the first time, if you restart Ubot the Gmail/Trello stuff should work fine. But regardless since you are getting an error you can report it in the tracker: http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/
  2. That looks like V4. To get the lastest (V6): Login to download the latest version from the dashboard: https://ubotstudio.com/customers/login Ask support for the latest version of V5 as well: http://support.ubotstudio.com/
  3. Read the bottom of this page: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Compiling_in_the_Standard_and_Professional_Editions
  4. You probably want this then: set(#article,$replace regular expression("Title: Bald Heads Word Count: 253 Summary: Over the ages, baldness has been considered a disease. Lately, it has also been followed as a fashion. However, greater numbers of people still feel that a head covered by hair is always more attractive than a bald one. Keywords: Bald, Bald Heads, Bald Women, Bald Men Article Body: Here is the article...","(?si)^title.+?body:\\n",""),"Global")
  5. You would use this to find the file: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Find_Regular_Expression
  6. Maybe use a regular expression, based on the input you gave try this: contact.+?\.c[a-z]v
  7. Here is a function with an example: clear list(%files) add list to list(%files,$list from text("19-0215458-test.pdf 20-0357896.pdf 20-035789620-035789620-035789620-0357896.pdf",$new line),"Delete","Global") loop($list total(%files)) { set(#file,$next list item(%files),"Global") alert($GetFirstTenDigits(#file)) } define $GetFirstTenDigits(#_text) { comment("Get all digits") set(#_digits,$replace regular expression(#_text,"[^0-9]+",$nothing),"Local") if($comparison($text length(#_digits),"< Less than",11)) { then { comment("If less than 11 then return
  8. Probably use a CSV file, should be easy for the client to use and also for the bot to parse. As for how to structure the program, this is one way: Each website has it's own script with custom commands to do the job. And one high level command that accepts the necessary parameters (e.g. username, password, etc). Client credentials would be stored somewhere else, in a database, CSV file, etc. Ideally encrypted. Bot can find the client in the database and get their credentials to use. The other info would be read in from the CSV file. Send all info to the relevant websites via those high le
  9. How do you handle plugins that require a license? And what about proxies? Do you supply them? Does the user? If so what if they don't supply good ones and the bot is not able to perform?
  10. Probably the easiest way is to just reverse the list so you don't have to have the box keep scrolling.
  11. If you have Elite Ubot Plugin then you can update the html panel using this command: EB Change UI HTML Panel
  12. This is probably closer to what you want: plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Load XAML", "<TextBox x:Name=\"Log\" Height=\"200\" IsReadOnly=\"True\" VerticalScrollBarVisibility=\"Auto\"/>", "False", "False", "False", "BaseLight", "Blue") clear list(%log) loop(20) { add item to list(%log,"{$date} - {$random text($rand(30,50))}","Don\'t Delete","Global") plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Set TextBox Property", "Text", "Log", %log) wait(1) }
  13. You probably wouldn't use a textblock for this, but yes it will replace it so you will either have to have an internal variable or something to keep track of it or you can also get the text like so: plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Load XAML", "<TextBlock x:Name=\"log\"/>", "False", "False", "False", "BaseLight", "Blue") plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Set TextBlock Property", "Text", "log", "one") set(#log,$plugin function("UltimateUI.dll", "$UI Get TextBlock Property", "Text", "log"),"Global") plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Set TextBlock Property", "Text", "log", "{#log
  14. If you can post the code you have then maybe somebody can take a look.
  15. Try to copy and then just paste in node view instead. Code view is available at pro (I think) and dev.
  16. I think I've seen this on websites before as a content locking method. You may be able to find a script for it and then see what they do to make a ubot version. e.g. https://codecanyon.net/item/social-content-locker-for-wordpress/2221015
  17. Update V 2.2 Added: Save Chart ImageJust a note that if you want the chart to have a background color in the image be sure to set it via the Set Chart Property command.
  18. clear list(%items) add list to list(%items,$list from text("Instant Loss: Eat Real, Lose Weight: How I Lost 125 Pounds—Includes 100+ Recipes Lose Weight Without Dieting Happy Gut: The Cleansing Program to Help You Lose Weight",$new line),"Delete","Global") set(#text,$text from list(%items," "),"Global")
  19. Should be possible, I'll have to double check later though to be sure.
  20. An update is being pushed right now so it won't be in this one but I'll see what I can do about this since the datagrid is customized its not so simple as push the header and it auto sorts. But I think I can do it while also adding filtering at the same time. Update V 1.10 Added:Add DataGrid Button ColumnDataGrid Button CellThese functions can be used on the DataGrid to add a button column. The buttons will be created for each row on the DataGrid and you can run a command from the button. In order to use this you will want to get the selected row index of the datagrid - which will be the row
  21. Here: https://techblog.willshouse.com/2012/01/03/most-common-user-agents/ There is a textbox at the bottom for easy copying.
  22. To remove well- from well-written: (?i)(\b(of|it|well)['a-zA-Z]*[\s\,\;]*-?|\s(of|it|well)['a-zA-Z]*(?=\.))
  23. Here is a list that updates constantly: https://techblog.willshouse.com/2012/01/03/most-common-user-agents/ There is a plain text version at the bottom.
  24. If you keep your commands small, name them well, and follow a high level -> low level structure then your code will read better. High level commands will just say what things do. Low level commands will do the work. For example to search Google you might have a high level command named SearchGoogle. This might contain a couple of commands in a loop: NavigateToSearchPage, ScrapeResults. Each of those might contain the actual logic. When you read the code you can see that it searches Google. If you need to see what that does then go to it and you will find that it loops and navigate to
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