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Everything posted by ATuringtest

  1. I use the code - method etc I made with uBot then just google how to do it in Python/selenium. Also I don't sell bots so licensing not a problem, and I'm sure there's plenty of ways to secure a program out there. As for windows defender seeing it as a virus, not had that problem so far. There's just small things that annoy me a lot, like uBot auto save doesn't work When you compile it , it sends the code off to god knows where and to god knows who? Don't get me wrong it was awesome 6-7 years ago. Really worked in its little niche. But now sooo many things are aged or you have to pay for th
  2. Got so pissed off with the program crashing losing stuff , things not working, not finding plugins and the exe being seen as a virus. I decided to go with Python Selenium, I'm just copying my uBot algorithms and converting them to Python. works a treat. Plus its completely free.. don't cost a penny for anything lol will be selling everything ubot related off soon. Dev Licence Premium plugins access to other things related Good luck guys
  3. Its ok I've found an API for email tracking
  4. Has anyone written an email bot that can use mail tracking ?
  5. Just put the whole user agent string in the user agent box : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36
  6. Dear lord ! if every answer was as complete as this I would be a lot wiser person. Thanks you for the answers I take it the answer is no, in respect to the questions A:B ?
  7. I have bought applications made in ubot that are 20 - 30 meg that have no pre downloads
  8. Can anyone explain if the huge download that happens (prerequisites) when you install your bot on a pc is A: necessary ? B: If not how do you stop it ?
  9. We should start our own forum !"! rebel !!
  10. Wow Tinku thank you very much it worked a treat Now I have a at least something that works I have a base to work with. The heaopas plugin does have a section for headers, need to mess around and see what works
  11. I have some text in variable that I want to be grammar checked by this API. The API is a trial so I've included the API key. I have Heopas's HTTP Get and Post this is my example https://doc-partner-services.gingersoftware.com/correction/v1/document?apiKey=56465a24-4a77-4954-8933-bb6156af1316 I'm just not getting what I need to fill out and where.. and how do you parse the variable with the text, dose it have to be a document work with the API ? All documentations is here https://www.gingersoftware.com/ginger-api/documentations?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=api_
  12. This must be simple but I just cant get the syntax I want to add +1 to a position, the variable holds the amount of characters so I can insert or add the next list item to #charCountPos1 but I need to add a space so the two list items are separated. set(#listItem2,$insert text(#listItem2,$next list item(%listList),#charCountPos1),"Global") I could pad the list item but that seems a bit of a waste of code. Stay Safe
  13. Well do like this dude did - ask in BHW if anyone wants one making for free !! The ideas come flooding in lol https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/making-any-bot-im-able-for-free.1196234/
  14. Edit, it worked fine Nick , problem was the amount of new lines, cleaned them up in to a single line and bam !! worked lol Thanks
  15. So I created a text file and put this in it start Everything in between status Then used your regular expression replace (?i)^start.+?status set(#texttest,$read file("C:\\Users\\Golden\\Desktop\\test_replace.txt"),"Global") set(#replaceTitle,$replace regular expression(#texttest,"(?i)^start.+?status"," "),"Global") You would think if your expression is correct it would work ? But it doesn't, I cant explain it?
  16. Hi Nick , that didn't work for some reason Heres my code set(#replaceTitle,$replace regular expression(#texttest,"(?i)^Title:.+?Body:",""),"Global") Here's an example of the text I want to delete Title to Body: Title: Bald Heads Word Count: 253 Summary: Over the ages, baldness has been considered a disease. Lately, it has also been followed as a fashion. However, greater numbers of people still feel that a head covered by hair is always more attractive than a bald one. Keywords: Bald, Bald Heads, Bald Women, Bald Men Article Body:
  17. I have a load of txt logs and it comes with some standard bumf at the top like headers but they are not actually headers. The first word of the doc always starts with "Start" and I want to delete everything inbetween to the word "Status:" including "Status:" How would I do that in ubot ? many thanks
  18. Dan I dont know if this is the right place for a problem but let me know if its not mate. I have a Exbroswer Click that finds x://button[contains(@aria-label,"More actions")][1] I get the message Multiple xpath expressions and then asks if I want to turn it off until after uBot reboot. If I say no it opens the correct button if I say yes it opens the correct button - but then the damn thing comes back the next time I load the script ! What should I do ?
  19. Pash what does "Plugin - 2 domains per key" mean please ? Is this 2 PC's ? Also having problems connecting the YouTube V3 license server The WordPress plugin worked fine and has licensed correctly Thanks
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