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Everything posted by rocket976

  1. Well you gotta tell us, Who did you end up going with?
  2. I use banditim.com you buy credits then use those credits to buy as many emails as you want when you want. They usually have yahoo email as well and they last.
  3. Sorry no longer available in its current state, eventually I'll put together an update and re release it as soon as I get some time to work on it. G is constantly updating and changing elements so beware of anything thats not 2014 and unfortunately unless its maintained constantly it may not work for long.
  4. Your probably doing everything right, good chance your av or firewall is blocking that update from over writing the files. Try disabling it or creating an exception and you'll prob be fine. Also make sure you update your backend to reflect the new version #
  5. Well until you build a relationship with paypal there is always a chance they could freeze your account without any notice. Many sales threads have gone down simply because they got to many sales to fast in what appeared to be an inactive account. When I say relationship I mean prove to them you will keep at least a 20% balance in case of chargebacks, refunds or disputes and handle them appropriately. Its also important to keep your refund rate under at least 5% or they will get worried. All things that places like mycommerce or clickbank or 2checkout generally handle for you however at an ad
  6. There are specialist captcha services that handle these types of captures. Personally I use banditim.com but there are others spamvilla, textcaptchasolver etc. learn more: http://banditim.com/blog/banditim-text-captcha-solving-what-is-it/
  7. These are footprints that will help you google up matching sites.
  8. Here ya go bud this will help Main footprint is : "Powered by iDocScript.com" "Profile Comments" "Showing all 0 comments" "Log in to your account or sign up to post your comments." There are others though , for ex. scribd and slideshare clones
  9. This is a great tool and really shows the potential of our bots. This is masterfully created and has given me many ideas to implement into my own software. This just works, flawlessly.
  10. HI Carl thanks for the updates, def one of the best ubot created tools available and getting better every time I open it. I seem to have missed this, Im trying to add an onchange to a dynamic drop down is this possible in the software now?
  11. Great tool wouldn't mind a find in text/code dialog and I second the save button BUT would choose find over save.
  12. This is awesome! Thanks Carl much appreciated. I would be interested in a mobile app to manage this for sure.
  13. Just google this to find sources and harvest them +”:8080″ +”:3128″ +”:80″ socks
  14. Thanks for trying guys both great suggestions I didn't consider. The last time it happened I blamed the issue on dropbox but this time , no dropbox.. Alas after a joyous day of restoring backups Im back to where I was last Sunday (my os) Fortunately No bots were harmed during this dramatic ordeal.. (for me)
  15. Thanks for sharing Kev Running as admin, removed my av/firewall software rebooted multiple times... uninstalled ubot/rebooted reinstalled all same same same fortunately after the last time I created a system image but its still such a pain in the ass.. still hoping support has a solution...dreading the alternative.
  16. Saving Failed the file already exists. Not able to save or make edits to any .ubot files This is the second time this has happened now, ubot acting weird then will not save see video below: Has anyone else experienced this? How did you solve it without wiping your machine? very very fraustrating.. http://screencast.com/t/BNYoSSkKkP
  17. Already made this for ya. Been pushing 50 threads at it with kevs smart threading NO PROBLEMS very low memory too. You ll notice you ve jumped 3% in the last 20 min check your pm
  18. Where are you stuck? How far along have you got? What plug ins do you have? Maybe if you elaborate on where your having problems some of us could help fill in the blanks for ya.
  19. Thanks Andy much appreciated if you need any help hit me up on skype @ gadget_guru
  20. Added in location specific posting, you can now post just Canadian, just US , just EU or World wide coupon distribution. - Also added 8 new Canadian sites Update log here http://masscouponsubmitter.com/software-updates/ and accessible through the software. Please submit your EU sites for inclusion.
  21. You've been busy Dan! I didnt notice the other 4 bonus before this one so Im starting at the top Ill let you know when Im done. Great value regardless thanks bud!
  22. Hey Dan yea I can confirm "The remote name can not be resolved 'ubot-plugins.com from Toronto , CA
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