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Everything posted by a2mateit

  1. I had a similar problem with the controlling the save as dialogs with windows commands. If I remember correctly, it is showing up, you just cannot see it. Try running the commands as if it was there, and it should work. I haven't used the windows commands in a long time, so I could be wrong but I believe it should work. Give it a try
  2. Are the google passed as in can they be used to scrape results from google?
  3. Hey Dan, Did you try opening two instances of ubot studio. Click the save as dialog in one, and sniff the info for the save as dialog with the other one using the wizard. Give it a shot, it should work for you.
  4. Hi I'm definitely interested. As I am currently paying WAYYY more than 34.99 a month for proxies. How many other people will be using the same proxies? Are they solid for account creation on the big sites?
  5. The best thing so far is that ExBrowser is available NOW! We were originally told the New Browser would be available by the end of August. Now we all see that didn't happen. But you can buy ExBrowser Plugin today and start using it right away! To me that is the biggest benefit. This plugin is simply amazing...
  6. That is a very reasonable statement. It would be nice to know a little ahead of time. Maybe I would've waited to re-sub to updates...
  7. Personally I would rather them deliver late and have a smooth transition than rushing to push it out full of bugs...
  8. Guys it's already come out and you don't even know it because it's stealth
  9. This is great. Has really sped up my coding when using the http and exbrowser plugin. I would recommend every ubot user add this tool to their arsenal!
  10. I'll test your service out. Feel free to pm me.
  11. Hey I believe TJ has a plugin for this. Link: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13441-sell-plugin-sound-commands/
  12. Let's make sure it works before requesting new features on a new feature we haven't even been able to use yet
  13. Hi guys, Just now getting around to porting over some bots that use captchas. Is there a tutorial or video somewhere on how to solve captchas with this plugin?
  14. Guys first of all I just gotta say WOW! This plugin is really going to change the game, and it's brought back my excitement to use Ubot. I have personally grown apart from Ubot lately for a whole host of reasons, one of them being the browser crashes. With this plugin I was able to complete a project in 1 day (Thanks to the Amazing Support Behind this Plugin!) that I have been trying to complete with ubot for over 1 year and was unable to due to the archaic way ubot currently deals with pop-ups. I swore to myself that I wouldn't buy another plugin, but now I couldn't be happier that I inve
  15. Hi Pash, I have Advance Ubot 1 already. How much to get Ubot 2 as well?
  16. Just purchased and hardware id has been emailed for activation! Looking forward to getting my lic file and playing around with this thing.
  17. This is the java program I was speaking of: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8701-ubot-studio-code-generator-platinum-edition-130-precoded-sites-v2/
  18. Dan, Thanks for the prompt response. If you can send a trial that would be awesome. I told myself I wouldn't buy another plugin after spending thousands on ubot and plugins already, but if this plugin can solve this issue on AMF then it will be worth the $97. One quick question about the pop-up container. Will it hold the same cookies as the original browser? If so, I believe this will work. Thanks for the awesome support so far guys. And i'm not even a customer yet. I can only imagine how awesome the support for customers is. Also, I read that you can just execute javascrip
  19. Thanks for the answer. Originally I wanted the communication plugin for that part of it. I know this was a seperate plugin, just was curious if that would be offered as well. I have 1 more question about the specific thing I am hoping to achieve with this. I want to be able to login to two seperate sites and stay logged inside of firefox. Then navigate to a site in the original firefox windows and click on a button and have it open a youtube video in a popup browser. Then be able to "like" the video and close the popup window while keeping the original window open and sharing cookies
  20. Hi guys when I buy this do I still get the communication part of the plugin?
  21. Dan I have sent you a PM. Really excited to see where this goes.
  22. I believe Pash released a free plugin for this type of situation a long time ago.
  23. Awesome man I'll be picking this up soon
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