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Everything posted by a2mateit

  1. The define command is what you need. Put each step from Part 1-3 into defines. Then call them in the order you need them. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Define
  2. There are a couple of different options available when it comes to securing your bots. You can check out the full list of 3rd party plugins available here: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13435-every-plugin-listed-here-selling-buying-look-no-further/ Also, I believe Ubot is coming out with their own version soon.
  3. You should probably use the wait for element command instead of wait for browser load. Or use wait for page loaded, instead of dom ready. Also make sure you are using a longer timeout, especially if you are on DSL...
  4. If your working with the clients, and all I have to do is the programming then you can add me on skype. I might be interested. Just finished up alot of my projects and got some free time.
  5. Yep. There is a way to automate it. I have DSL for this very reason along with my high speed.
  6. Like others above have stated, if you plan on selling your bots then yes. But if you are just using them for your own personal use, you don't really need it. Dev is more for people who want control of their UI, and want to remove branding. I purchased Dev, and although I haven't sold bots en masse I don't regret it.
  7. Set it to a variable, then navigate to that variable. Done
  8. *Sigh* I think we were all expecting more out of the ui builder. But Seth said it is just the start. It will only get better from here.
  9. Honestly guys I don't see what the big hub bub is about. They are putting it off to make sure it is bug free. Now saying that, is it gonna be bug free when v5 launches. No. No software is ever without bugs at first and that is exactly what they are trying to avoid. I for one am glad that they are working hard to iron out all the wrinkles first before launching. Even if that takes an extra month (hoping its not that long), I would rather wait and see a fairly stable, bug free product instead of something that was pushed out to soon without adequate bug testing. There is a whole team
  10. You guys just gave me a great idea for a bot. Thanks
  11. Agreed. Thats why I disabled signatures so I don't have to look at them. But I suppose some people aren't even aware that option is available.
  12. I take offence to that. I'm an affiliate marketer and were not all bad TJ is by far one of the most helpful members on this forum. The least he deserves is to fill his sig with as many links as the forum rules allow. I believe most, if not all of his products in his signature are his OWN creations, and directly apply to Ubot. If you don't like looking at the signatures (which I personally can't stand), you have the option to turn off everyones signature, or just a certain members. That way you don't have to even see a signature. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I
  13. I would like to know this as well...
  14. Hey bud, You might want to check out this thread: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14614-sell-ubot-ui-node-to-html-converter/ Not my product, but for $10 it could really help you learn the process.
  15. Use change attribute instead of type text. When you use type text, it simulates the typing of the text and can take awhile when working with a large block of text. Change attribute will fill it in almost instantly. I seriously doubt it's your video card like some have suggested. Try using "change attribute" instead of "type text" and it should solve your problem.
  16. set(#looptotal, %list total(yyour list here), "Global") HTH
  17. Would be another cool feature to have something like this include in v5 to prevent having to use this work around.
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