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Everything posted by blumi40

  1. Try the Program CleanMem that fix the problem with dud Code behind the Botengien :D
  2. relativ links doesnt works if u wanna outsource your css and js u need a fix adresse like http://yourdomain.com/myincludes/my.css
  3. http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10196-tmp-solution-hide-browserwindow-and-url-bar/
  4. i'm even not ready to pay 5 per months for get a stable software! i only was belive that what u shows me on your website your promise what ubot can do. So the fakt is i get a bugsoftware and have to pay to get it stable....??? LOL i never ever in my life i was finding things like u do here. im from germany and i also was givem my lawyer the url the terms etc... and exactly the same like beatngu says for european people thats inacceptable. again i dont need a botbank! i need a stable product! and i need a reason, why - when i upgrade from Pro to Dev which means 200$ i dont get the late
  5. Seth. What costs u mean? We talk about a one-men show! U -> the big buizmen Eddie -> the onemen DeveloperTeam and Lilly -> the support Team And a couple of freelancer who helps people So thats what i see....u looking for reason to milk the cow If i buy a Software for round about 700$ i can expect that the software i buy runs stable. If it dont, i can expect the i get Bugfixupdates for free! The stuff u sell around that software aka botBank and other thinks u cant link with the Bugfixes and tells people..."if u need bugfixes u also get addons and if u get addons u have to pay for"
  6. The UBotCompany would be nothing without the power of users who use there software to do bots to shows the world how automation works. so for me thats near stupid that a company charge tons of money from his folks who brings that software on top. i also was talking about think around ubot at the skype group, the results was i was banned! cause critic not allowed! But i know one thing well....companys who plays like that with her clients dont liv long and succesfull and its a question of time there change his politics... I dont accept like there doing that and i want figth for my right! Befor
  7. I also was upgrade last week from Pro to Dev Version there charge me 199$ for this upgrade but i only upgrade from 4.097 pro to 4.097 Dev...for the lastes updated version i have to pay the monthly fee. Everyone know what a upgrade means get the news and better version. But not with mitser seth...he got other rulez! Here in germany thats not legal 100% and i also think about to handle with lawyer. Im ready to pay for thinks like BotBank and tools around Ubot but im not ready to pay again and again for a stable version i bought before. I also know that this thread will be delete by the master h
  8. okay ... my idea isnt tested yet but maybe it can helps u... if u have to solve flashcaptchas. 1. we need a website we host. do a site with fakecaptcha funktion on your server placeholder for the pic and a formfield for solve the captcha 2. go to the flashcaptcha site and take a picture on captchacode 3. send this pic to your server-site u did the placeholder pic name must be the same name as the pic u was scrape on the flash site 4. send this to your captcha service and let him fill up the fakecaptchaformfield 5. after that save the result in a #var and send this var to the flashfo
  9. gimma your email i will forward my spam i get everyday on my thunderbird
  10. maybe i understand this wrong but what woulds happen if u ping? ping works with icmp, what means u cant check networkprotocol like socks or https with it. for that u need tools like nmap
  11. i do working whit tabs since weeks and it works okay. but what i saw is... if i work on realy big bots the bot will be slower and slower... and only when i restart the bot to work again on it, it runs normal... some thinks a realy strange whit v4, like many times bluescreens whit 3.5 i never saw a bluescreen and i reckon thats a problem of the Memory Allocation... cause i work also with program like cinema4d who needs massiv memory and cpu and i never ever saw a bluescreen also photoshop or some video or music apps. i was telling that many times to edward and everytime he brings the same ans
  12. add list to list(%forum_names_demo1, $list from file("D:\\forums\\demo.txt"), "Delete", "Global")
  13. >> you can run a few hundred machines off 2-3 servers pretty easily never ever bob ! show me that for sure on a doubleQuadCore and maximum ram u can run many instances of guests but 3 Hosts = ~ 100 ? no way i dont belive that.
  14. what i miss is a sourcecode comment methode like i got with //php or /*js*/ and if i use a comment like this that the node i comment out is hidden at the nodeeditor. would thinks do mutch cleaner. also a lockedfuction for nodes. at last :-) a search function for the html-sourcecode editor
  15. as idea for replace the dot the count of letters behind must higher then 3
  16. i feel proxy run much better then before overall ubot isnt that slow then before thx for this nice update
  17. try this clear list(%urls) navigate("http://pastebin.com/bf5Tep0m", "Wait") add list to list(%urls, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<span class=\"st0\">\"http://ui.zanox.com/bin/z_in_frm.dll?*\"</span>">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global")
  18. is there a reason why u add list to list into the loop? place it before u start the loop. then it works i think
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