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Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Pete

  1. navigate("https://meinkonto.telekom-dienste.de/konto/registrierung/email/index.xhtml?&sid=email","Wait") wait for element(<id="form:title:title_label">,"","Appear") change dropdown(<outerhtml="<select id=\"form:title:title_input\" name=\"form:title:title_input\" tabindex=\"1\" class=\"sl-title_input\"><option value=\"\">Auswählen</option><option value=\"1\">Herr</option><option value=\"2\">Frau</option></select>">,"Herr") wait(2) change dropdown(<outerhtml="<select id=\"form:title:title_input\" name=\"form:title:title_input\
  2. Hi pash Last time I looked it was not the login that was the problem It was links and icons becoming unclick able in the blogs and the search page not rendering
  3. Lol but some of these sites including tumblr we can automate with a buggy old IE browser but not ubots awseomnium browser
  4. I don't see that as my problem I see it as Seths headache Read the ubot sales page Automation makes life easier for you & your customer. Anything you do online can be automated with UBot Studio. It will help you collect and analyze information, synchronize online accounts, upload and download data, and finish any other job that you might do in a web browser, and beyond. Most programming languages are difficult and take months, if not years, to master. And they can cost thousands of dollars, after you get all the pieces necessary to turn out professional apps. UBot Studio is actually
  5. Send it in as a bug report, don't go to support they can't help you Enter one report for each action that fails I would do it but I've been waiting 2/3 days and still no reply when I applied for a bug report account edit if someone dose this please enter one for the include not working IE: you can't reopen a bot after its save without deleting all the includes "run commands" going back to node view and the replacing them
  6. add list to list(%urls,$list from text($find regular expression($scrape attribute(<class="united-states geoBlock">,"outerhtml"),"[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]\{2,256\}\\.[a-z]\{2,4\}\\b(\\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*)?"),$new line),"Delete","Global") Unchecked but looks about right
  7. What versions of microsoft visual C++ are you guys running As I only had the x64 versions installed, and just thought ubot is still x86
  8. I think you will find the variable #proxy is set to local before its sent to the define Navigatewithproxy If it was global you would create a conflict
  9. or you could try http set credential
  10. CS has a bug as I spent a week pointing out to support end result. Lastly, be aware that we may remove captcha sniper support from UBot in the near future. As you've now seen, the software has serious design flaws, and it is no longer in our interest to keep supporting it. Seth Turin President UBot Media ps You can get it working correctly if you code a socket command yourself or use the old csse.exe in cs on port 8080
  11. We need the option to black list members of this forum that are just filling it with useless posts, as the mods are not stopping it.
  12. Some more here http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.de/2014/12/are-you-robot-introducing-no-captcha.html
  13. Check your control panel for multiple installs of version 5
  14. Put this at the start of the string (?i)
  15. This may do it http://bignosebird.com/recycle2.shtml or you could adapt this <li><a href="http://">zx</a><br />Some Text</li> <li><a href="http://">zx</a><br />Some Text</li> <li><a href="http://">zx</a><br />Some Text</li> add as many as you want... and a php file, I call mine ads.php <? $delim = "\n"; $cryfile = "random.txt"; $fp = fopen($cryfile, "r"); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($cryfile)); $cry_arr = explode($delim,$contents); fclose($fp); srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $cry_index =
  16. Business leads can work well if you can filter it down to high value leads for reps, and also refresh the data as needed for them, most will know where it’s coming from but you save them days of trawling the net. Website just needs to be a point of contact, as has been said email it to them. Each will more than lightly want it in a custom format anyway.
  17. ui text box("Username", #Username) ui text box("Password", #Password) Login to Your Account() define Login to Your Account { navigate("www.gramfeed.com", "Wait") wait(4) if($exists(<outerhtml="<img src=\"/Instagram_signin.png\" border=\"0\">">)) { then { click(<outerhtml="<a class=\"link\" onclick=\"logOauth(0)\" href=\"/oauth/login\"><img src=\"/Instagram_signin.png\" border=\"0\"></a>">, "Left Click", "No") wait(3) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") type text(<username fiel
  18. Looking at the bug sheet for 5.5.2, they have been resolved No just moved round the corner http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/projects/ubot-5/issues?assigned_to_id=8&set_filter=1&status_id=o&subproject_id=%21%2A
  19. Apichai Data Functions Could I suggest &random table item's
  20. clear cookies navigate("http://www.thesettlersonline.com/en", "Wait") wait for element(<innertext="Age">, "", "Appear") click(<innertext="Age">, "Left Click", "No") wait(0.500) click(<innertext=$rand(14, 36)>, "Left Click", "No") wait(0.500) click(<(class=" red" OR class="yellow")>, "Left Click", "No") click(<innertext=w"Northisle *%">, "Left Click", "No") click(<id="termsLabel">, "Left Click", "No") edit as the regex was a problem
  21. I would say at this point it looks hopeful but still needs more work, without posting details the html panel has problems as the bots get bigger, along with displaying the debugger, as far as I know lists and tables are still globe. Lack of fixes over the last few weeks not looking so good.
  22. Its inside the iframe so you need to grab that navigate("http://mailinator.com/inbox.jsp?to=agonizingdinner", "Wait") wait for element(<class="from ng-binding">, "", "Appear") click(<class="from ng-binding">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") navigate("http://mailinator.com/{$find regular expression($find regular expression($document text, "<iframe src=\"rendermail.jsp.*</iframe>"), "(?<=<iframe src=\").*?(?=\")")}", "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") set(#verification, $scrape attribute(<href=w"https://acco
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