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Everything posted by Sanjeev

  1. add list to list(%list1,$list from text("187 Niches To Sell OnlineFREE List of eCommerce Niches187 Proven Products That SELL Drop Shipping TrainingGet 10 Days of FREE TrainingFrom eCommerce Expert Anton Kraly ",","),"Delete","Global") set(#vars,$replace regular expression($list item(%list1,0),"^187 Niches To Sell Online(?=\\w+)| Drop Shipping Training(?=\\w+)",$nothing),"Global")
  2. use Aymens file management plugin free - and you could do something like this - add list to list(%list1,$list from text("187 Niches To Sell Online,FREE List of eCommerce Niches,187 Proven Products That SELL, Drop Shipping Training,Get 10 Days of FREE TrainingFrom eCommerce Expert Anton Kraly",","),"Delete","Global") plugin command("File Management.dll", "remove all from list", %list1, $list item(%list1,0)) https://cl.ly/93414b47f633
  3. Not sure what you are after.. try this.. add list to list(%list1,$list from text("187 Niches To Sell Online,FREE List of eCommerce Niches,187 Proven Products That SELL, Drop Shipping Training,Get 10 Days of FREE TrainingFrom eCommerce Expert Anton Kraly",","),"Delete","Global") set(#replace text,$list item(%list1,0),"Global") set(#vars,$replace(%list1,$list item(%list1,0),$nothing),"Global") set(#vars,$replace regular expression(%list1,#replace text,$nothing),"Global") add list to list(%list,$list from text(#vars," "),"Delete","Global")
  4. add list to list(%list1,$list from text("187 Niches To Sell OnlineFREE List of eCommerce Niches187 Proven Products That SELL Drop Shipping TrainingGet 10 Days of FREE TrainingFrom eCommerce Expert Anton Kraly ",","),"Delete","Global") You haven't comma separated your list.. like so - 187 Niches To Sell Online, FREE List of eCommerce Niches, 187 Proven Products That SELl...?
  5. Have you tried to get the source from chrome dev tools panel? right click on page -> select inspect -> html source code?
  6. try the following ..? alert($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Scrape Element", "//div[@class=\"table-icon stats\" and @title = \"{#username}\"]" ------------- alert($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Scrape Element Attribute", "//div[@class=\"table-icon stats\" and @title = \"{#username}\"]", "attribute")) ----- note: if the 'username id 'you are trying to scrape - is in the format - recid ="2" , then you need to place only the attribute name here - for example if the user id attribute in the html code is 'recid' - then the following code might w
  7. what do you mean by that? You need to use xpath/css selectors to scrape or click on elements. If You are using native Ubot studio selectors I am not sure how well or to what extent they are supported in Exbrowser.
  8. not sure if this will work - try - plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "//li[@class=\"icn_users\"]/a[[@href=\"\"mnglines.php\"]") or plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "//li[@class=\"icn_users\"]/a") or plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "//li[@class=\"icn_users\"]/a[contains(text(),\'Manage Lines\')]")
  9. My 2 Cents .. ---------- Account activity - Keep it real, and try to mix up your activity. don't start following 1000 accounts in a short time.. . Go easy on comments and posting - with new accounts. let your account age a bit and slowly amp up your activity. Profile - No profile picture and no picture on the wall - and you can feel the ban hammer coming down. ... also - have a complete profile. IP connection -This is the most important, esp. when you create a lot of accounts on a single ip that's a big big red flag! buy dedicated proxies and 1 proxy per account. same proxy - same account
  10. no.. normally shouldn't be an issue at all...
  11. can you post your ubot browser code - which was working previously? relevant html source data will also be help..
  12. this worked for me - plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "//span[text()=\"Next\"]") https://cl.ly/d8e9825b6e0a
  13. If the file does not have a proper extension - rename it to 'filename.csv' and then import/open that file with excel from the image it appears that this a comma separated value file. this might also help : https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2014/05/01/convert-csv-excel/
  14. UPAD NINJA! [This Offer will be available only till October 15th!After that , this offer not available for sale anywhere!] Production quality ubot studio syntax highlighting inside notepad++ along with cool workflow boosters. Hello Ubotters! I have Finally cracked the code on using the Ubot studio's syntax highlighting inside of notepad++! As you can see from the screenshots below , you now have production quality syntax highlighting inside Notepad++. In addition to the syntax highlighting, I have also customized the Function list feature in notepad++ to show all Ubot studio -variable names,l
  15. It would be great if Exbrowser could add functions to select shadow DOM elements - without having to resort to using JavaScript.. Similar to how Exbrowser allows us to navigate inside Iframes and then execute xpath/css - could we have similar functionality for shadow dom elements please?
  16. that won't work try this - plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "chrome://settings/clearBrowserData") wait(3) plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "c:* /deep/ #clearBrowsingDataConfirm")
  17. Maybe @Lazybotter's solution might work for you? http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/15157-best-way-to-verify-emails/ also look at this post - http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/11356-verify-emails-gmail/ I'm not sure - but maybe in order to retrieve emails - some people have suggested that for 'Gmail' you need to turn on a setting - ' allow less secure apps to access your account' Go to the "Less secure apps" section in My Account. Next to "Access for less secure apps," select Turn on
  18. I think @Heopas has a 'process exists ' in his free plugin - works the same way..
  19. there is a bug in Ubot -where \d{2} doesn't work.. have to use this form -- \d{2,2} https://cl.ly/47e6a1ba0134
  20. Or maybe you want to capture the digits into a named group?
  21. Well you haven't mentioned anything else about the line the digits are on..are you saying this doesn't work? alert($find regular expression(1359,"^(\\d\{2,2\})")) https://cl.ly/e32f2db9c812 alert($find regular expression(1359,"^\\d\\d")) https://cl.ly/d6e22baa6034 this works too! or alert($find regular expression(1359,"^[0-9][0-9]")) Again , like I said we need to know the placement of the digits in a line - if this doesn't work.
  22. I have tried using Taskill command to end that process via shell - it doesn't work. try running this and see - shell("TASKKILL /F /IM UBotCefSharpBrowser.exe /T") @helloinsomnia suggested - Pashs 'Adavnced system' plugin.. for that purpose...says it works.
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