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Everything posted by myubotforumaccount

  1. can you please do some update with multilogin mimic browser my software works good with multilogin firefox and chrome browsers. but with mimic browser, it is very buggy. it would lost control on the mimic browser after some exbrowser click command
  2. what should i do if sqlite can only return system.byte[] i saw there was a paid plugin named sqlite-database-plugin and with a function sqlite reader but what should i do with your free sqlite plugin
  3. exbrowser plugin is still work with multilogin 4.xxx versions. multilogin published version 5.xxx like about half years ago. i hope exbrowser can work with multilogin 5.xx too. as i think multilogin 5.xx is better than 4.xx
  4. hope you can make some updates on exbrowser multilogin app function multilogin have update their version to v5.xx which exbrowser can not support at this moment
  5. for http clear cookie, hope somebody help me out. i created a bot to scrape amazon data. i tried clear cookie command plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "Clear Cookies", "https://www.amazon.com/") but looks like it will not clear all cookies. my bot can run perfect like 20mins, after that i need to close the bot and reopen the bot, or else amazon will popup captcha bot detection any body can tell me how to clear the cookie clear
  6. no offense. first, multilogin is not that stable when u have many profiles, there are even many problems when i create profiles manually . second , ubot is really not a good tool to control window apps, and edit fields within mulitilogin app third, i know api is a great choice, and i did google it before you tell me. but make a api may be is easy for u , but not for me. i just watch your exbrowser v2.0 info1 video again, there are create profile and delete profile commands check the attachment. https://imgur.com/a/bzDPgOR i am thinking if you forget to add the commands in the new ver
  7. no, i am talking about exbrowser ml function. then maybe i am not following what you mean by automate the creation and deletion as needed inside of ML multilogin has any url to manage the profile id online? i can only manually create and delete profile through multilogin window app
  8. i do not think ubot is a good tool to do window automation job. at least i am very sure that i can not make a good bot to automate the creation and deletion of ml profile id. i have been spending half day to do profile creation and deletion. a lot of pain. it will save a lot of time you can add these functions. :wub: :wub:
  9. dan, thanks for your reply yes, i have watched the video. but there is no function to create ml profile id and delete ml profile id in the plugin and showed in the video too. i remember that ,in the first video you introduce exbrowser v2 , there was function to create ml profile id and delete ml profile id. and i hope , you can add function to edit the ml proxy setting field too
  10. yes, i am using exbrowser v2 008 version, but there is only one parameter for profile id https://imgur.com/a/tcuz9cu did i miss something?
  11. hope the new version will come with the function to create multiloginapp profile id, and also delete profile id
  12. can u please instruct me how to install python plugin to ubot? i have been googling for all days, but still can not find the right way. thanks
  13. <select class="ui-datepicker-month" data-handler="selectMonth" data-event="change"><option value="0" selected="selected">一月</option><option value="1">二月</option><option value="2">三月</option><option value="3">四月</option><option value="4">五月</option><option value="5">六月</option><option value="6">七月</option><option value="7">八月</option><option value="8">九月</option><option value="9">十月</option><option value="10">十一月</option><option value="11">十二月</optio
  14. does ubot studio support un unicode i use add list from file, and create table from file, bot not support un unicode any one can help?
  15. for exbroswer coodinate, the valve of x position and y position is the same as the ones i get from ubot mouse click wizard? i am using exbroswer plugin the position i get from ubot mouse click wizard not work for me
  16. the video do not work any more, will you show another link? for exbroswer coodinate, the valve of x position and y position is the same as the ones i get from ubot mouse click wizard? i am using exbroswer plugin the position i get from ubot mouse click wizard not work for me
  17. does http support unicode french and chinese now? <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Home-Kitchen-Décor-Products/zgbs/home-garden/1063278/ref=zg_bs_nav_hg_1_hg">HomeDécor</a> i can not get a href link like this anyone please help me, thanks
  18. chrome portable 55 , 54 are not allowed to be install online any more, can you please share a link for full package?
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