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Everything posted by videoseomkting

  1. Is it possible to pay for this plugin in Bitcoin?
  2. Thanks. That's what I thought, but It was worth trying. All my hopes rest now on the reply to the tickets.
  3. Thanks for sharing. I think we are a step closer to the solution. The only difference I see is that you have Aymens plugins installed. If it is not too much to ask, could you please try it with all 3rd party plugins disabled?
  4. Thanks HelloInsomnia, I have tried that, but it didn't work. Please note that I am not the only one with that problem. See here: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/20446-unable-to-login-httpsdrivegooglecomdrive/ I opened a support ticket a couple of days ago and they got the same results I am getting. I am waiting for a solution/reply to that ticket while they are looking into this. Are you using UBOT 5.9.50?
  5. What Ubot browser did you use? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have made a small video of the problem. As you can see, I am not using any code while testing the functionality of the browser. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3dLAwm1j6lhQkRYNUtkUmpyNDg/preview
  6. That's the message I get after I sign in to my google account and go to the google drive site. Are you able to use the google drive site using the Ubot browser?
  7. Thank you HelloInsomnia, It's not a problem with the code. It's a problem with the browser that doesn't let me use the site (see my first post). I have tried both 21 and 49, but none of them work.
  8. I was having the same problem. The best I have accomplished has been this http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/21184-google-drive-bot/
  9. Based on the information given, you don't need to use any extension. Using lists/tables should be enough to accomplish that.
  10. Hi everyone, I am building a bot for a work I need to do with google drive, but I am having problems to load the site (see image below). http://i.imgur.com/UMz2Ayhh.jpg I am logged in and have tried clicking on the Sign back in link and the retry button, but I keep getting that message, which stays there and doesn't let me do anything. I have tried with different user agents with no success. Could someone please help me? Thanks in advance.
  11. I gave up trying to use Chrome 39 some time ago. It has crashed to me with Windows 7, 8 and 10, so I don't think it is an issue with the Operating System.
  12. You are not alone. I am also getting those crashes with browser 39 regardless of the plugins I use.
  13. Don't worry. We'll keep searching for a solution. Thank you.
  14. I am also interested in this. Could someone please provide some links?
  15. I have done that several times with the same result. Also the compiled exe crashes every time (as mentioned in another forum thread), so I have downgraded to 5.8.5 until everything is fine with version 5.9. Thank you.
  16. I am having the same "issue". Also, when I select ... Options>General>Browser:Chrome 39 It doesn't retain that option "Chrome 39". Every time I come back to the options it has reverted to "Chrome 21" selected. Please help.
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