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go-va last won the day on December 19 2016

go-va had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2 Neutral

About go-va

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

System Specs

  • OS
    Mac OS
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. I think its going to take me time working with google drive so they made me a url in which from there i'll be getting the link of the images to be posted in Facebook. My question is how am I going to get the link and then switch to facebook and post it there?
  2. I have tried using different types of User agents but it kept saying "Update your browser to use Google Drive", I have updated my browsers versions though. I was thinking if it is possible for Ubot to access with google drive. By the way I'm not using proxies to log in with my account
  3. I'm currently creating a bot that would require me to login with google drive and wanted to get files from there everyday and post it on Facebook but it does not let me access in google drive.
  4. We've tried to make it run with one of our Developers PC and it run well, bots functions were working but when we tried it with other PC, installing Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 was a success but trying to install the .Net there was an error saying that it already exist on that PC. I've search on google on how to be able to know the version of the .Net installed but haven't found a solution for it. Do you have an idea on how to check the current version of the .Net that is already installed on the PC?
  5. I just completed a bot and shared it to one of my clients. My client wants me to share it to their team but when sharing it, they were able to download it but they were not able to open the bot. Do they have to install something to make it run? Btw I'm new to Ubot so help is appreciated. Thanks
  6. any idea on what time would it be back? could it be their updating?
  7. I'm unable to connect to license server. The remove server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway Does everyone experience this?
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