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Everything posted by ed08724

  1. I have a woocommerce store which I add and remove products via ubot and just standard screens as I would do manually.
  2. Given the following code, why does the save browser image not always save define browse(#website) { navigate(#website,"Wait") wait for browser event("DOM Ready",9999) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded",9999) wait(1) save browser image("{$special folder("My Documents")}\\screen.jpg") }
  3. I have a bot that seems to work for hours but then will randomly fail on these type statements. navigate(#urlaz,"Wait")wait for browser event("DOM Ready",9999)wait for browser event("Everything Loaded",9999)wait for element(<class="navFooterLine navFooterLinkLine navFooterDescLine">,9999,"Appear")save to file("{$special folder("My Documents")}\\babrowseraz.html",$document text)set(#category,$page scrape("<span class=\"nav-search-label\" style=\"width: auto;\">","</span>"),"Global") the error seems to occur on the $page scrape command. The line before saves $document text to
  4. not sure what you mean by first statement. the second sounds like a good idea. I will test that. Thanks, Ed
  5. I have 1 thread that adds items to a table and another that searches the table for specific strings often the search thread gives an error "index was outside the bounds of the array" I assume this is because the thread adding a row is causing the table to be unavailable for a period of time. I tried setting a variable before and then clearing it after the operation adding the row then checking that variable in the search thread before doing the search but it still gives the error. add thread: increment(#barow)set(#tablelock,$true,"Global")set table cell(&babooks,#barow,0,"")set(#tableloc
  6. is there a way to add a new row to a large table?
  7. is this still available and needed. having weird issues with multiple threads and tables thinking this might be my issue. Thanks.
  8. I have been unable to upgrade above 5.9 v36 even though I paid $99 for the year. Newer versions hang, get json errors, browser errors or just do other odd things.
  9. Thanks HelloInsomnia , Yes I see now thats its am image so it won't work. How about this graph and looking for the lowest point in 6 months from the year graph for the green graph. Click the green sales rank circle on the right if it doesn't show up. I currently grab the 3 month average from the statistic table at the bottom when you click on statistic button. it has a lowest also but its too old. it can be many years old but I only want lowest in last 6 months. I don't see the actual graph data anywhere in the page source to iterate through. Thanks. https://keepa.com/#!product/1-0195365623
  10. I am trying to get the result of the lowest rank of an amazon item from camel camel camel but can't figure it out. The url is http://camelcamelcamel.com/product/1285062892?active=sales_rank&tp=6m and what I am looking to return to ubot is the number on the right in red shown in picture. Thanks for any help. Ed http://ed-newman.com/images/ubotcamel.png
  11. now I need to click the Next in the following. I tried click(<innertext="Next">,"Left Click","No") but it didn't work. Note that their are 4 links on the same line and I need to click the Next and not the 1,2, or 3. Thanks. <tr class="list-row"><td colspan="6"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td width="35%" align="left" class="tiny">Orders <strong>1 - 15</strong> of <strong>34</strong></td> <td width="30%" align="center" class="tiny"> </td> &l
  12. Guess no one else is having this issue which has been a problem with 3 of my scripts.
  13. I am working on a program that runs fine the first time. If I run it again it gives an error. I have to exit ubot and rerun the program to get it to run without error. It seems to get the error on the add list to list. I have tried clearing the variables but that does not stop the error. http://ed-newman.com/images/uboterr2017-01-30_0814.png set(#url,"https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/inventory?noRedirect=true&viewId=FBAKNIGHTS&tbla_myitable=sort:%7B%22sortOrder%22%3A%22DESCENDING%22%2C%22sortedColumnId%22%3A%22date%22%7D;search:;pagination:1;","Global") browse(#url) if($exists(&l
  14. Can someone please give me the ubot click command to click the next button in the below html. Its the 4th href Thanks. <div style="display:block;padding:4px;"> <table width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="tiny" align="left" width="77%"> <strong>Displaying Items 1 to 50</strong> </td> <td class="tiny" align="right" width="23%"> <strong>1</strong> <a href="javascript:iterate('H4sIAAAAAAAAAHWNTwuCQBTEv8rj3c23/t2V3YXQJbxomAWdRMuTlaJ+f1oCTxLMMJf
  15. this has been a serious bug for many versions. luckily it creates a backup tmp file often which I have always been able to recover. they are located at C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Temp just rename each file to end in .ubot to check
  16. seems like a bad system. this is the second time in a few months I haven't been able to run any of my bots.
  17. I put a 10 second delay in with same errors. Is there a way to go back to an older version of ubot?
  18. just started having same errors on code that worked fine but then got those errors after upgrading to 5.9.43 Did you ever solve it?
  19. My bot was working fine for a few days then I upgraded to 5.9.43 and am getting some weird errors like the following attached file. Error converting value True to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1 [system.String] the line of code giving the error I think is add list to list(%urls,$scrape attribute(<class="s-item-container">,"id"),"Delete","Global") another error I keep getting is: Cannot deserialize JSON array into type System.Boolean. both errors seem related to $scrape attribute
  20. I doubt this is a bug its just a matter of properly escaping the string just like if you need a " in a string you need to put \" there are probably other characters that have to be escaped as well.
  21. i was able to get it to work by putting the regex in a file and then loading the file into a variable then running the find on a variable instead of a constant. not the ideal answer but it will do. add list to list(%isbns,$find regular expression(#isbnfile,#regex),"Delete","Global")
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