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Posts posted by bangali_beta

  1. Hey, You can start learning php by installing WAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) on ur windows machine. 


    Here is the tutorial 



    How To Install PHP on Windows Machine


    PHP Startup Tutorials


    Hope it helps


    Thanks. But these tutorials don't teach php 7 but older versions.

  2. Actually this forum is extremely active. When you need help coding something, pop a message in and any supporting code that you already have and you'll find that experienced botters are happy to jump in and lend a hand. As for casual visiting and goofing off, this really isn't that type of forum. A lot of us make our income with the bots we make and have precious little time to screw around needlessly.


    Ha! Ha! That was real "Brutal" man. ;)

    Mmm. I'll be going out for a walk now. Gonna keep a "Brutal" bot in mind. Let's see if I can come-up with a wicked "Brutal" bot idea or not.

    Thanks for making the post man! Atleast I think i know what my next bot's name should be. Lol!


    ".... and have precious little time to screw around needlessly."


    Another bot name popped-up in my mind: Screwer!

    Imagine a bot that screws your competitions rankings on the searchengines. Lol! I can build one right now and I'm sure it'll sell well but it will be an illegal activity bot and so I'll give this one a miss and stick to the "Brutal" one. Lol! :)

  3. Hey Bangali,


    It seems everyone wants bitcoin support, but no one can agree on which system to use :) Also bitcoin merchants are unstable. They go out of business all the time. If there was an industry-accepted solution I would consider adding their IPN to Ubotlocker. But adding a bunch of bitcoin IPNs to Ubotlocker takes a lot of time and support, which I cannot justify if it's just 1-2 users using them.




    You mean crypto currency merchants go out of business. BitCoin is a brand. The original one that invented the Crypto Currency of this sort. Some Jap guy.

    BitCoin brand still in business after all these years. Copycats have come and gone but not them. They're staying, it seems. So, how about adding them ?


  4. Fellow Botters,



    This forum is not active as I thought. I understand Ubotters are busy building bots but everyone needs a break from work and I was expecting a lot of engagements in this forum where fellow experienced Ubotters give a lot of insights to new botters.

    And so, I'm wondering what kind of game to start in this forum that will attract every Ubotter's attention to this forum every night before they go to sleep.

    Maybe, we Ubotters can give each other something to dream about when we go to sleep. Like $$$ or fame or game.

    Start something viral. Need to have a viral effect idea that will get this thread and forum going viral. An effect on the minds of Ubotters to stay tuned everynight to ... "... find-out how deep the rabbit hole is still going ...".

    Maybe we open a thread where Ubotters discuss how many bots they sold each day and earned how much in total for the day.

    Or, maybe a game thread of some sort.

    How-about a contest thread ? A challenging thread (eg. try breaking into my bot's source code, try building a better bot, try guessing where my bot gets traffic from, etc.) ?

    Some idea to keep us engaged so we look forward to the thread and forget our worries when we're feeling gloomy and down for the day. Mondays are gloomy. Maybe, a "lift your spirits up/raise your spirits ona monday" thread. Something to give you boost on a miserable monday.

    Oh well, I've said my piece. How-about you ?

    Mmm.Was thinking about a viral idea thread. How-about a viral idea bot ? A bot that lifts peoples' moods when they're feeling low. That would be a billionnaire bot.


    Any ideas guys on a viral thread ? A thread that keeps on going forever. And fast into forever land! ;)

    The rain pour outside is not helping my mood. Have you noticed it's usually sunny on fridays and saturdays but not so bright on sundays and then the rain pours start on mondays. Go wet to work.

    No. Don't ask me to have a drink (alcohol). I might aswell have some tea after a while after I finish testing my latest bot.

  5. Botters,


    I have some questions whos' answers every Ubotter would find useful


    Q1. How many bots have you built so far in what period ?

    Q2. How many bots do you build per month (both paid & free) ?

    Q3. How many free bots have you built so far and which one has how many users roughly ?

    Q4. How many paid bots have you built so far and which one has how many users roughly and how much you sold them for and sold them from where ?

    Q5. How many affiliates do you have to promote your bots ?

    Q6. What are your best bot promotional methods ?





    Thanks TJ. I was looking for Php 7 tutorials for complete beginners so that I can start learning Php from version 7 and not from previous versions.

    Most tutorials I find just mention what's different in v7 over v5.6 but never really teach everything from beginning on v7 to complete beginners.

  7. Awesome buddy ! No doubt its a good idea and suggestion.


    You are not a developer but i highly recommend you to Learn How To Code , Learn some C# and build this plugin.


    PS - Don't forget to send 50% of your sales amount this way. Afterall, I did give the idea to "Learn and Code" . Lol!  ;)




    My 2 cents


    Thanks. But how about LIKING my post so that PLUGIN developers can see it's a good suggestion ?

  8. Plugin Developing Folks,



    I've seen you guys develop sophisticated plugins from time to time and made good sales in this forum.

    But have you ever thought of building a simple plugin that maybe useful for every bot or bot developers here ?



    I mean the plugin that will verify users' social network accounts like facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin, pinterest, del.icio.us, reddit, digg, stubleupon, tumblr, etc. ? Integrate 0Auth or whatever that technology is that users usually trust to verify their accounts.

    You know what I'm talking about. When you visit websites they ask you to login to your facebook/twitter accounts or when you make blog comments or when you make comments on blogs or articles you're prompted to register or give your email or login with facebook/twitter. They use 0Auth or whatever to verify your user account.

    I think if we have this plugin installed in our bots then our bots can verify user accounts and only run if it's the right user. Else don't run.




    Even better if the plugin can prompt the user to Facebook LIKE, Twitter FOLLOW, Youtube channel SUBSCRIBE, Social SHARE our programmer set links and if the bot user refuses to Social SHARE etc. then the bot stops running. Else it starts running. Would be good if it has a VIRAL SHARE feature. That way, the bot user can REFER the bot to 2 users and each of them to 2 more and so on to LEVELS deep the programmer wants.

    I prefer atleast 6 stages/downlines:


    10 users

    100 users

    1,000 users

    10,000 users

    100,000 users

    1,000,000 users




    Better if the bot user, eg. Mr, Tom, can feed his links to the bot and then forward the bot to others (his 1st generation/downline level 1) where his gen 1 would see his ads on the bot's footer. There'd be 3 levels of footer.

    When gen 1 forward the bot copy to more users (gen 2 of Tom) then gen 2 would see:

    Gen 1's footer on footer level 2 and Tom's footer on footer level 1.


    Then when gen 2 forward the bot copy to more users (gen 3 of Tom) then gen 3 would see:

    Gen 2's footer on footer level 3, gen 1's footer on footer level 2 and Tom's footer on footer level 1.

    I think you know what I mean. The MATRIX stuff. This MATRIX feature would influence the bot users to forward copies to their lists. Sooner or later our bots would go viral. And we'd get chance to display ads on a million eye balls.



    NOTE: The more social networks verified and Social SHAREs VERIFIED then the better as we don't know which social networks our bot users have accounts with. Facebook, twitter and youtube a must in the list.



    Ubotters who are interested in this plugin make your voices heard so plugin developers can see how many Ubotters are likely to buy. It might influence the developers to develop one but not price it too high.

    I'm no developer. If I was, I'd be selling one RIGHT NOW.

    Just think how easy it would be for your bot to verify users and start running only if it's the right user.

    Just think how the bot would force it's users to Social SHARE your links (such as your bot download links, bot sales pages, your blog, your website, etc.) so your links go viral.


    I think this PLUGIN suggestions is a good idea. People are welcome to LIKE this post.


    PS - Any developer making money out of my idea. Just don't forget to send 50% of your sales amount this way. Afterall, I did give the idea. Lol! ;)

    PPS - I will be releasing a bot soon which will have viral effect. This is where each downline would have to tweet about their uplines' links or the bot would not work. Imagine 9 levels of users (downlines/generations) tweeting about your chosen links! Anyway, I tried coding to get the bot to force users to facebook LIKE or Social SHARE my links too if the bot is to work for them but this is where my knowledge comes to an end and so have failed to code to get the bot to force users to Social Share or Facebook LIKE or Youtube Subscribe to my channel. Hence, thought best if a PLUGIN came-out.

    • Like 2
  9. Good day,



    This is a bot that, based on your keywords, finds you Word Press blogs that still have their commenting section open.

    You can leave your comments and links manually for link building purpose.






    This is a free version where the links harvested are converted to interstitial ad links (monetized shortened links).


    I'd appreciate any feedback.



    Building the Paid version now that shows no ads. If anyone is interested in selling licenses to the paid version then let me know.

    I don't think a bot like this exists on the internet. Therefore, a unique link building tool should sell like hot cakes.




    Thank You

  10. Dear Ubot Forum Moderators,


    We have sub forums "Buy", "Sell" and "Free". Can we have another one "Conditionally Free" ?

    This is where in that subforum we can list bots that are conditionally free such as people would have to fill-in CPA forms to download the bots. That way, we Ubotters can make money when others, like new Ubotters, download our bots and source codes. They don't pay us, we just make money when they unlock our download links. PPD, CPA, Link Lockers, etc.


    Any Ubotter liking this suggestion are welcome to LIKE this post to show the forum moderators you like the suggestion.



    Thank You



  11. I've come at a standstill with my following browser/lead finding browser bot.

    So far, it has these features:


    Followee Tab - This tab is a web browser. We all know Ubot has Chrome built inside. This tab logs what each user is visiting.

    Follower Tab - This tab shows you what other users are and have been browsing. What keywords they're using and have used to find those websites. You can check if any user visited your website or not. You can contact the "lost visitor" by clicking his locked link. Unlocking his link to see his contact details should earn him money $1-20USD.


    NOTE: As of now, my bot IDs a user through his "locked link". You can contact your lost visitor through his locked link.

    The downside to this idea is that, if the user puts a bogus email address in his locked link then you never get his contact details to ask him why he left your website without making an order or what he's looking for. You'll see a bogus email instead.

    To avoid users submitting bogus emails to my bot, I coded the bot to force users to auto-login to their facebook or twitter accounts for ID verification. This is where the user will input his username & password to the bot and it will login to his account and the bot will then click over to the user's profile page from within his account and grab the profile url and identify the user with his profile page. That way, if any user hides his contact details by submitting a bogus email then you'd be able to contact the user (your lost visitor) through his facebook/twitter profile as the bot would reveal that to you when you make complain against the bogus email submitter.



    Anyway, I've just realized from other Ubotters' inputs here that apps and websites verify a user's facebook/twitter id using the 0Auth service where their usernames & passwords don't get revealed to the apps/websites. Learning this has made me realize that even though my bot doesn't save or steal their usernames & passwords, should any user's account get compromised then they might point the finger at my bot. And so, I've decided now to quit the feature that prompts the users for their facebook/twitter usernames & passwords.

    Now, I'm back to square one again. How to ID a user ? How to prevent a user submitting a bogus email to my bot ?

    I've been working about 6 months on this bot and I'm not going to just give-up now and so any suggestions are welcome.

    In the past, in one of my bots, I used another technique to ID a user. This is where the bot would email the new user a code to his email address and he must insert that code to verify his email address. However, ID-ing a user through his email address and revealing his email address as his ID to other users doesn't sound good in this case and so people would be reluctant to use the bot.

    Imagine every website you visited with my bot got hold of your email address. They'd spam the heck out of you. You'd stop using my bot.

    Imagine every website you visited with my bot got hold of your email address ONLY after they unlocked your link (that advertises your email) and earned you $1-20USD. They'd spam the heck out of you probably but atleast you make some money out of them contacting you. You'd probably keep on using my bot. If 10 contact you, you should earn $10-$200USD. And so on.

    But like I said, we're back to square one. What if you unlocked a user's link (who has visited your site) to access his email address to contact him with offers and earned him $1-20USD but find he's listed a bogus email. You won't use my bot anymore.

    I've been pondering for 48hrs now but I still haven't come-up with any workaround how to ID a user so if he (your lost visitor) submits a bogus email my bot can still ID him and get your messages through to him.


    Oh well, I guess I'll have to brain storm for another 48hrs before I come-up with any real solid solution. Once this hurdle is out of the way, I can just upload the bot to this forum and you guys can check if you start making any money out of it or not. Using for free, ofcourse. ;)

  12. Hello Ubotters,



    My journey with Ubot has been mostly spending time trying to come-up with unique bot ideas. I've earnt $0 so far.

    For newbies, I have these advice which may be handy to not-so-newbies too:



    I have built a few freebie bots (listed below) and am wondering would Ubotters here be kind enough to check my bots out to give me feedback ?

    If so, then let me know which ones you want to test.

    The freebies advertise my clickbank affiliate links in the hope that my bot users will buy clickbank products and earn me commissions.


    1. Content Spinner - This one has 2 features.

    a). You can feed it content files (source files) where your content has the spintaxes intact and it will spin the content of your source.

    B). You can feed it content files (source files) where your content has NO spintaxes intact. You can feed it a .csv file with synonyms and it will grab the synonyms and auto generate the spintaxes then spin the content of your source.


    This freebie advertises my clickbank affiliate links in the hope that my bot users will buy clickbank products and earn me commissions.



    2. Open Comment Blog Finder - This one finds WP blogs that still have their commenting section open. It then verifies the blogs and then starts auto commenting on them.

    (Building paid version now that will spin the comment before posting so all blogs don't have your same comment).


    This freebie advertises my clickbank affiliate links in the hope that my bot users will buy clickbank products and earn me commissions.

    It also shortens the blog links found and shows interstitial ads when the blog links get clicked by the bot users for me to earn money from the clicks.



    3. Following Browser/Money Making Browser/Lead Finding Browser - Looking for beta testers to test my money making browser:



    The freebie advertises my clickbank affiliate links in the hope that my bot users will buy clickbank products and earn me commissions.

    It also shortens the links found and show interstitial ads when the browsing histories links get clicked by the bot users for me to earn money from the clicks.



    4. Time Traveller - This one is a browser like the one mentioned above. Only difference is, it doesn't show you who's visited your site (lost visitor) or who visited your competition site under what keywords but it will show you who is gonna be visiting your site in the future under what keywords and who is gonna be visiting your competitions sites under what keywords.

    (I'm not revealing my algorithm here. Trade secret).


    This one not finished yet. It will be built on the skeleton of the bot mentioned just above.

    The freebie advertises my clickbank affiliate links in the hope that my bot users will buy clickbank products and earn me commissions.

    It will also shorten the links found and show interstitial ads when the browsing histories links get clicked by the bot users for me to earn money from the clicks.




    The free versions I'm willing to give away to any Ubotters here who asks for them. All I ask is that you do not keep them to yourself but distribute them however ethical and legal ways you can. Eg. to your twitter followers, facebook fans, youtube subscribers, mailing list subscribers, website visitors, friends, families and colleagues, etc.


    And, I'm willing to partner with any Ubotters to sell my paid versions on a 50/50 share. You must sell through crypto currencies only.

    Why only through crypto currencies ? You can learn why by reading my post here:






    I believe I have some wonderful and unique and great bots at my disposal but my luck has been a trash as I'm not good at advertising & marketing. And so, my journey has been a standstill so far.

    You guys might do better than me. Maybe, I give you guys the bots and see how you fair ? Your luck may take you to a better journey than me.

    If anyone's interested in brainstorming bot ideas and partnering to build the brain stormed bots then drop me a line. Let's see if my unique bots make you a millionnaire, if not a billionnaire! ;)


    Thank you for listening.

    • Like 2
  13. Frank,


    Are you learning Php or Python now to make web versions of your bot ? You did say you're learning other programming languages.

    I'm trying to learn Php 7 but no online tutorials out.

    I'm just curious, would your existing customers be interested in a bot that finds WP blogs that still have their commenting sections open so they can leave their comments and links for link building. Or, would they be interested in a bot that auto posts their links and auto comments on WP blogs ? Would you be interested in partnerships with other Ubotters ?


    PS - If anyone knows of a good php 7 tutorial then kindly mention the link.


    Thank you

  14. Hello John,


    I might just be your guy to give you nearly everything in one plate!  ;)




    Go through Ubot video tutorials and practice as you view the tutorials.




    Ubot compiled bots are not UnHackable. Therefore, get a good license server (software) so hackers can't break into the source code of your bot and view the source code. I recommend Meter's UbotLocker license server. Meter is a member of this forum. He is advertising to sell UbotLocker somewhere in this forum.





    When you advertise to sell your bots, make sure you use a merchant that does not refund the buyer without checking first if the buyer deserves a refund or not.

    Here's how a fellow Ubotter got defrauded and paypal is responsible for it:



    Don't sell through paypal. As soon as a fraud gets hold of your bot, he'll request paypal for a credit card charge back or refund and paypal will automatically take money out of your paypal account and charge you 10% of the refund amount. So, if you sell the bot for $100 then not only that would be refunded but you'll have to pay another $10 penalty out of your own pocket!


    I myself are going to use crypto currency merchants to accept payments. With crypto currencies you can remain anonymous as a seller. And not only that, they never refund or charge back (as far as I know). That means no fraud can get hold of your bot then ask for a refund or a charge back to the merchant (in this case the crypto currency service). When you make sales, atleast you'll be able to sleep at nights knowing there would be no fraudsters getting refunds and you getting penalties for their defrauding.

    Best known crypto currency service is bitcoin. Check out the alternate coins too.


    NOTE: UbotLocker accepts payments through merchants that give customers refunds and make charge backs. Merchants like paypal. Therefore, best you ask Meter to update his licensing server software so it can accept payments through the crypto currency services like BitCoin. That way, you won't have to accept payments through the likes of silly paypal. I myself have asked Meter to update to add crypto currency merchants.


    Checkout why I don't like paypal:





    Screen record you using your bots. Make a video tutorial how to use your bot. Put the tutorials up on your youtube, vimeo, metacafe, etc. channels so others can see how handy your bots are.

    If you have freebie bots to giveaway then below your youtube clips (that advertise your freebie bots) put the links to your bots. But first lock the links so people would have to unlock them to download your bots. For each unlockings & downloads you should earn $1-20USD. In short, if anyone wants to get your freebie bots for free then they have to unlock the download links by completing surveys that pay you $10-20USD per survey completed.






    When you're ready to sell bots, best you sell through affiliates. That way, your bots will get advertised to your affiliates' website visitors and mailing lists and facebook and twitter etc. followers. You might try the affiliate network clickbank.com to get affiliates. That's the best known network to sell intangibles.




    Give away free bots with your label/brand (you will need Ubot DEV for that) to attract lots of users. Make them addicted to your bots. Get the free versions advertising the paid versions of your bots. Once they get addicted to the free versions that have limited features, they'd want to buy the paid versions to remove the limitations.

    (If you buy the DEV version then let the Ubot team know you did it because I influenced you to. I wanted to put my affiliate link here but to signup as an affiliate I must give my tax id (USA) and stuffs which I don't have since I'm not in USA and so failed to signup to Ubot's affiliate program).




    Build a membership website and give away free bots. People must subscribe to your membership site to get the freebies. Have a paid membership option so people can upgrade to it and download the paid version bots.

    Checkout fiverr.com, freelancers.com etc. for programmers to build your membership site.

    You can one day sell your membership site. You might find buyers even if your site only has free members. Some companies don't care if your website is making no sale. Aslong as it's got traffic or a big membership subscriber base they might still want to buy your site thinking that they'd do better in sales than you since they're professional online salesmen.




    Do me a favour and give away some of my freebie bots to your freebie and paid bot users and to your family, friends & colleagues. I'd appreciate it. Lol!

    And try selling some of my bots if you can but only through crypto currencies because I ain't giving any refunds to anybody who's tried out a trial version and bought the paid version unless ofcourse I have a wish to be defrauded like some Ubotters here.




    The idea in my head has gone blank now. When it comes back I'll mention it in this section.




    Follow the TEN COMMANDMENTS of the Bible. You will become a better character than you are now and build better charactered bots. It's easy to get pursuaded by crooks to build crooked hacking thieving type bots for large lumpsums but there are falls at the end more greater than the sums you'll earn.

  15. Buyer

    Cristina Carla Rodrigues

    hillbh50@hotmail.com Instructions to merchant

    The buyer hasn't entered any instructions. Shipping address

    Cristina Carla Rodrigues

    Rua Vila Rica 481 

    Padre Eustáquio

    Belo Horizonte  - MG




    This person did a chargeback on a non refundable css theme (just code)... WFT And Paypal actually went along with it, I provided the proof and everything... is there not a way to suspend this persons Ubot account? Avoid this person with vigor... thanks


    wow if its so easy to scam via payal... I think I'm in the wrong business... holy fuck. Highly enlightened via this piece of shit.





    Yeah, that's why I never use paypal and the like. I'm looking into bitcoin and alternate coins. I'm not gonna repeat myself why I like them since I've said my mind here:


  16. Meter,


    When are you going to add crypto currency merchants onto UbotLocker so we can take orders via bitcoin and the alternate coins ?

    The crypto currency merchants don't have refund or charge back policies. We don't want to take orders by paypal because as soon as a dispute arrises paypal automatically sides with the buyer and refunds the money plus charges 10% penalty even if the buyer is in the wrong.

    Check these links out people:





    With crypto currencies you can anonymously receive payments too!




    In short, with crypto currencies you can accept payments and be sure that they won't take money out of your account and refund a fraud who made a refund or charge back request once you handed over your bot to him after his "paypal" or "credit card" payment.

    Meter is expert enough to add atleast bitcoin onto UbotLocker overnight! That's how good and smart he is. :)


    Anyone liking my suggestion LIKE this post so Meter can get market research.

  17. So this is probably similar to:



    Which has thousands of users. I can enter a keyword there and it will show me related bookmarks from other users.

    Ok, not browsing history. Only real bookmarks.


    I think it needs a lot of users to work and make it interesting. but why not. Not the first time that an innovative idea makes some decent money.






    Thanks for pointing pinboard.in out. I will check them out when I get the time.

  18. Just out of interest.. Why would I want to share my browsing history with someone? 


    Or why would I look at other peoples browsing history? I never know what I will find. That's probably very time consuming and not really productive right?

    If I need something, I look for it. If I don't need it, I don't look for it.


    And I don't ready any websites, newsletter or watch TV shows who are not directly related to the stuff I'm currently working on.

    That's just distraction which doesn't help me to get my job done or make more money faster. 


    Just my 2 Cents. 


    When you view other peoples' browsing histories you'd not only see the links they visited but the keywords they searched to find those links (keywords research). You can easily see from their browsing history if they visited your site and left without making an order. You can easily see which of your competitions sites they visited or are visiting.



    Time|Keywords|Url Visited|Visitor Contact Details

    12:30pm|php 7 tutorial book|someurl.com|locked-link-to-visitor-details.com


    The above log tells you the visitor searched for the keywords "php 7 tutorial book" at 12:30pm california, usa time and visited someurl.com and if you want to contact him then you got to visit his locked link locked-link-to-visitor-details.com and unlock his link by completing a survey and earning him money. Some users won't input their locked links to the bot/browser but their twitter or facebook profiles instead so you can contact them through their profiles instead which you find in their browsing history logs.



    Time|Keywords|Url Visited|Visitor Contact Details

    12:30pm|php 7 tutorial book|someurl.com|twitter.com/#someuser

  19. Edit: This sounds a lot link click fraud, anyways I doubt this is going to work..


    No. It's not link click fraud. I'll try to be more clear this time.

    Fireup your fav browser. Click "CTRL H". What do you see ? You see a list of links (your browsing history).

    Now, does anyone have access to your browsing history ? No.

    If I want to see your browsing history then you're gonna have to manually cut and paste all the links in your browsing history and email it to me. My bot saves you from this manual task.

    My bot is a special web browser. It will reveal to the public your browsing history just like social bookmarks reveal to the world your bookmarks (del.icio.us). The only difference is, my bot/browser would not reveal your original links when it shows your browsing history to other users on an offline webpage. Instead it would list doorway pages that display ads with your publisher id.

    So, let's say, you visited one.com. Now, when other users check your browsing history in an offline page, they won't find the original link one.com listed. Instead they'd see listed a link to a doorway page which when they visit will show an ad with your publisher id (so you earn money for the click) and only then they'd be redirected to one.com. That way, they'd learn what you've been visiting. In this case one.com. But all this only after they've visited the doorway page first and earned you the click revenue. If they don't visit the doorway page then they don't see the ad. If they don't see the ad then they don't get redirected to the page you've been visiting and they never learn what you've been visiting.


    In short, each user can view all other users' browsing histories. But the browsing histories would not be listing the original links visited but the doorway pages instead so the follower clicks through to the doorway page and see the ad to earn the followee money. The follower would only be redirected to the original link after the doorway page and it's ad have been viewed.

    Simple concept really. The concept is geared towards influencing each user to follow the other user and click over to doorway pages that display the ads for the followee to earn money.


    How about I give you my bot to beta test ? You'd be able to view other users' browsing histories and follow them around online and in doing so earn them money (providing clicks from offline pages would count to give publishers revenues).

    I, and all other users would be able to view your browsing history too and follow you around online and maybe earn you money for the trailing clicks.

    I'm not good at explaining things. The best thing to do is just test my bot and if you still think it's engaged in click fraud then quit using it.

    It does not auto click links. But if you find it's not engaged in click fraud then just test and see if you're able to earn money or not when others follow you online via offline pages.

    My real aim in this beta test is to see whether clicks from offline pages count or not to earn revenues. When users tell me their earnings meter is running then that means the clicks from offline pages are getting counted. Else not.


    Let me whet you guys' appettite. Does your web browser reveal to you who's been at your website or your competitions ? Does it allow you to contact these lost visitors ? No. My bot/browser will. Just see which user of my bot/browser has visited your link without making an order and contact him and ask him what lead him away from your site to your competitions. Check which of your competitions he's been visiting and then make him a better offer. Can you find a better tool to find lost leads ?

    Remember, when you view other users' browsing histories, you'd find who's been visiting which of your links and which of your competitions links. Ofcourse, when you desire to contact the lost visitor of your website or the visitor of your competitor you're gonna have to fill-in a ppd/cpa form to unlock the page that lists his contact details and when you do that, his gonna earn money like $1-20USD. That's his interest to allow you to view his browsing history and contact him with offers.

  20. My Dear Fellows!



    I think I have created a fantastic bot that might get mentioned in Seth's Ubot marketing materials (providing it works as designed).  :)

    I need free beta testers to test and see if they're able to make money using the bot (using for free ofcourse!) or not.

    The bot is a logging web browser that allows it's users to follow each other online.

    Whatever you browse with the bot gets logged so other users can check your logs (browsing history) to see what you're browsing online and follow you around from website to website and webpage to webpage.

    And, when everytime they follow you around from webpage to webpage, you should earn money for their trailing clicks.

    Likewise, when you follow others (eg. your mates) from website to website and webpage to webpage then they too should earn money from your trailing clicks.

    The followee should earn money. Not the follower.

    Typical example:

    1. At 00:00hrs - You visited one.com and 1k followed you to the page. You should earn $5.

    2. At 00:01hrs - You visited two.com and 10k followed you to the page. You should earn $50.

    3. At 00:02hrs - You visited three.com and 100k followed you to the page. You should earn $500.

    4. At 00:03hrs - You visited four.com and 1m followed you to the page. You should earn $5000.


    For every 1,000 followers following and clicking the same link you click, you should earn $5.

    You can get your facebook fans, twitter followers, youtube and blog subscribers, etc. follow you around online as if you're a celebrity and they're all your fans. The lucky websites you visit might run-out of bandwidth if you have a large follower base!


    NOTE: Users don't have to follow you LIVE for you to earn the money. You can visit a webpage now and someone can follow you to it some other day and time and you should still get paid for the click based on the above-mentioned rate.


    I have tested the bot. It is able to log my web surfing and reveal to other users what websites and webpages I am visiting. I just need to see whether others following me online earns me money or not.

    Likewise, I can follow you guys and you can check to see if my trailing clicks are earning you money or not.

    Remember, I am not forcing you to follow me online and click every link I click. You would be presented with a lit of links (my browsing history) and you are free to decide which links to click. I don't force you.

    Goes vice versa. I'd get a copy of your browsing history and I too would have a choice to click every link you click and follow you online or click only a few. My choice.

    Thi ain't click fraud as no user is making it an obligation for other users to follow him to every single link and make clicks for him to earn.

    You guys maybe wondering how the click earns the followee money.

    Well, when a user follows/trails another user and clicks a link, that link will display an ad that carries the followee's id.

    So, if you follow me to a webpage, even though I don't see any ad on that particular page you however will. And that ad will carry my publisher id. I should earn for the ad display to you.

    Likewise, if I follow you to a webpage, even though you don't see any ad on that particular page I however will. And that ad will carry your publisher id. You should earn for the ad display to me.

    It's like in real life. If I have an ad on the back of my t-shirt and you guys follow me into a shop then I don't see the ad at my back but you guys do. Now, imagine that ad is paying me for all you guys' eyes falling on it while you follow me around from shop to shop.


    In short, any user can see another user's internet browsing history log and click over to the same links to follow the other user.

    The logs would be provided by the bot to you on an offline webpage. I, and the beta testers just need to test if the clicks from offline webpages (that carry no referring urls) are able to generate revenues or not.

    The ad networks usually pay you for clicks you generate to their advertisers' links from online webpages (webpages who's urls contain a domain name). I need to test and see if they can track or not clicks coming from offline pages. And, whether the ad networks would pay for clicks coming from offline pages or not. That's all. I've asked the ad networks and they have no problems me displaying their links on offline pages but I want to see with my own eyes that I'm earning from clicks coming from offline pages and not just take their "ok" without testing myself. That's all.

    So, who wants to beta test this tool ?

    Don't forget to LIKE this post.


    DISCLAIMER: I do not promise you'd earn any revenues from beta testing my bot as it still needs to be seen if clicks from offline pages can be tracked or not and if they'll be counted by the ad networks as valid clicks or not that is worthy to earn revenues. Plus, I still got to see some cheques coming my way from the ad networks before I can make any claims of revenues earned.  :D



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