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Everything posted by bangali_beta

  1. Folks, Apart from Bootstrap (Twitter stuff), do you know of any free Mobile Responsive Design templates ? I got a pagination page. I need to convert that to Mobile responsive Design. Searching for a template so I can learn from it and convert my pagination page so it looks good on mobile phone browsers too as now it looks terrible as you need to scroll and the texts look too small, etc. Hence, need a Mobile Responsive Pagination page template. Also need Account Login, Account Registration Page (web forms), Account Home Page Mobile Responsive Design templates. Must be in Html 5 and CSS. I
  2. Folks, Trying to scrape gogole results with these options but no luck: <outerhtml=w"<h3 class=\"LC20lb\">*</h3>"> <class=w"LC20lb"> These instead scrape the SERP url! How are you scraping google results ? Cheers!
  3. Ubotters! Let us say you have a bot and I have a copy of that same bot. And, I want my one to connect to your one and transfer files or message each other like chat clients do. Q1. Which port should we communicate through and which Commands and Functions to use to do this communication ? Q2. Which ports to use to send data and which ports to use to receive data ? And, which Commands and Functions to use to do this sending of data and receiving of data through specified ports ? Q3. How to see what data is getting sent through our specified ports when we are sending data ? And, how
  4. Ubotees, Returning here after about 2yrs. Before was here for 6yrs nearly everyday! Which Commands and Functions to use to build a peer to peer client, like Napster, KazaA, etc. ? In short, I want to build peer to peer clients. So, whatever files I put inside my client (file host), you will be able to connect directly to my client (file host) with your client (file host) and download all my files or view them in your bot browser. Likewise, whatever files you put inside your client (file host), I will be able to connect directly to your client (file host) with my client (file host)
  5. Folks, I am trying to build a web bot with php and/or curl that auto fills-in html forms. If you know php or cURL then kindly respond. I need to auto submit urls one by one to my mysql db via my "Link Submission" form. The Link Submission form will belong to my future searchengine which I am currently coding with php for my php learning assignment. For simplicity's sake, let's forget my searchengine project and let's assume I have a web form on an external website and I need it filled with peoples' personal details. Say, the external website form looks like this: <form name = "log
  6. I tried logging into my Admin account and get this error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in /home/user/public_html/UbotLocker/CheckLogin.php:6 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/user/public_html/UbotLocker/CheckLogin.php on line 6 I think my host uses php 7.
  7. Thanks Jason! I had forgotten about this thread and issue! Have been trying to learn php ever since february and so have not been Ubotting. Have been Ubotting continuously 7 days/wk for 6.5yrs and then took a break now for 6 mnths. But now getting back to Ubotting on the side.
  8. Hi, Looking at this code of mine: plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "connect to database", "server=\'example.com\';uid=\'username\'; pwd=\'password\'; database=\'id_database\'; port=\'3306\'; pooling=false") { divider plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "query", "INSERT INTO history (Logging_Server_Dates_And_Times, Histories) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\'{#current url}\');") divider }
  9. Cheers. But can you suggest some keywords as the ones I use yield irrelevant results.
  10. Link not functional. Link Cloaking wain't hat I am looking for. It is link creations with user id for tracking like affiliate links.
  11. Ubotters, Didn't get any proper answers from php forums so trying here now as I know some of you know php. Trying to learn Php 7 as much as I can. I need your help to point me to the right direction. What kind of method in Php 7 is used to track urls belonging to a foreign domain ? I mean, you all know that searchengines track clicks to links presented by their SERPs. So, if ubotstudio.com is listed under the keywords "php forum" on Google SERP then when you click ubotstudio.com on the Google SERP then that link is bound to have Google's tracking link. In short, you'll click the Goog
  12. Googled it. Found it. Checking it out now! http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/17500-sell-plugin-advanced-ubot-2/
  13. Even if your plugin ain't what I'm looking for, I reckon it is a great plugin to have that can execute php code. I might look into it in the future if I need to execute php in Ubot. No, I have not. What does it do and here is the link ? Thanks!
  14. It is a shame that Ubotters hardly prowl this forum. In 2 yrs time this forum will be dead.
  15. Hi, This is a bot that scrapes all links from the following page that list links of WP blogs that till have their commenting open: http://loudgobs.com/wp_blogs/1.html The bot then visits to each link to verify the blogs' commenting sections are open yet. If it finds the form input fields (html attributes) for name, email and url then it counts the commenting section is still open and starts auto commenting and lists your link on the blog comments. Straight bot. But the hassle occurs when the bot finds the attributes of the commenting section on a blog and Ubot unnecearily tries
  16. Am I correct that by using this plugin I can now write php 7 code in Ubot's script flow and w hen I compile the bot in Ubot then the php code would get compiled into native Ubot language/code ? If YES then that means I would have to know php. problem is, I don't know Php and struggling to learn it. Hence, the need for a php plugin so the plugin writes the php and not me. For example, right now, we do not know VB and so we just use visual drag and drop to build our bots and Ubot writes the VB code when we hit the compile button. Likewise, I want the plugin to write the php code when we hit the
  17. Thank You Sunny9495! Anyone else want to LIKE my Php Plugin suggestion ?
  18. Hi, Has any Ubot developer ever thought of making a php plugin for Ubot ? This is where the plugin would read our Ubot code and then spit out php code. That way we can make php versions or web versions of our .exe bots. It won't be hard for you plugin experts to build it if you know php 7. You can replace the Ubot/compiled bot's UI with html UIs and so don't let that worry you or confuse you. You might make a lot of sales! The plugin, however, has to be able to convert every single bot we make into php or web version. I am trying to create web versions of my Ubot compiled bots but I do not
  19. When the proxies used are busy and so no pages get loaded. Then, when you want to drop the proxies so your ISP IP is used then how do you go about dropping the latest proxy to switch it back to your ISP IP without having to shut down Ubot or the compiled bot and then relaunching it again as that is a bothersome! Cheers!
  20. Hi, I think it would be best if there was a php plugin for Ubot. This is where the plugin would read our code and then spit out php code. That way we can make php versions or web versions of our .exe bots. I am trying to create a web version of my Google searcher bot. Here is how I built it. Does anyone know php here ? Can you give us all here the php 7 code to build the following bot ? It would help us learn php much faster and you'd get a post LIKE! On the other hand, if you'd rather not help for free then any chance you can build a plugin for not so high a price ? You might make a lot o
  21. Ubotters, I found this: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/overview Does Google expect us to pay for every search our bots make to it ?
  22. Issue nearly solved. In short, Ubot suggests I use the class and title attributes to identify the video views, video likes and video unlikes numbers (data) but when you do that then it fails to find them on the page and so fails to scrape them. This time I ignored it's suggestion and used offsets instead that it started suggesting now. Working code: View Videos() define View Videos { divider set(#videos comment,$replace(#videos comment,"<KEYWORDS>",#keywords),"Global") set(#videos comment,$replace(#videos comment,"<PROMOTIONAL URL>",#promotional url),"Global")
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