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Everything posted by odeesuba

  1. Use {ENTER} in the type text command navigate("http://www.editpad.org/", "Wait") type text(<name="text">, "Line 1", "Standard") type text(<name="text">, "\{ENTER\}", "Standard") type text(<name="text">, "Line 2", "Standard")
  2. Give us a link or a source code example
  3. try this set(#pagenumber, 0, "Global") ui stat monitor("Numbers", #pagenumber) loop(1000000) { increment(#pagenumber) set(#pagenumber, $pad text(#pagenumber, 0, 8, "Left"), "Global") wait(0.01) }
  4. loop while(1 = 1) { navigate("http://www.google.com/", "Wait") wait(300) }
  5. what about this set(#org text, $replace(#org text, $new line, $nothing), "Global")
  6. Hi TJ, I did not get the update, just checked my email.
  7. if the load html is doing the trick try to set the variable with the replace as TJ did set(#org text, $replace(#org text, $new line, "<BR>"), "Global")
  8. 50% Faster Form Filling This should read "100% Faster Form Filling" or Double The Speed Of Form Filling What I especially liked is the ubot code included with the upsell. Great job.
  9. Its already changing the variable #org text, monitor it in the debugger. You can delete the load html node, that's only for demonstration.
  10. I agree LoWrldErTJ is a great asset to this community and has helped alot.
  11. You need to put the row in variable so you can increase its value. check the code below clear table(&test) create table from file("C:\\ubot\\domains.csv", &test) set(#currentrow, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&test)) { navigate("{$table cell(&test, #currentrow, 0)}/wp-admin/", "Wait") type text(<username field>, $table cell(&test, #currentrow, 1), "Standard") type text(<password field>, $table cell(&test, #currentrow, 2), "Standard") click(<name="wp-submit">, "Left Click", "No") increment(#currentrow) }
  12. These may not be the best way to do it, but they work for me click(<innertext="Compose mail">, "Left Click", "No") click(<innertext="Send">, "Left Click", "No")
  13. here you go navigate("http://namechk.com/", "Wait") type text(<placeholder="type username here">, "dad3dsad", "Standard") click(<class="pretty">, "Left Click", "No") wait(4) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") set(#facebook status, $scrape attribute(<innertext=" Facebook">, "class"), "Global")
  14. Yes exactly, one more thing, does the @ in the email field change to 2, after filling the email field.
  15. Thanks John, Did the text become gray after it was filled?
  16. Attached a v4 ubot that fills a flash form. It works on my computer , but the text becomes gray. Can someone please test it and tell me if it works. flash form test.ubot
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