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Everything posted by heopas

  1. May i ask what exactly is missing from my http get ?
  2. I think is enabled in latest version.
  3. So long time no update released. An update is coming soon with a lot of internal fixes.
  4. Better do the same with my plugin http get and not browser
  5. version released - Recaptcha / Image solve windows in threads fixed. - HTTP Post Parameters fixed. - SQLite optimizations. - Regex Replace fixed.
  6. version released - Thread Lock / Unlock fixed. - Thread Lock Timeout added. (Breaking change)
  7. version released (Breaking Changes) - Captcha Image Solve cache bug fixed. - Https reworked. - Function HTTP Last Error added. - Functions renamed: - from $Heopas HTTP Get last URL to $Heopas HTTP Last URL - from $Heopas HTTP Get All Cookies to $Heopas HTTP All Cookies - from $Heopas HTTP Get All Headers to $Heopas HTTP All Headers - from $Heopas HTTP Get Cookie to $Heopas HTTP Cookie - from $Heopas HTTP Get Header to $Heopas HTTP Header
  8. Scrape data site key and send it to 2captcha. Then put 2captcha response to g-recaptcha-response.
  9. version released - Buttons State command added. (Hide/Unhide Run,Pause,Stop buttons to solve compiled bot bug)
  10. version released (Breaking change) - System Wide Lock timeout parameter added. (breaking change) - System Wide Lock/Unlocked reworked to meet microsoft standards. - Thread Lock/Unlock reworked. - Captcha Image Solve bug fixed. - Single Run App added.
  11. version released - Optimizations for http requests. - Memory optimizations for all commands/functions. - list from text bug fixed. Thanks t0sh !
  12. Screenshot command is not working on latest version http://image.prntscr.com/image/f6bc1c66bb6d4499a8063f8f5de0d0a8.pnghttp://image.prntscr.com/image/85c5878c36ce45beb7570dfe68c59f9c.png Msg box first and then error. Error says that: The process ID 19572 is not executed.
  13. In ExBrowser Dan run a get appdata path method to retrieve your application data path. For a strange reason some times this method doesn't work. When you delete exb folder on ubot start he download missing files first and then it continue to get path so is like having a wait command on start. My opinion is that Dan need to change this method with something else.
  14. Google release new invisible recaptcha. The following code solve this captcha. navigate("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo?invisible=true","Wait") wait for element(<title="recaptcha widget">,"","Appear") set(#iframesrc,$scrape attribute(<title="recaptcha widget">,"src"),"Global") set(#datasitekey,$find regular expression(#iframesrc,"(?<=k=).*?(?=&)"),"Global") set(#response,$plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas ReCaptcha Solve", #datasitekey),"Global") change attribute(<id="g-recaptcha-response">,"value",#response) set(#functiontorun,$scrape attribut
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