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Eddie Waller

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Everything posted by Eddie Waller

  1. Maybe this is what you're looking for: http://screencast.com/t/aWWf6Dccu8V
  2. I think something useful might be ubot files that give you a starting point and then a video that takes you through how to do something with that ubot file. Kind of like a follow along video tutorial. Good luck
  3. Yes you can change the user agent in UBot 4.
  4. Is the reason you would like to connect to a database to be able to share data between multiple bots? If you are using a local database, I can't think of any advantages to using a database vs. using a CSV file if you don't know how to use SQL. Does that make sense?
  5. Frank, Are you OK with writing your own SQL? Or would you like ubot to try to simplify it for you? As far as a local database, would you just want that so you could run SQL queries on your own data in the middle of a bot? Or are there other reasons for it? MySQL for example can load in a CSV file into a database table, and you can do queries on the data you've taken so far. But doing this inside UBot right now is still a little tricky. If we did allow you to connect to a remote database, you could probably run MySQL on your own computer and just connect to localhost, and that way you cou
  6. So you would like to connect to a MySQL database on a web server and just type in your SQL queries? Such as in pseudo ubot code: connect to database("mysite.com", "username", "password", port) %results = $send query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 5") Or are you looking for something in UBot that could generate the SQL for you?
  7. What exactly would you like to see in terms of databases? Would you like to be able to connect to external databases and execute SQL on them, where you would get results back as tables? I guess I would like to know what features you feel like you need databases for? Thanks
  8. Yes you'll be able to run UBot 3 and UBot 4 at the same time, and so there won't be any need to upgrade your scripts if you are happy with how they work in UBot 3 .
  9. Just so you guys know we do look at the suggestions forums as well, and I may end up forgetting suggestions here. This topic should be more about questions you have about UBot 4 .
  10. Could you elaborate on what you mean? You want to change the value of a list item based on its position?
  11. Okay I watched the video but I'm not sure I see what the difference is. UBot lets you right click on fields or drag them to the node view to fill them in just like magic submitter. What part of it would you like to see added to UBot? Thanks for explaining this to me .
  12. "shout" is the name of the iframe. I'm focusing on the iframe, and then sending the tab key into it to tab to the captcha field. Then entering the text and using the newline to send an enter keypress to submit it. I'm not sure about resizing the captcha dialog box, seems like it should do that itself since it knows the size of the image haha. Hope that helps.
  13. Yeah we'll definitely improve the debugging functionality, making it a lot easier to just test nodes as you create them That's an interesting idea, would this be for running multiple instances of ubot? It might make sense to be able to set variables from commandline arguments or something like that.
  14. Right now, UBot can't access the iframe because it is on another domain, and IE does not let you access iframes from other domains due to security issues. Luckily this isn't an issue in UBot 4 . Anyway, we can work around this in a somewhat hacky way by using sendkeys . Try out this attached bot, it seems to work well for me. sample-eddie.ubot
  15. Yes, not sure why we would remove this feature?
  16. I'm not sure it would make much sense to just incorporate javascript into UBot as a custom scripting language. Javascript is a great language, but is very much focused on working with the current page alone. We could just allow people to write javascript as the scripting language of UBot, but most of the commands would not work. For example, once you navigate to another page, the javascript on that page stops running, and javascript does not run on multiple threads when in the browser. Most of all, javascript is a lot more complex than UBot needs to be. I do think it would be a good idea to
  17. The interface of UBot itself is going to be much cooler (it already looks a lot better). I would put it somewhere in the middle of totally changing and keeping things the same. We still have a lot of the same pieces, the browser, the nodes, etc, but we're working hard to make it more enjoyable to use.
  18. Are you asking about the user interface of UBot itself? Or the ui commands? As far as icons, we haven't made any decisions yet in relation to that/branding.
  19. We will do our best to support backwards compatability, but I can't make any guarantees that every script will work exactly the same. We will try to convert the script into a UBot 4 script when we detect we are opening a UBot 3 script. We will also still allow you to run your old scripts in UBot 3 for scripts that could not be converted all the way or do not work the same anymore in UBot 4, and that you do not want to take to update yourself. It will be easier to copy and paste multiple nodes between scripts. If I understand correctly you would like to expand and collapse certain nodes, an
  20. What do you mean by full support of javascript? We do have the run javascript command, are you talking about syntax highlighting for javascript?
  21. Thanks for your interest in UBot 4. If you want to send the site(s) you are working with my way along with the exact issues you are having I can do my best to make sure that UBot 4 is handling those situations better.
  22. I'm pretty sure this is a known issue. Compiled bots don't take your settings for popups from your ubot. They just block all popups.
  23. The upgrade costs are talked about in the blog post at http://ubotstudio.com/blog/2011/04/03/ubot-studio-version-4-is-in-development/
  24. I was able to get modulus working in a simple example just using the following on google: http://content.screencast.com/users/wallerdev/folders/Jing/media/74eef90b-7a0b-4270-aa07-e6c85f65bb86/00000315.png Are you getting an error or are you getting the wrong result?
  25. It looks like when you hover over the element it changes a hidden input field. You could set that yourself like http://content.screencast.com/users/wallerdev/folders/Jing/media/630ae98f-e633-4acc-8b68-78fd9a24456f/00000311.png or http://content.screencast.com/users/wallerdev/folders/Jing/media/8d3e93c9-3d16-4b26-8949-e1f51142d7a4/00000312.png and it should work. And here's a video of how I noticed it using webkit's web inspector (in chrome or safari). http://screencast.com/t/4vbGpQGgnzV Hope that helps.
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