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Everything posted by steelersfan

  1. Nor can I, both string management and file management plugins are unavailable, with the error Rodvan posted. I'm trying to use this ubot to learn but can't. Any help or advice?
  2. Nice, how about now? Is it current and working? Oh and is it working in ubot 5? Thanks!
  3. Thanks Deliter! I have heard that the tutorials by Dan are a bit outdated, but will look into them. Also, all of the videos I found from Aymen himself are long outdated, sadly. I thought he gave me all the documentation with the purchase of http post plugin, but if that doesn't come with it, I will see if I can get what you mentioned. I love documentation! Thanks also for the explanation, I get it now! Now if only I could figure out how to scrape more pages in a loop or something, I would be set!
  4. What is the best way to scrape data from a website like craigslist using the http plugin? Should I use http get, or the xpath parser? And what are the advantages/disadvantages of using either method? I am trying to wrap my brain around this plugin and learn how to best handle scraping practices, so any help and or push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Yeah I think that buddy guy fell off the map. Perhaps closing these threads (so people no longer pay for dead stuff) is in order? I have been waiting on a reply from him for over a month, and won't be buying into his site if the damn thing is broken. It's great that the purchase button still works, but the site itself is not working, yes, great for him, not for potential customers...
  6. What is "DeliterCSS.dll"? Is it something you made? I don't have access to that.
  7. What about using Aymen's HTTP post plugin? I bought it and have yet to jump into using it yet, but really want to!
  8. Good, question. I would like to know as well. It is a troublesome thing to try and get done...
  9. Tutorials using any of the plugins you have listed would be really nice, I know I would buy them. Some other bot ideas to make a tutorial on: Imgur posterbulk iTune account makerCraigsList Renew Bot (renew your ads based on time, title,etc. Check for renew date, title, etc.)traffic exchange bot (hitleap,easyhits4u,10khits, etc.)Like4Like and/or addmefast bot (hard to do)
  10. I think that is the case, there is no items in shorturls in the debugger when I run this. What can I do now? I need it to use headless, to hide actions from the end user.
  11. Thank you, but no it didn't work. As for the wait, prior to those commands I listed, I have a "wait for browser event". I think it has something to do with the list code.
  12. I have written a bot that uses a list to go through a UI Block Text, shortens the input and then outputs to a different list. The problem I am having, is that the list that gets updated to, keeps returning an error and stopping the script when in headless mode. wait(1) type text(<url field>,#currentlongurl,"Standard") wait(1) click(<login button>,"Left Click","No") wait(1) add list to list(%shorturls,$scrape attribute(<class="short-url">,"href"),"Delete","Global") set(#currentshorturl,$next list item(%shorturls),"Global
  13. Same issue here, but mine does not load fully, then when closing it and loading it again, it just stays blank. This is on a windows 10 machine.
  14. How good is your selling ability and promotion? That is where I currently lack the most. Learning ubot was and still is a good challenge, but making bots and coming up with good ideas is now a strong point for me. Few roadblocks with understanding how to achieve specific functionality remain. Talking about skill-sets you possess and what you can bring to the table is a good start, if you're interested.
  15. For your first question: ui open file("Accounts List",#accountslist) clear list(%accountslist) add list to list(%accountslist,$list from file(#accountslist),"Delete","Global") The second one is more complicated. You would need to make a function that went through the list and did what you want it to do, then removed specific items from that list, based on your criteria. Perhaps a more talented and experienced ubotter could chime in on that one? I could use some education on good ways to do it as well! Although, I will experiment later today when I get back, to see if I can create such a fun
  16. Thank you Helloinsomnia! I understand where I went wrong now, a very important lesson. Hopefully it helps others to understand the use of regex and the advanced element editor better.
  17. Oh, I think I get it. So the code I was working on in the advanced element editor, was going against the found info itself? (As the element was already found by the selection) So inputting the regex just overrode that, causing confusion and it not to work as I intended. And that is why people were using "find regular expression" instead of doing so in the advanced element editor? Is this a correct assessment of where I messed up? If so, then me using the advanced element editor was unfounded, and should be avoided for such situations. Correct? I guess that regex is only ever needed the
  18. I am using HelloInsomnia's "Regex Builder", which seems great, it worked in the program, but not in ubot. That was my question above, I need help with those specific questions I just quoted above in post 8 and 9...
  19. Anyone? Looking to understand what went wrong here, need help...
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