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vemomedia last won the day on February 12 2017

vemomedia had the most liked content!

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7 Neutral

About vemomedia

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    atlanta ga
  • Interests
    automating my life! :p

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  • Skype

System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 10
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  • License
    Standard Edition

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  1. i can manually run clicks with the run javascript functions and using the click method, but its a pain in the butt
  2. i have, guess i am just waiting back to hear from them. Really hope to get this site to work since this is the main reason i purchased ubot
  3. ok is it just my computers or can anyone use the click commands on www.gdax.com ? if so then i need to know whats going on with my version of ubot 5.9.55
  4. This simple bot will complete 2 tasks via fiverr.com Scrap targeted users from your competitors gigs. Send targeted users a message to promote a new service. TRY FREE DEMO VERSION HERE Here is a video example:
  5. ok so ive tried on multiple occasions to get the wait functions to work and they seem to just get passed over. because of this i always get a error about "slate" itll say something on the lines of the element can not be found. All of the xpaths are correct and have been tested but the wait functions do not work. I use the ubot wait feature and itll work but when it goes faster itll throw an error.
  6. ok i just submitted a support ticket, and i am going to look into the chromedriver, i had built the bot on my laptop instead of my desktop and it works but now i get errors, something about slate and it cant find the elements but itll work for a while then stop. It seems its not waiting for the elements to show up. I sent over the source file in a .txt with the ticket, look fwd to waiting on a reply. Also my skype is "vemomedia" if you can contact me on there as well.
  8. literally everything is out of wack with exbrowser, its not finding the xpaths correctly, it crashes, i keep getiting error chromedriver227, another error to provide location for more action when its obviously the right element, even with simple stuff that i used to be able to do like log into youtube i cant now, for some reason it doesnt recognize the password element, also none of the wait commands are working thus i am getting more errors!!!, PLEASEEE HELP!
  9. is there a way i can have my customers send over a error log, lets say the bot crashes or stopped and i need to debug it, is there a way to have the customer send over the log to my email?
  10. is there a way to change the location of the browser? lets say i compile a bot and i want the browser in its own tab alone, or even have it on the right side and the buttons on the left or vise versa. or even if i want it to be a popup window? Is there a html code for this perhaps?
  11. ahhhh!!!, so i can use this with threading??
  12. ok so i have been working on a youtube bot and im using multiple tabs, i have found that when i open a new tab it seems it opens it incognito, i am trying to perform multiple tasks at once in different tabs while staying logged into youtube but it makes me log in everytime. is there a way to stay logged in on all tabs? Also i find it does the same thing if im using threads (in new window). Perhaps it has something to do with the cookies?
  13. hey dan, how would i make this into a multi thread if i only use the "thread" command ?
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