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About daddycaddy

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    Not Telling

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  • OS
    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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    Professional Edition

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  1. well I cannot use those plugins because I cannot connect to license server
  2. well I cannot use those plugins because I cannot connect to license server
  3. with pash plugins not working anymore, I need a way for my bots to restart themself when certain values are meet any ideas or plugins that can do that? thanks
  4. I use CCleaner together with my bots for a long time with no issue so far so I'm sure thats not the cause I will try to reinstall the windows, maybe some windows update messesup my settings ty
  5. Hey Pash I'm having problems with plugin command("Advanced Ubot.dll", "restart", 5, "True", 5, "") lately (last 2-3 months) It worked just fine for a long period of time but lately, my bots do not restart randomly It's strange because of most of the time the command works BUT randomly it stops working any my bot its stuck and it doesn't auto run anymore To make it clear, the bot works fine for 80% of the time, the issue happens randomly, when this issue happens the bot it's started BUT it doesn't autorun anymore so it just stuck there and it has to be closed from the taskbar or task m
  6. hi there, I'm having some issues with my Ubots When compiled with Ubot4 they work just fine but when compiled with Ubot6 they do not start I installed already Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 but didn't help, I'm also getting this error in cef_browser_log.txt No idea how to fix it, there is no UbotCefSharpBrowser running as I checked in Task Manager at the time of this error I'm posting here because I reall don't know what else to do anymore, maybe someone has an idea on how to fix it System runs Windows 10 Home 32bit
  7. hi there, thank you a lot man, you saved me thank you thank you thank you
  8. hi there, i'm trying to edit the page source of an website i want to replace this: <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response" style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none; display: none; "></textarea> with this: <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response" style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none;"></textarea> basically i want to remove th
  9. Hi there, i'm using the following to clean my Ubot cookies/history plugin command("Advanced Shell.dll", "shell batch hidden", "\"C:\\Work\\CLEAN\\CLEAN.exe\" /AUTO {$special folder("System")}\\rundll32.exe InetCpl.cpl ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351", "Yes") both of them take too much time to complete (i run my bots on VmWare sessions and that's slower then actual PC hdd) and i'm trying to minimize that time... I have selected in Ccleaner to delete all Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox (i use Bliss communication plugin) temp, history, cookies, recent typed urls, index.dat, sessions etc in
  10. for some reason i cannot use Click on firefox works on chrome BUT chrome its slow compared with firefox plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Click", "<id=\"pos_2\">") any ideas? thanks i tried on lastest firefox 32 and 28 both has same issue the mouse goes over the picture/banner but it doesn't initiate the click thanks
  11. Hello, i'm trying to use plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Set Cookie", "cookie1", "234234") comment("Navigates to url") plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Navigate", #url) plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Wait For Dom Ready", 30) but for some reason its not setting the cookies any idea why its not working? i'm using Firefox as CBrowser Thanks
  12. hello, how can i use $CBrowser Set User Agent also can i use this command while using chrome or firefox as CBrowser container? i have another question, while using firefox or chrome container and if the action following a click will lead to an new browser opening, it will still be chrome or firefox in the same page or how it will react? thank you i already purchased the pro version, i just want to understand how CBrowser works
  13. no, i need to click the picture, if it was just navigate it wasn't an issue
  14. hi there, so i'm having an issue with some java scripts which open the content into a new pop up only while using Ubot or new tab using normal browser i do not want that...i want all the links to open in parent ubot browser and share cookies etc i cannot set size or useragent in popup and that not good for what im trying to do so for short i want to know if there is any way to force all URL even those coming from java scripts (which i cannot edit) to open in main UBOT browser and not in a stupid popup... thanks
  15. this is how i do it navigate("http://www.url.com", "Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "") wait($rand(10, 20)) set(#url, $url, "Local") clear list(%scrapedurlsmain) add item to list(%scrapedurlsmain, $scrape attribute(<href=w"{$url}*">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global") set list position(%scrapedurlsmain, 0) save to file("C:\\Work\\scrapeurlsmain.txt", %scrapedurlsmain) add list to list(%scrapedurlsmaingo, $list from text($read file("C:\\Work\\scrapeurlsmain.txt"), $new line), "Delete", "Global") navigate($random list item(%scrapedurlsma
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