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Everything posted by cob007

  1. Hi, Same here the free xaml code nick shared is priceless. 1. You cannot use datagrid context to work, but a workaround would be a button to use and run a custom define 2. Also individual rows don't get deleted in datagrid xaml UI, I tried to delete but never worked! did it work for u when u run a custom define to delete a row
  2. will wickedcoolplugins.com ipn work any type of shopping cart and not just woocommerce?
  3. Ok thanks a lot, at the moment which membership platforms does it work for? Like membermouse does it generate license like jvzoo when you provide IPN?
  4. I am changing my hosting from liquidweb to another hosting. So if I want to move my ubot locket to another hosting, what will be steps, have u covered in tutorial videos how to reinstall? Morever is this same version as below that we have, as I purchased your MOD right when it was released 2 Years ago; http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19546-sell-ubotter-unleashed-licensing-ubotlocker-ready/?hl=unleashed+mod
  5. Exbrowser type text sometimes tends to choose the keyword suggestion while typing in the search box nd this happens more or so with single word keywords. For example here i am choosing the keyword "money", however the search suggestion shows up as moneycontrol and ex browser is choosing the same as it is typing the keyword "money" as u can see in the image. How to solve this?
  6. it works with the following code inside of datagrid style but any style to datagrid row takes the priority, so the colour does not show <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGrid}"> <Setter Property="AlternatingRowBackground" Value="LightGray"/> <Setter Property="AlternationCount" Value="2" />
  7. Also any suggestion how to get alternating row colour to be different like the attached image. I tried both the alternate row index and alternate row cell property but they didn't work .
  8. I am trying to remove the extra space from the right and bottom edges of datagrid rows as u see im image, if i try to apply <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRow}"> <Setter Property="Template" Value="{x:Null}"/> to the datagrid rows, all the cell content disappears, so i am not able to use that. However the same code used on the datagrid row header removes that space but inside the datagrid row its not working So how to get rid of that space
  9. does this check header of website like html?if its http or https?
  10. I want to be able to type a location like "United states" in this textbox using exbrowser type text command, problem is there is already text there(city/state zipcode), is there a way to erase that text first and then type? Or any other way
  11. i want to use bing ads api to post ads ussing their multi user token access, for this we have to use http post for api? any course out there based on API and ubot?
  12. Is there a way to schedule ubot to perform routine tasks: 1. Check the growth of youtube likes and dislikes, say every 24 hours or everytime i login to the compiled bot?
  13. I do have same system, problem is many times u get errors if u run software not as an admin
  14. I was able to solve this by making the data grid cell transparent colour
  15. As u can see in attached image i created datagrid xaml and styled it for hover colour etc. However when i click out of datagrid to some other part of bot and then come back to the table, i see this weird white colour unselected colour on one of the rows of the table of datagrid, how to get rid of it.
  16. I have been using meter system and now ubot locker unleashed and its quite good for me all these years but one particular nagging issue is many times people have to right-click and run as an admin and see the invalid license allowed number of activations exceeded. Now there is no workaround for this Is there any other licensing system in market that is simple and easy with just needed an email to sign up and immediately starting software with no need to right-click and run as an admin I know this opens up for piracy but i get lot of support emails because of right-click run as an admin and
  17. can this be used for let us say : we want to monitor youtube channel likes, ranking etc on daily basis and data is automatically updated each time user logs into the software?
  18. Hello, I would like to build a bot based on posting on web 2.0 sites. Which would be better? Http post or exbrowser, will exbrowser allow automatic captcha solving for web 2.0 sites
  19. Looking at the code, why combine heopas plugin with xpath? there is simple xpath parser also, is there any advantage to use heopas code with xpath?
  20. It has to execute inside a thread since it is multi-threaded
  21. Hello, I am scraping titles and descriptions from youtube using a multithreaded bot using exbrowser, now all the info is being added to the list, however i want to update the datagrid table as the information is being scraped, is it possible to update the datagrid table rows as the data is being scraped instead of having the user wait till the entire scraping is completed and wait till final output is ready? Any small example for this wud be appreciated
  22. ok this has worked to change the gradent colour when pressed; <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="BORDER" Storyboard.TargetProperty = "(Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[2].(GradientStop.Color)" From="Red" To="Orange" Duration="0:0:5"/>
  23. after going through some xaml tuts, from what i understand is;instead of solidbrushocolor we need to use lineargradientbrush as below? to change the hover state colour of button and when button is pressed "BORDER" Storyboard. TargetPropety = (LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Color)
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