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Everything posted by HaHaItsJake

  1. Definitely the tool I'll be using for scrapping now. Great work yet again Deliter! Took 2 hours to get the basics down. Not looking back to anything else now. Very surprised by the speed of it. I love it
  2. Digging this post back up. Deliter is off the team because of personal reasons, he's very highly respected by me. The position is back up to be apart of the team, currently only me at the moment. Website: http://infinitybots.com/ Status: Currently under development. If you're interested shoot me a PM or Skype me; jreeves46 I would like a background/examples of your work and knowledge of what you can do and what you can bring to the team. I'm not going to jimmy up a application since I want to see how well you can present yourself on your own. Regards, HaHaItsJake
  3. Sorry guys, this wasn't notifying me with replies via Email. I'm working with deliter. him and I are starting our freelance website up here in the next few weeks. We're both on the same level with skills and learning from on another our methods. If a spot opens up once we're online and working, I'll open a new thread. Maybe this will thread will start being a "pairing" thread. There's an Idea. TJ, what do you think about a "Pairing" thread for people who would like to find joint ventures? -HaHaItsJake
  4. --------- Possible error on my side. Ignore this.
  5. Just wouldn't be a single bot, but a team for any/all bots.
  6. Yes, exactly. Said it perfectly. That's why I'm always project flipping from one to another and leaving the old one behind when I work by myself. My projects with someone always lasted for months/years. Also working with someone with a niche like this, it can go far. Request sent via Skype.
  7. Would anyone like to work together as a team? I don't mind if you're new to ubot, as long as you have some basic knowledge of programming in general. I shouldn't need to go into detail with this idea as it's self explanatory. Working together on projects, sharing coding, tackling problems as a team and launching them as a team, etc. I'm just use to working on my projects with someone (past businesses) and since I'm back from a personal break and have a decent size Ubot knowledge, I feel this would help me stay focus with projects. I have a few projects that are on hold, looking to start up a
  8. Very interesting. Will have to search under my couch cushion. Is there any limitations to it? It's usable on a lot of games correct? Regards, HaHaItsJake
  9. Hey Acamso, Great work, Very useful implementing this into my script. Had to fix the Timer2 function. It was adding an extra "0" once it goes past 10 for minutes and hours. Before: ($both($comparison(#VAR, ">", 0), $comparison(#VAR, ">", 0))) After: ($both($comparison(#VAR, ">", 0), $comparison(#VAR, "<", 10))) define $Timer2 { increment(#seconds) if($comparison(#seconds, "=", 60)) { then { set(#seconds, 0, "Global") increment(#minutes) } } if($comparison(#minutes, "=", 60)) { then { set(#minutes, 0
  10. Found: From Acamso Post: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16777-get-ui-timer-source-code/ Edited to: Plugins Needed: Variablemulti.dll by Kev123 (http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16045-free-bulk-reset-plugin-lists-and-variables/) Waitfor Formate: 02:45:37 = 2 hours 45 minutes 37 seconds HH:MM:SS (Must have 2) 00:35:45 = 35 minutes and 45 seconds If Timer = Waitfor then it stops. ui stat monitor("Timer: ", #timer) ui stat monitor("Status: ", #status) ui text box("Wait For", #WaitFor) plugin command("Variablemulti.dll", "Bulk Variable Set", 00, "#
  11. Yeah, That's what I was thinking about doing and have it set a var to "true" once the timer hit the time set in UI then have the main bot check the var. Regards, HaHaItsJake
  12. After a few weeks of breaking, I'm back in the game to finish this. Looking for a way to set a timer via UI, and have the script keep running until the timer is up. Example: I set the UI to keep running for straight 2 hours. After the 2 hours are up, the bot should stop. What would be the best way to go about this? Call the computer time, then add the time set from UI and check the computer time to see if it matches the time needed to stop? Regards, HaHaItsJake
  13. Mine located: D:\Users\Jake\Desktop\UI Builder\Interfaces It's located in the Interfaces in the file you created for the program. Where ever the .exe is. Not sure, never needed to. Believe someone else can answer that.
  14. I believe what you're wanting to do is impossible with this plugin at the moment. You'll need to use a strategy outside the plugin. $next list item would help with that. You can not advance a list postion from within the plugin. There's no command, but you can set loop number and use next list item which is thread safe. Regards, HaHaItsJake
  15. Need to enter a zip code. It's stared with required. That could be the problem. Regards, HaHaItsJake
  16. 7.3 Update Dang, sure took some time to download the update. o.o Even for my POS internet (5 minutes). Just a bug Update, or something new? Just me? Program UI messed up. http://i.imgur.com/wuAbITt.png Regards, HaHaItsJake
  17. Hello, All you would need to do is add a "IF" and if that drop down is selected, set the row # to the row # and pull all information from $table cell with that row #. So, if X is on row 4, NOTE: Code might not work, typed it on my phone they should.. Vars/Names are lame I know. lol if($comparison(#x, "=", "x")) { then { set(#row, 0, "Global") } else if($comparison(#x, "=", "a")) { set(#row, 1, "Global") } } comment("Keep adding \"Esle If\" to find the row.") OR If you have Large Table Plugin or another table plugin that lets you search the table,
  18. That's because your Height in "Initial Setup" is not set high enough. Can tell by the purple dark double line under the nav-bar. Need to put a height in. NOTE: Don't need "px" in initial Setup. That's only for the elements. Regards, HaHaItsJake
  19. Excellent Update. Makes the gifs easier. Bug- Status Monitor back to being really small if they're not already inside the code. Adding a new one makes it small. I'll keep an eye out for more if I come across them. Spacelabs Theme atm, http://i.imgur.com/ojnycCe.png http://i.imgur.com/LGQIslV.png Regards, HaHaItsJake
  20. Not sure, I'll keep an eye on the task manager though when using it for now on. Might be a server problem on his end? Could that...? I know it wont work without his server up Regards, haHaItsJake
  21. I can't confirm this. I have been using SSUB all day ever day for the past 4 days and haven't had this issue yet. I have a alert set if my CPU/Ram goes over %25 CPU and %50 Ram. Hasn't poped up once and my fans haven't gone death rattle on me lol. Working on my UI for current Project, so I been flipping pre-set themes and custom and messing around with all that SSUB offers. I did watch my CPU load while importing a project and it shoots up only %10 more (%13-15 total for SSUB/browser.exe's) for maximum of 5 seconds then drops after it loaded the CSS. Working with 3.8GHz (turbo) core atm. M
  22. My mistake. Have you ever done Recaptcha with HTTP Post before? Google Recpatcha. Regards, HaHaItsJake
  23. Yes, that is why I need the layout to determine how to split the information if the captcha was incorrect to know how to pull the ID needed to send back to the Captcha service in use. I only have DeathbyCaptcha. Also, when reporting failed captcha, do you need to send the Image with that? Or just the Captcha ID? Regards, HaHaItsJake
  24. Hello Roberto, It's not a bug with Ubot, you just need to learn about Ubot before jumping into things. There's many forum post about Captcha and Recaptcha via Browser and the HTTP Post. Are you trying to accomplish this with borrower, or with the HTTP Post plugin? Browser: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Solve_CAPTCHA Works for almost all captcha via browser. Video: HTTP Post: For Recaptcha, I suggest getting the HTTP Post Turotials from Dan. Excellent help and knowledge about it. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16544-sell-http-plugin-tutorial-video-series/ Also
  25. CD, excellent advice. That's my problem though, I'm a perfectionist =/ one of my weakness. I been trying to move away from error logging, but each time I run it it's a new error somewhere. So it's not really trying to get all the errors per say, but the major big ones that could/can screw everything up. Getting there with the basic. I'll be starting up a thread for beta testing with the top dogs here on the forums once I get it ready for beta. Still got to put 3 major features and update 2 with this software. I must say, I'm impressed with my work with just being a new Ubotter haha. Wanna
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