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Everything posted by TheMcD

  1. Thanks, I'm sure that will work for some people. I'm looking for a longer term hosting solution with a domain name and all.
  2. Wouldn't you only be allowed to run one copy of Windows (meaning you couldn't spin up any more servers with an image)? I guess you are saying, buy a copy of Windows, spin up a $5 instance, then upgrade the plan as needed for more/intensive bots. (Am I right in my guess?)
  3. Does it pop up in compiled bots if you don't have an active subscription? Just curious.
  4. 2012 See: http://network.ubotstudio.com/blog/set-up-ubot-studio-on-a-free-amazon-vps-in-ten-minutes/
  5. Thanks HelloInsomnia, But that is what I was saying UBS (uBot Studio) isn't that robust, and my initial attempts failing. So, I was looking for anyone/ any threads on success or ideas using the built in uBot Studio feature.
  6. Has anyone been able to control a desktop piece of software? I know UBS does not have in depth features for this... My initial attempts aren't working. Just wondered it it works at all, any threads on it? Any advice/tutorials? Thanks
  7. Don't be so quick to spaz out. I didn't read the wiki in detail, I just thought I'd point you there in case there was something to help you. A lot of people don't look at the wiki. And, if nothing else, my reply keeps your post alive and active, so others may chime in. Don't let your programming frustrations turn you into an idiot the community wouldn't want to help.
  8. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/$read_file
  9. Thanks for the suggestion. The table that I mentioned above contains the same HTML, or I should say it looks the same. I'll have to check.
  10. In my starting of the email project mentioned here: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/20916-email-task-handler-bot/ I find that the HTML emails I get have {Tabs} in them, that I want to keep (as a delimiter). It turns out that it seems that the function: Create Table From Emails, strips the tabs out, well at least some for them. There are not many email commands to use, and no work around that I can think of. I need to keep the HTML {Tabs} in order to parse easily and find what I need. Anyone know how to keep the email intact so that I can actually use the email?
  11. You could possibly turn it into recurring by selling the service, instead of the bot(s). You'd need some sort of interface for users to send it data, etc.
  12. You are correct. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Email_Body_Text
  13. Thanks. I got a hold of support
  14. Luis, which plugin(s) specifically? I really only see that I need a way to parse the body of the email(s).
  15. I'd like to create a bot that can handle tasks for me... 1. I'd like to be able to send an email to a specific email address. 2. The bot checks for email 3. The bot reads (parses) the body of the email and finds the tasks (plural) 4. The bot executes the tasks * 5. The bot sends an email with info about tasks finished. 6. The bot triggers a URL. 7. Done * The bot is programmed to handle specific tasks. ** I'd like to see uBot get stronger working with Desktop apps, but that's another topic.
  16. There are so many sites with APIs, it'd be great to be able to: Grab data from a site, push it into an API, or into Zapier... Run some data gathering/processing bot, push stuff into one API, get a response and then push the response into another API... etc. Anyone done anything like this? Any plugins (that are still supported), that would help achieve this? It'd be great to have a plugin that'd just handle working with APIs. And, with the ability to use any API, not just ones the plugin is coded for.
  17. I agree. It should be a paid upgrade, as it would be a major feature upgrade.
  18. Thanks Dan. It's not about being able to finding what to click code-wise, but to me, it's about two things: 1. Having been a programmer of some sorts since the 1980s, I've seen the programming world get more "nerdy", and miss the newer programmers. Finding an image is quicker than learning all the "nerd" that programming has become today. * 2. I have seen more often than not, certain sites change their code to foil bots, but NOT change the image. If a bit is based on code, it would break too often. If the bot used images, a lot less breakage. * Side Rant: Back in the day, you used to b
  19. So I develop on my local Windows computer... I am going to be using some bots on a Windows Cloud Server... Can we have an instance of uBot installed in two places at once (assuming of course that I'd only be running one at a time)...? * Just makes it easier to test stuff locally sometimes and then sometimes on the cloud server.
  20. Regarding the wonderful exBrowser, I just barely posted something that hopefully Dan can add. It could solve a lot of things for many reasons like code changing on a site, etc. And it would solve your problem too. * Think image recognition (that uBot can already do). Here is the post: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19726-forget-xpath-use-click-coordinates-in-exbrowser/?do=findComment&comment=129274
  21. I'm a new user to exBrowser, and this thread got me thinking... Could exBrowser be made to find and image on a page (like you can with the default uBot)..? I'm not at my computer, but that'd be a killer feature, as well as add some nice functionality, since sites a lot of times keeps the images the same, but the code itself changes.
  22. Update: So today I was working on the bot some more... As usual, trying to run the .exe immediately crashes. But.... this time I finally got an error from window that said a CEF sub-process failed. (I've tried both version of the browser.) Here I come exBrowser.
  23. I'm having the same issue. Been working on a bot testing it and all, then all of a sudden when I try to run the .exe, it starts up then shuts down. No bueno P.S. The bot runs fine within uBot, but the compiled version starts and then dies.
  24. Haven't tried, but I assume you'd want to dial and play audio, like a voice blast...? Well you'd need to connect audio into the call, something uBot cannot do at the moment.
  25. Yeah image recognition would be awesome!
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