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Everything posted by alcr

  1. If you rightclick, check on the top of the box opening - there you can change the area to which one you want, the <a> for an example.
  2. Check the attached file. And I'm not sure on what you're trying to ask on your second question?
  3. Oh I'm talking about the box next to the browse button, before you get that window open.
  4. Take a look at this one http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4086-a-little-headache-saving-trick/
  5. That function could surely be more advanced - functions like secure connections and attachments etc would be cool. But if I'm not mistaken, you write server:port. (By standard it's port 25, might be that you can't change it here in UBot yet. I'll take a chat with Seth later tonight and see his thought about it)
  6. Right click on the small box where the searchpath goes, click choose by attribute (and take a good one which seems solid) Then use 'change file field chosen' with your searchpath. Voila, you're done. If you still want to go the old way, you would have to use the thread command, splitting the commands into two different threads. There are detailed instructions here on the forum, I think Luke had a similar problem a while ago. Psychotix: It always works here? Have you tried having enough delays? It might be a little tricky at a bit slower computers.
  7. +1 I'm closing this thread down If you had some purpose with this thread, please PM me about it and I'll reopen it!
  8. http://vimeo.com/12576237 Take a look at this one But I would guess you would have to take a look in opera or firefox for the iframe first.
  9. Wheres the damn Insert Node option? - The insert node option is not needed with this new fancy interface Why can i not rt click on a node in my bot and EDIT it vs. having to start over or drag a new node in and so it over? - Works fine here? Whats happening for you? Some veeeery old bots might fuck up with the editing, but thats some rural bug which we haven't had time to solve yet. What captcha service is now the best to use? - I would go with bypasscaptchas, they're very stabile!
  10. It is not possible to run firefox with UBot (oh well starting a shell command with some parameters could work, but then pretty much any macro program would do that better)
  11. alcr

    Proxy changer

    Buddy, are there anything that you can think of that's interfering with the proxy change inside UBot? Some kind of antivirus or anything like that? A failed windows update of some sort? Does it work if you try it on other computers?
  12. Try reporting it as a false negative to norton as much as you can. That would probably speed it up since the problem isn't really on our side.
  13. Try using 'change file field chosen' instead
  14. How are the files named? If it is fileX where X is a number, then just go like: Set #variable 1 loop total number of files upload c:\filepath\file{1}.avi where {1} points to #variable inc #variable
  15. Sweet mother of jesus, this is a good share!
  16. Ah you're in the members group - might be that. Send me your receipt or your username and I'll upgrade you to the Customer group.
  17. That is a tough question. I believe some type of including would be the 'only' way. Try use an installer which installs the exe's, and make a shortcut to the master exe.
  18. Didn't work here either. And I do unfortunately not have a clue on how to solve your problem.
  19. A url in this matter would help! You could PM it to me if it's sensitive
  20. alcr

    Proxy changer

    What if you compile the bot, run it and check the ip?
  21. Either a delay on 99999999999 seconds or a wait for which are waiting for that specific choice.
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