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About Kazzo

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  1. Hey guyz .. here is an quick way to upload an image to profile banner . set user agent("Internet Explorer 6") set(#path, "yourimagepath", "Global") navigate("https://mobile.twitter.com/settings/profile", "Don\'t Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", 30) click(<href="https://mobile.twitter.com/settings/profile_banner">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", 30) change file field(<name="banner">, #path) wait(1) click(<name="commit">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", 30) hope it helps
  2. I'm generating my own username in this type.. so i never get blanks set(#username, "{$spin("\{a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|y|z|w\}")}{$account data("Username")}{$random text($rand(1, 3))}", "Global") type text(<id="*">, #username, "Standard")Hope it helps :-)
  3. If you'll face a problem regarding ubot or if you can't figure out how some commands works, just add me on skype and i'll help you out :-). cheers
  4. Can't you just make a picture and let the bot to click on the picture? Sometimes it solves the problem
  5. Set user agent to Chrome, here is working fine. Sometimes is user agent fault.
  6. For captcha i'm using this and works great .. why i'm using focus ? because sometimes when window is little the captcha may have problems and not showing up, so i'm focusing near an closer element to make sure that it will be displayed focus(<id="uxp_ftr_link_legal">) wait(1) type text(<id=w"wlspispSolutionElement*">, $solve captcha(<src=w"https://client.hip.live.com/GetHIPData?hid=*">), "Standard") Hope it helps! :-)
  7. I'm using this for my hotmailusername and hotmailpassword set(#hotmailusername, "{$account data("Username")}{$random text($rand(1, 3))}", "Global") set(#pass, "{$random text(2)}{$rand(11, 99)}{$random text(4)}{$rand(111, 999)}{$random text(4)}", "Global") And for saving .. add item to list(%hotmail accounts, "{#hotmailusername}@hotmail.com:{#pass}", "Delete", "Global") save to file(#saveaccounts, %hotmail accounts) Hope it helps :-)
  8. Hey buddy, i've tryed to get this working for me .. i m trying to use a proxy then remove it from list. I've runned your 1st example but seems that isn't working. I'm getting an error on this step change proxy($list position(%list)) : "Index was outside the bounds of the array". Any ideas what's wrong?
  9. You can try this out .. works like a baby for me :-). loop(100) { wait(1) run javascript("window.scrollBy(0,50); // horizontal and vertical scroll increments scrolldelay = setTimeout(\'pageScroll()\',100); // scrolls every 100 milliseconds") wait(1) }
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