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juicehunter last won the day on October 26 2015

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30 Excellent

About juicehunter

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    Windows 7
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    More Than 9Gb
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    v3.5 & v4.0
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  1. Looks like someone was drunk when they shipped the release. It is a function that most of the time comes with a auto generated function, mostly the result from Resharper. for example This can of course never happen if they actually test the code they wrote...
  2. Why is ubot still at 39 when CefSharp is at verion 47.0.2 and fixed already a ton of issues between those versions.
  3. Trough a process called Browser Fingerprinting. Ubot has a unique browser identification footprint which you can identify it by. Not sure about the new Stealth browser but the old one can easily be identified by it's outdated plugins and combination of them.
  4. I might have something for you send me a pm to clear things out.
  5. Only problem with using a sub process is that they can change the name of the exe and they bypassed it.
  6. Try this build https://mega.nz/#!Qw5jmCDS!luBzmi2ZyJSDMvZsAzPJnKfz9oju_l6iuWn4zydnpaM Added a function called "$is already running", it returns true if there is already another instance running. However it doesn't look at the process name, it checks the name you put in there. So make sure you use a different name in different apps. Hope you find it usefull.
  7. Oops, there you go https://mega.nz/#!lgRlibLI!l1vLHSqjngeQQ48H-W3u8ssgnnAWNNtqY73qbE8CuxU
  8. It's not available anymore no, but it was already available in Open.Framework.dll (link: https://mega.nz/#!lgRlibLI)
  9. Juiceme, is the key, I know at this point not really protective. But we planned back there to make one big open source plugin out of it with all bell's and whistles. Basically like the include command seth introduced much later, but they wanted a way to protect the ubot code that was included.
  10. Here you go mate https://mega.nz/#!lgRlibLI!l1vLHSqjngeQQ48H-W3u8ssgnnAWNNtqY73qbE8CuxU
  11. A mutex will be much better and more reliable, i released it once in a free plugin called Open.Framework.DLL
  12. A mutex can do this, just need to add it to a plugin and it works out of the box.
  13. Afrikaans is oorspronklik die Hollandse taal, daarom is dit vir ons so maklik afrikaans te verstaan en praat. Kyk maar na jou vlag, is 'n Hollandse vlag met wat groen, zwart en geel daardeur.
  14. Ek is 'n Hollander, so jy praat my taal But what we where told is it's against the TOS to convert Ubot code to anything else and compile it.
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